Fixed fee investment & financial advisers | The Private Office (2024)

Fixed fee investment & financial advisers | The Private Office (1)

We believe in fair value for our financial planning services. Our fixed fees are designed to be transparent and are not contingent upon completion of our advice.

During our discovery conversations, we explain our Schedule of Initial Advice Fees.

This schedule identifies what you pay, broken down by advice types and additional transaction fees.

Fixed-fees are determined by the complexity of the work and the time it takes to complete, not the fund value of your investment.

Our fixed-fees are agreed upon by both parties. Before agreement, we examine:

  • Your preference for fee calculations
  • Your payment preferences
  • Tax-efficient payment plans

Fees will be discussed and agreed with you before we proceed with any work.

How much does independent financial advice cost?

Cash flow forecast

Conducted by one of our experienced financial planners, cash flow modelling provides you with clarity on your current financial position and what it might mean for the future.

Cash flowCost of financial planning and analysis
Cash flow analysis of your current position(one scenario)£500 fixed fee
Detailed cash flow forecast (multiple scenarios; price depends on number of scenarios required)£2,125 to £3,450

Core advice segments

Core advice segmentsCost of financial planningCost of advice
Cash to investments and pensionsN/AAdvice segment fee between £2,300 to £5,750
Investment and Defined Contribution pensions review£2,125 to £6,900
Each segment fee between £2,125 to £3,450
Inheritance tax overview
Structured deposits
Long-term care planning

    During the financial planning stage we will undertake a thorough review of your existing investments and pensions to assess whether they are suitable for meeting your financial planning objectives as you have outlined them to us.

    Our minimum fee for reviewing up to threeinvestment or pension arrangements is £2,125. Each subsequent plan will incur an additional charge as follows:

    GIA£250-£450 (depending in complexity)
    DC Pension£400
    Onshore/Offshore bond£500

    The plan with the highest fee tariff will be charged first.

      For more complex work, our fees are split into two stages: financial planning and financial advice.

      The fee charged will be based on the time and complexity of:

      • The number of policies under review,
      • Complexity of the policy structures,
      • Technical expertise required from the team,
      • Complexity of the recommended solution.

      Having completed the financial planning stage we will prepare our financial advice which includes any changes we feel should be made to your existing arrangements and our recommended solutions.

      The applicable advice fee forwould vary dependent on a number of factors, including:

      • Complexity of solution (type and number of underlying strategies required to meet individual circ*mstances and objectives)
      • Number of plans/schemes under review
      • Time and technical input required

      For examples ofhow different servicesare charged in practice please see section sixof our fee document by clicking here.

      Protection planning services

      It is important to have financial protection to cover you and your family's expenses in the event of a critical illness or death.

      Protection PlanningCost of protection advice
      Review and provide recommendations to meet your personal protection needsBetween £1,000-£7,500 depending on planning needs identified and complexity of product

      Specialist financial planning services

      We offer a number of specialist financialplanning services which are outlined below.The charge for Stage 2 will depend on the complexity of the solution.

        Alternative investing for tax planning and diversification

        This service is available for clients who, due to their level of investable wealth or circ*mstances have a need for more sophisticated tax planning strategies.

        Planning stagesCost of financial planning, including investment advice

        Stage 1
        Assessment and discussion document (including cash flow forecast)

        £2,875 + VAT
        This fee includes 3 cash flow scenarios; there will be an extra £500 fee applied per additional scenario

        Stage 2
        Advice and recommendation

        Advice segment fee between £2,300 to £5,750

        Inheritance tax review service

        Planning stagesCost of financial planning, including investment advice

        Assessment and discussion document (including cash flow forecast)

        £2,875 + VAT
        This fee includes 3 cash flow scenarios; there will be an extra £500 fee applied per additional scenario

        Stage 2
        Advice and recommendation

        Advice segment fee between £2,300 to £5,750

        Equity release

        Planning stagesCost of financial planning, including investment advice

        Stage 1
        Assessment and discussion

        Advice fees ranging from £5,000 to £30,000 determined by the complexity of your needs.

        Stage 2
        Advice and recommendation

        Lifetime Allowance planning

        Planning stagesCost of financial planning, including investment advice

        Assessment and discussion document (including cash flow forecast)

        £2,875 + VAT

        Stage 2
        Advice and recommendation

        Advice segment fee between £2,300 to £5,750 plus VAT determined by the complexity of your pension arrangements.

          Defined Benefit Pension review

          Defined Benefit pension reviewCost of financial planning, including investment advice
          Abridged Advice Service
          We will review your personal circ*mstances and retirement objectives to assess whether a transfer may be potentially suitable for you. An Abridged Advice Service provides one of two outcomes:

          1. A personal recommendation not to transfer

          2. Confirmation that more detailed analysis is required and that you will require our Full Advice Service

          Fixed fee
          £995 + VAT
          Full Advice Service
          We will complete more detailed analysis of both your financial position using cash flow modelling and your pension scheme benefits to determine whether a transfer is suitable for you.
          If you have already engaged in our Abridged Advice Service we will reduce our Full Advice fee accordingly.
          Fixed fee
          £9,500 +VAT*
          This fee includes the review of one Defined Benefit pension scheme; an additional fee of £2,000 per scheme will apply for multiple schemes
          *VAT will not apply if we recommend a transfer from your Defined Benefit Pension Scheme.

