2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (2024)

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (1)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse Coupons Inc. & Simmons Market Research Bureau

April 25, 2008

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (2)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Research Objectives

•  Confirm the demographic of the online coupon printer

•  Understand why shoppers use online coupons

•  Understand where online coupon printers prefer to find coupons

•  Confirm the marketing benefit of adding coupons to ad banners, e-mails, etc.

•  Explore consumer attitudes re. online coupons

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (3)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

…Internet Use Climbs

Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project; Newspaper Association of America

Online Penetration

Newspaper Readership

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (4)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Coupon User Shift











•  Newspaper share eroding as online couponing increases •  Online couponing represents 22.4% market penetration in 2007



Source: Simmons Market Research Bureau

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (5)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Online Coupon Growth

•  Online coupon usage continues to grow – now accounting for 22.4% of coupon market penetration

Source: Simmons Market Research Bureau

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (6)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

SMRB National Panel Desirable Demographics

•  36 % of online coupon printers have children under the age of 18 in their household •  Online couponing reaching larger and wealthier households


2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (7)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.


•  47% of online coupon printers between 22 and 44 years old (28% more than newspaper FSI clippers)

•  Online coupon printers 40% less likely than newspaper FSI clippers to be over 60 years old (and 33% less likely than general adult population)


Ages22to44 Ages60andOlder

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (8)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Reasons for Using Coupons

•  88% use coupons to save money on brands they usually buy •  Almost half use coupons to try new products

Q: Why do you use coupons? Select all that apply.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (9)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Where Do You Typically Go to Find Coupons?

•  Majority of respondents find coupons in multiple locations

Q: Where do you typically find coupons? Select all that apply.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (10)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Where Do You Go to Get Printable Coupons?

•  Majority (43%) of printable coupons accessed at general savings sites like Coupons.com •  Manufacturer’s promotional site is second (31.9%); followed closely by manufacturer’s

brand website and retailer sites (31.0% and 30.8% respectively)

Q: From which of the following sources do you obtain printable coupons? Select all that apply.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (11)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Why Do You Go to Website or Subscribe to Newsletter?

•  Half (51%) of online coupon printers go to a manufacturer/retailer’s website or subscribe to a newsletter to find money saving coupons

Q: Why do you typically go to a website, manufacturer’s website or subscribe to a manufacturer’s email newsletter? Select all that apply.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (12)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Products Use Coupons For

•  74% of online coupon printers use coupons on frozen food products; 71% use coupon on refrigerated foods

Q: Thinking about all types of coupons that you currently use, which types of products do you use coupons for? Select all that apply.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (13)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Coupon Use and Intent

Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable coupons or whether you would like to use printable coupons in the future.

•  Enormous couponing upside still exists for most product categories •  Restaurants and Fast Food offer untapped promotional opportunities


67% 65%

57% 58%54%


42% 39%



16% 18%15% 13% 12% 10%

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (14)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Time Spent Online in Past 7 Day

•  76% of online coupon printers spent at least one hour online in the past 7 days

•  51% spent at least 5 hours online in the past 7 days

Q: How much time did you spend on the Internet for something other than email in the last 7 days?

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (15)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Time Spent Online in Past 7 Days

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (16)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Importance of Internet

•  60% of online coupon printers think the Internet is a very or extremely important source for looking up product information

•  Over half (53%) thinks it is a very or extremely important source when shopping for non-food items

Q: Please indicate how important the Internet is to you as a source of information for each of the following items.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (17)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Product Research

•  81% of online coupon printers research products or services online before making an offline purchase

•  Only 6% say they never do so

Q: How often do you research products or services online prior to making an offline purchase decision?

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (18)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Online Research Method

•  59% of online coupon printers go directly to the manufacturer’s site to obtain information on products

Q: How do you research products online? Select all that apply.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (19)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Agree: Products & Manufacturers with Online Coupon

•  58% of online coupon printers agree that products and manufacturers with online coupons are more likely to come up with products they will use and enjoy

Q: Please indicate how much you agree with each statement.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (20)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.


•  73% of online coupon printers are more likely to open an email if a coupon was offered

•  Only 9% are less likely to do so

Q: If you know there is a coupon offered in an email, are you…?

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (21)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Banners or Search

•  64% of coupon printers state they are likely to click on an ad banner or search listing to get a coupon

•  Only 14% are less likely to do so

Q: If you know there is a coupon available as a result of your clicking on an ad banner or search listing, are you…?

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (22)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.


•  86% of online coupon printers are likely to print and use coupons that are relevant to content

Q: When you are viewing an article or content on a website, such as a recipe, and a coupon for something related to the content (e.g. a coupon for a recipe ingredient) is located within the article, how likely are you to print and use the coupon?

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (23)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Personal Info

•  77% of online coupon printers state the value of the coupon affects their willingness to provide personal information

Q: When you are asked to provide personal information on a website to receive a coupon, how does the value of the offer affect your decision to provide this information?

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (24)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

$1 vs. $2 Coupons Q: Which of the following pieces of information would you supply in order to receive a $1 coupon and what information would you supply for a $2 coupon?

