Chippewa Herald-Telegram from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin (2024)

CHIPPEWA HERALD TELEGRAM 9A The Far Side Saturday, July 24, 1993 by Chris Browne by Gary Larsorv Close to Home John McPherson Hagar the Horrible 1 5i.O2Y A. A MM X. Mi 1 I I Bb a mm a m-m writ MM mm mm m-. mw a mm. I in i I Mrm -mt- I Beetle Bailey by Mort Walker ymTr I 17 holp it you CAN'T LfiSsfXo lGO Hi Cro-Magnon wvvrv Jazz man T998 John MePtwrwMslibuMl by Owwwil Press Syndtgf Hominid reconstructions Though he was a star on the school's soccer team, Les Babko was having a tough time with baseball.

by Jim Davis Garfield Hi Lois by Mort Walker and Chris Browne CLICK CLICK CLICK I KINP OF ENJOV IT WHEN EfEXfcUSE W'soRR I NV)OQWW1n catUo Calvin and Hobbes by Charles Schultz by Bill Watterson Peanuts i 'vTzr nrTTm Oi MISS WORMWOODS I YMtf DIDW MIS WORMWOOD. IK TV Ml I K.lU0 FIGURED TCKQUERS SLEPT COFFINS SWE. SHOPS KT THINK? 1V SJPER-MVT -C swt SHOPS KT TUWK? 7 7-2f 1993 UnHwl Feature Syndicate, Inc. 7 16 B.C. by Johnny Hart by Greg Howard Sally Forth MOW COME MEN AREMT NOT YOU GUYS CAUSE A LOT relieve THAT 5.


ePR.l'M(S jff ViL ryf -J---- 7 7-2 WW CMATOM tVMOICA-ni. INC. arriage throws family Into a tizzy Jeane Dixon Syndicated Columnist Landers Syndicated Columnist children, and I was inconsolable about my beloved pet's pending death. I am happy to report it has been over three months since the diagnosis, and Samantha shows no signs of being sick. My vet agrees that it's possible the cancer was detected early enough and may have been completely removed with her initial surgery.

Thank you, Ann, for allowing me to tell of my experience and reiterate the importance of checking pets for any unusual lumps or odd behavior and to seek treatment immediately. Since our furry friends cannot speak for themselves, it is every pet owner's responsibility to do it for them. Garland, Texas Dear Garland: Thanks tor a letter that could save some feline lives. I'd like to remind my readers that dogs, too, can get cancer. Any lump that shows up should be investigated by a veL Early intervention could save the animal's life, mammary cancer.

While rubbing her stomach, discovered a small lump near one of her nipples. The lump was smaller than a dime. I took her to the vet, and surgery was recommended. When the' test results came back, I was told the cancer had already spread to her lymphatic system and would soon spread to her lungs. I was told most cats in Samantha's position lived Dear Ann Landers: My nephew, is about to be married, but his future mother-in-law, "Enid, is out of control.

My sister and I are at our wits' end. Enid insists that my sister pay the bar bill for 265 wedding guests, 250 of whom are ENID'S friends and relatives. My sister is only inviting 15 people. After hearing the number of guests, my sister told Enid point-blank that she and her husband simply could not afford it. Enid replied, "This is a very big event in your son's life.

Take out a loan." I should tell you that the bride's parents have already remortgaged their home to pay for the wedding. When my sister said they simply couldn't handle the bar bill, Enid told Rob that HE should pay it Rob explained that he was saving for a down payment on a house. Enid then said, "That doesn't matter. If your parents won't pay it, then it's YOUR responsibility." Enid's insensitive attitude is turning the affair into a nightmare. I know you are wondering what the bride and groom have to say about this.

Well, their reply was, "Let Enid have her way because this wedding is the most, important thing in her life." What is your opinion of this? Mess in Michigan Dear Michigan Mess: Your sister should not be bashful about telling Enid exactly how much money she can spend on the wedding. Also, she should make it perfectly clear that any additional expenses will have to be paid for by Enid if she insists on going over budget. Rob's future mother-in-law sounds like she could go bear hunting with a switch. I am not optimistic about this couple living happily ever after if Enid is allowed to run things. Dear Ann Landers: I just read the letter from "Salt Lake City," who wrote that pets can also get breast cancer.