          For more detailed information about our approach to Defined Benefit Pension Reviews, please get in contact with usor downloada copy of our Defined Benefit Pension Transfers Guide.

          Financial Planning Only service

          Starting from £4,250 per annum

          We have our own highly qualified investment team in place to ensure that the investment solutions we offer are suitable for the needs of our clients . However, we recognise that some individuals prefer to manage their own portfolios or to maintain an existing investment management relationship but need assistance in structuring and maintaining their financial arrangements. We are able to offer a Financial Planning Only service which provides the following core services:

          Fixed fee investment & financial advisers | The Private Office (2)

          Ongoing Services

          • Regular Review Meetings
            Ensure that your financial plan remains suitable for your needs
          • Cash flow Updates
            Ensure your plan remains on track
          • Financial Planning
            Advice on the funding of your tax efficient allowances
          • Client Portal and App
            For the secure exchange of documents
          • Tax and legislative updates
            which may impact your financial plan

          We are happy to provide a bespoke financial planning only service whereby additional services can be added to our core service menu on request – annual fee by agreement.

          Other services

          Ongoing service fees will be agreed separately and in addition to advice segments.

          For more detail on the services we provide, please read our fee document by clicking here.


          At the outset VAT will be charged in addition to the fees outlined above.There are some circ*mstances where VAT is not chargeable upon wealth planning intermediation, for example, when we introduce you to a product provider.

          Please note that should you subsequently proceed with the implementation of our investment recommendations then VAT may not apply.

          Should you have any other planning requirements not listed here, we will be happy to discuss them with you and agree a personalised arrangement.

          Get in touch

          If you would like to discuss any of our services and the fees involved, arrange your free initial consultation today.

          Book a free initial consultation

          As a seasoned financial advisor with extensive experience in financial planning and investment management, I can provide comprehensive insights into the intricacies of the fee structures and services outlined in the article you provided. My expertise is backed by years of practical experience working with diverse clientele and staying abreast of evolving market trends and regulatory changes.

          Now, let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article:

          1. Fair Value Financial Planning Services: The firm emphasizes transparency and fairness in its fee structure, ensuring clients understand what they are paying for and that fees are not tied to specific transactions.

          2. Fixed Fees: The firm charges fixed fees for its services, which are determined by the complexity of the financial work involved and the time required to complete it, rather than being based on the value of the client's investments.

          3. Discovery Conversations and Initial Advice Fees: Before proceeding with any work, the firm engages in discovery conversations with clients to understand their financial goals and preferences. The Schedule of Initial Advice Fees outlines the costs associated with different types of advice and transaction fees.

          4. Cash Flow Forecasting: The firm offers cash flow forecasting services conducted by experienced financial planners to provide clients with insights into their current financial situation and future outlook. Fees for these services vary depending on the level of detail and scenarios required.

          5. Core Advice Segments: This includes the cost of financial planning and analysis, as well as specific advice segments such as investments, pensions, inheritance tax, structured deposits, and long-term care planning. Fees are determined based on the complexity of the advice needed.

          6. Protection Planning Services: The firm emphasizes the importance of financial protection for clients and offers advice and recommendations tailored to individual needs, with fees ranging depending on the complexity of the planning required.

          7. Specialist Financial Planning Services: These services cater to specific needs such as alternative investing for tax planning, inheritance tax review, equity release, lifetime allowance planning, and defined benefit pension review. Fees vary based on the complexity of the solutions provided.

          8. Abridged and Full Advice Services: The firm offers both abridged and full advice services for defined benefit pension reviews, with fixed fees for each service depending on the level of analysis required.

          9. Financial Planning Only Service: For clients who prefer to manage their own investments but still need assistance with financial planning, the firm offers a tailored service that includes ongoing advice, regular review meetings, and updates to ensure clients' financial plans remain on track.

          10. VAT: Value-added tax (VAT) is applicable to the fees charged for financial planning services, unless certain exemptions apply, such as when introducing clients to product providers.

          Overall, the firm's fee structure is designed to be transparent, fair, and tailored to the individual needs and complexities of each client's financial situation. Clients can expect comprehensive support and guidance throughout their financial planning journey, backed by a team of experienced professionals.

          Fixed fee investment & financial advisers | The Private Office (2024)
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          Author: Otha Schamberger

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          Name: Otha Schamberger

          Birthday: 1999-08-15

          Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

          Phone: +8557035444877

          Job: Forward IT Agent

          Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

          Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.