•  The value of the offer will dramatically affect a consumer’s willingness to provide information •  For $1 coupon, more than half of online coupon printers were willing to give their email address and

demographics data •  For $2 coupon, nearly two-thirds willing to give anything from email address to postal address

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (25)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

Executive Summary

•  Online coupon printers skew younger, have larger households, and are wealthier and better educated than the general population and newspaper FSI clippers.

•  Over half of online coupon printers are more likely to click on an ad banner or open an e-mail if it is enabled with a coupon.

•  83% of online coupon printers are more likely to print a coupon if it is relevant to their reading content.

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (26)

©2008 Coupons, Inc.

•  77% of online coupon printers state the value of the coupon affects their willingness to provide personal information

•  81% of online coupon printers research products or services online before making an offline purchase

•  Enormous couponing upside still exists for most product categories

•  Half (51%) of online coupon printers go to a manufacturer/retailer’s website or subscribe to a newsletter to find money saving coupons

2008 Printable Coupon Consumer Pulse©2008 Coupons, Inc. Coupon Use and Intent Q: For each type of product that you use coupons for, please indicate whether you currently use printable - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the Temu code for existing users? ›

You can get $100 off Temu by using the coupon code "acr897367". Existing customers can use this code. Using Temu's coupon code [acr897367] will get you $100 off, access to exclusive deals, and benefits for additional savings.

Where can I get manufacturer coupons for free? ›

Major sources of digital coupons include the following.
  • Coupons.com. This website is perhaps the largest source of manufacturer coupons. ...
  • RedPlum.com. This site offers manufacturer coupons that can be printed or saved to a grocery-store loyalty card.
  • SmartSource.com. ...
  • Manufacturer websites. ...
  • Retailer websites. ...
  • Retailer apps.
Feb 22, 2019

Is it legal to use coupon codes found online? ›

In general, using coupon codes found online is perfectly legal as long as you abide by the terms and conditions set by the retailer offering the coupon. Most legitimate coupon codes are intended to be shared widely to promote sales and discounts.

Where to enter Nintendo birthday code? ›

The birthday promo code received via email must be entered in the Promotion Code field during the Checkout process. Offer valid only for purchases made through nintendo.com/store. Customers must log-in with a Nintendo Account to use promotional code.

How to get $100 on Temu? ›

New users at Temu receive a $100 discount on orders over $100 Use the code [act200019] during checkout to get Temu Coupon $100 off For New Users.

Why is Temu so cheap? ›

As mentioned earlier, Temu sources their products directly from manufacturers in China, cutting out the middleman and reducing costs. They also operate on a low-profit margin model, which allows them to offer products at prices lower than most retailers.

How do I get free promo codes? ›

Basic strategies for finding coupon codes
  1. Google search. The most basic way to find discount codes is to run a quick Google search. ...
  2. Coupon toolbars & extensions. ...
  3. Coupon websites. ...
  4. Store's own coupon page. ...
  5. Newsletter signup. ...
  6. Live chat. ...
  7. Abandon your shopping cart. ...
  8. Slickdeals.
May 14, 2024

How do you get coupons for extreme couponing? ›

Subscribe to the Sunday newspaper.

The Sunday paper is the traditional go-to place for coupons, since it tends to have several coupon inserts. When you're just getting started, you might be happy with one copy, but true extreme couponing requires more than one copy of each coupon.

How do I get free coupons mailed to me? ›

Sign up for newsletters from companies that you like. They send out emails with free samples (which usually include coupons) and also printable coupons. Request as many free samples as you can as well!

Is coupon glittering illegal? ›

As a type of intentional coupon fraud, coupon glittering is illegal.

What is coupon misuse? ›

Coupon fraud refers to people misusing coupons and promo codes to get unjust discounts. For a business, such actions damage their reputation and cause huge monetary losses.

How to spot a fake coupon? ›

Below are the most common red flags to look for:
  1. Coupons that are valued at more than the actual price of an item.
  2. Coupons without barcodes.
  3. Coupons that do not require a purchase to be made to redeem.
  4. Coupons that do not have conditions of usage in small print.
  5. Paying for a coupon.

How do I claim my free Nintendo online? ›

Select “Nintendo eShop” on the HOME Menu to launch the Nintendo eShop. Select the account you want to use. Select “Nintendo Switch Online” on the left side of the screen. Select “Free Trial” from the banner at the top of the screen.

How do I get a Nintendo code? ›

The download code is a 16-digit code that is printed on the receipt you received from the retailer. If you provided an e-mail address to the retailer when you bought the code, check your e-mail. The retailer may also have sent you an e-mail with a copy of your download code.

What to do if you forgot your Nintendo password and birthday? ›

If you do not remember your Sign-in ID and were unable to locate it using your Nintendo Switch, please contact us for support. If you do not remember the date of birth associated to your Nintendo Account, try entering your nickname instead when resetting your password.

What is the Temu free gift code? ›

The Temu free gift code "acq977991" offers various benefits for both new and existing users. By Using Temu Coupon Code [acq977991] you will get free stuff on temu plus $100 off on your Temu purchase.

How do I get a coupon code for Temu? ›

If you'd like to have coupons sent straight to your phone, sign up for Temu's text club. Text TEMU to 52927 to get 20% off your first order and access to other exclusive offers. You can also sign up for Temu's email list to be notified about upcoming sales. In addition to coupons, Temu occasionally runs sales offers.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 5695

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.