My cat, Samantha, was diagnosed with an average of six months. My vet, who is a very compassionate woman, cried with me and advised me to enjoy the time I had left with Samantha. My three cats are like my SUNDAY, JULY 25, 1993 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! IN THE NEXT YEAR OF YOUR LIFE: Be a team player and you will reach the top of your profession. You are blessed with tremendous talent. Controlling your emotions is the key to achieving enormous success.

By December, a romantic relationship will be stronger than ever. Seek immediate attention for any health concerns. Spring of 1994 could present you with a fantastic travel opportunity. Be adventurous. CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DATE: actresses Estelle Getty and Janet Margolin, running back Walter Payton, fashion model Iman.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): You savor spending some time alone or with a kindred soul today. Focus on new spiritual growth. A sale may not include quality merchandise. True bargains can be found elsewhere. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Domestic matters require careful handling.

Financial worries could be at the root of a disagreement. A young person is eager to leam something new and worthwhile. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Warring-relatives tax your patience. Use your special talent for pouring oil on troubled waters. Choose an out-of-the-way restaurant for dinner, or pack a picnic.

CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Talking with an older person gives you fresh insights regarding a business or church matter. Remain calm even if things are not moving fast enough for you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Devote more time and attention to your personal relationships. A confrontation can be avoided if you move quickly.

delights your loved ones. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Friends or relations will host a celebration. Keep the conversation light and breezy.

Avoid talking shop. Children or a special friend play a prominent role in your vacation plans. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): An influential person can be approached at a social function.

Take a chance! A family or neighborhood reunion holds special interest. Include your mate and offspring when planning a business expansion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Someone from your past could reappear, making lots of promises.

Go slow. Tend to neglected correspondence. Your financial wizardry shows great results. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec.

21): You will find joy almost everywhere today. Despite travel delays, you will reach your destination in good spirits. Romance shifts into high gear. Make certain you are headed in the right direction! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.

19): Plan a special treat for your loved ones, but guard against overspending. A chat with an older person leads to deeper rapport. Be diplomatic when making plans. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.

18): Flattery will work wonders today as long as it is sincere. An appreciative attitude will be richly rewarded. Act independent with your current flame. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Use common sense.

Taking a practical approach helps you find solutions. Try not to be petty. A friend's or acquaintance's social plans may prove too expensive for your Bodies can 'decondifion' as they age Dr. Donohue Syndicated Columnist i ifr I am Dear Dr. Donohue: Why does the resting pulse sometimes increase with age? Twenty years ago, my resting rate was 70 or lower.

With a moderate exercise program, I could get it down to 50. But of late it has been creeping upward between 85 and 90. My weight is the same. My blood pressure is OK. My diet is fine.

So is cholesterol. Why does my resting pulse go up? J.T.C. Answer: The normal resting pulse ranges between 60 and 100, so you are not in trouble with your 90 high. Your pulse history is common. Many well-trained athletes have pulses well below 60 beats a minute.

Their heart muscles are stronger and pump blood with greater efficiency with each beat Thus, fewer beats are required to circulate blood. That's what aerobic conditioning means. Aging presents a reverse scenario, a more or less natural deconditioning. For whatever reason lack of exercise, disease or gradual physical decline hearts can easily become decondi-tioned. It now has a weaker stroke, limited in delivery of blood.

But the body's blood demand remains the same, necessitating a greater number of beats, a faster pulse. From your longer letter, I presume two factors If a person is born with a good supply of so-called fast-twitch muscles, he or she is a natural sprinter. That person is able to marshal those muscles to deliver fast strides. Short-distance speed depends heavily on the number of steps taken over a given period, the stride frequency. But speed in general depends on both stride frequency and stride length.

So anyone can increase speed. You do it with drills, including quick-step running in place. Run in place, being careful not to raise the knees too high with the Eventually, a person learns the ideal stride frequency for his individual body. The goal in speed is to cover as much ground as possible without throwing the body off balance or having to lean too far forward or backward. Practice at slow speeds, then translate your stride form into faster runs.

Fast-twitch muscles or not, there's no facet of athletics that cannot be improved with training, Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him at P.O. Box 5539, Riverton, NJ 08077-5539. combine to explain your higher resting pulse: aging and less strenuous activity.

But don't despair. Don't be a slave to pulse numbers. They are only one health indicator. Let your doctor be an arbiter of your present state of health. If you have strayed from the path of fitness, you might want to get back on.

See my fitness material, which offers programs for all ages. Readers can order a copy by writing: Dr. Donohue No. 12, Box 5539, Riverton, NJ 08077-5539. Enclose a long, self-addressed, stamped (52 cents) envelope and $3.

Dear Dr. Donohue: Are there any exercises to improve short running speeds? A.R. Answer: Nature endows us with the musculature to make us either sprinters or marathoners. A change of activity or a4 onH ifTi nanaHl TnniY'S CHILDREN are connucm, TODA vour weaknesses. If they sense uncertainty, they Never let these Jcnow 1 werful incemive for mese tP t0 St'Lrf Thev wi an75 the approval of those teachers they bnght youngsters The lns to en angered.

Many of these admire. Count on these young nons io Thev desire resrject as well Leos will choose careers in medicine or the law. hey desire respect as weu as financial success. A Jl Jk a' Vrfrf.

Chippewa Herald-Telegram from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin (2024)


What river runs through Chippewa Falls WI? ›

The mainstem Chippewa River is formed by the confluence of the West Fork Chippewa River (rising from the 14,500 acre Chippewa Lake, southeastern Bayfield County) and East Fork Chippewa River (rising from the wetlands of the town of Knight in Iron County).

What is the history of Chippewa Falls WI? ›

The village of Chippewa Falls was platted in 1856, and this plat still appears on the records as the Original Plat of the City of Chippewa Falls. An act of the Legislature was passed in 1869 granting a charter, whereby the Village of Chippewa became the City of Chippewa Falls.

What are some fun facts about Chippewa Falls? ›

Chippewa Falls is the birthplace of Seymour Cray, known as the "father of supercomputing", and the headquarters for the original Cray Research.

Where does the Chippewa River empty? ›

Can you swim in the Chippewa River? ›

Fishing & Swimming

The Chippewa River has many great locations for fishing as well as easy access locations for swimming. Parks, such as Nelson Park, provide great areas for the little ones to walk in the water. Other parks, such as Mill Pond Park, have beautiful bridges to cast off from for fishing.

Who is the killer in Chippewa Falls? ›

Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, U.S. On April 26, 2022, Peters' cousin, 14-year old CPB was arrested on charges of murder and rape. The accused was originally publicly identified only by his initials "CPB". He may be tried as an adult due to the murder charge.

What is the crime rate in Chippewa Falls WI? ›

Chippewa Falls Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes4179
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)2.805.39

How old is Chippewa Falls Wisconsin? ›

Incorporated in 1869, Chippewa Falls was the chief sawmill town of the Chippewa River. The city has a rich history of lumber, Native Americans, and pioneering spirit.

How did the Chippewa River get its name? ›

The Chippewa River (Lakota: Mayáwakȟáŋ) is a 153-mile-long (246 km) tributary of the Minnesota River in western and southwestern Minnesota in the United States. Via the Minnesota River, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River. The river was named after the Chippewa Indians.

Who is the mayor of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin? ›

What two rivers meet in Eau Claire? ›

Two large rivers run right through the city of Eau Claire: The Chippewa River and The Eau Claire River. They are the reason behind Eau Claire's name. "Eau Claire" in French translates to "clear water".

Can you kayak the Eau Claire River? ›

It's a neat way to learn about Eau Claire's historic landmarks and see the city's natural beauty from a different perspective. The best spot to launch your kayak is in Phoenix Park at the confluence of the Eau Claire and Chippewa Rivers. Use the Chippewa River Water Trail Map to help guide your float.

Where does Chippewa Falls water come from? ›

The City of Chippewa Falls draws its' water from nine drilled wells located in the West Well field near Tilton Road and the East Well Field near Pumphouse Road. The wells are drilled to a depth between 53' and 97' into a sand and gravel drift formation.

Why is it called Devils river Wisconsin? ›

The Ojibwe name for the river is Ma-na-to-kik-e-we-se-be, or "Stooping Spirit River." The root word Ma-na-to (or manitou) was often mistranslated as "devil" by early white settlers, which is why the river carries the name it does today.

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.