Grandma's Famous Cranberry Salad Recipe (2024)

  • Post author:Melissa Haines
  • Post published:November 24, 2016
  • Post comments:6 Comments

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This Cranberry Salad Recipe is a sure hit with everyone. It’s the perfect side for the holidays. With bits of fresh cranberry, oranges, apples, and pineapple, it has the perfect balance of sweet and tart. Come on in and I’ll share my Grandmother’s Recipe for an Old Fashioned Cranberry Salad…

Cranberry Salad Recipe

This is an old-fashioned recipe, from my grandmother. Boy does this take me back to her 1950s-style kitchen, and the old hand grinder hanging over the kitchen sink! I loved grinding the apples and other ingredients for this delicious holiday side as a kid. Now, even after all of these years, I still don’t think any other cranberry salad holds a candle to this delicious flavor. Sometimes the old-fashioned recipes are truly the best!

If you are looking for holiday sides like this one then you might like my recipe for Old Fashioned Cranberry Cake with Butter Frosting, No Bake Cherry Fluff Salad, or Homemade Cornbread Stuffing with Cranberries

Table of contents

  • Cranberry Salad Recipe
  • Here is a quick video showing you how I make this Cranberry Salad…

It’s not only yummy, but it’s also so festive looking. I love the bits of orange peel and the chunks of cranberry.

Here is a quick video showing you how I make this Cranberry Salad…

Grandma's Famous Cranberry Salad Recipe (3)

Grandma’s Famous Cranberry Salad

Grandma’s cranberry salad is the perfect side for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

5 from 2 votes

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Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: American

Servings: 10 -12 servings

Calories: 190cal

Author: Melissa

Cost: $10


  • 1 12 oz. fresh cranberries
  • 2 large Apples Cored – (quartered or cut into large pieces) Get a sweet variety, like Empire, or Gala
  • 2 Seedless Oranges quartered – Don’t peel these, either.
  • 1 12 oz. stemless Maraschino Cherries – Drain the juice
  • 1 6 oz. Raspberry Jello
  • 2 Cups Heated Water
  • 2 Cups sugar
  • 1 15 oz. Crushed Pineapple Drain the juice


  • Using a food processor or blender – grind the cranberries, apples, oranges, and cherries

  • *Just so the blender or food processor doesn’t get bogged down – You may want to grind a small amount at a time.

  • The mixture should be a little course for texture. Don’t grind it too fine

  • In the meantime, heat the water in a saucepan

  • Add the jello and sugar to the heated water

  • In a large bowl, combine the ground mixture, and the liquid

  • Add the drained crushed pineapple, and stir

  • Chill in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours, or even 1 day in advance

  • Serve and enjoy!


  • The older recipes paid no attention to the number of calories in recipes. This recipe has 2 whopping cups of sugar! The sweetness is a big hit with my kids, and us. I like the balance of tart and sweet. But, if you would like the tartness of the cranberry to show through a little more, just cut back on the sugar. I’d start with 1 cup and add more if it needs it. If, after tasting it, you think you’d like to add more sugar to the salad, just dissolve more sugar in a small amount of hot water, and fold in before refrigerating. 🙂

nutrition information is only an estimate


Calories: 190cal | Carbohydrates: 49g | Protein: 0.4g | Fat: 0.2g | Saturated Fat: 0.02g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.03g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.01g | Sodium: 4mg | Potassium: 96mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 47g | Vitamin A: 83IU | Vitamin C: 16mg | Calcium: 15mg | Iron: 0.1mg

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~Melissa KidFriendlyThingsToDo.Com




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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Grandma's Famous Cranberry Salad Recipe (9)

    Susan Urben October 29, 2020Reply

    Thanks Melissa for this recipe. I omitted the sugar altogether and used the pineapple juice as part of the water, it was about 3/4s of a cup, so 1 1/4 cup water and 3/4s juice from the can . I topped with vanilla yogurt and pecans.

    1. Grandma's Famous Cranberry Salad Recipe (10)

      Melissa October 29, 2020Reply

      That sounds delicious, Susan. Thank you for telling us how you modified the recipe without sugar. I’m sure several people will find that information very helpful. 🙂

  2. Grandma's Famous Cranberry Salad Recipe (11)

    Vickie November 19, 2021Reply

    Would be nice to include the number of servings

  3. Grandma's Famous Cranberry Salad Recipe (12)

    Misty November 29, 2022Reply

    Love this recipe, its so good! I was wondering if you can freeze the leftovers?

    1. Grandma's Famous Cranberry Salad Recipe (13)

      Melissa November 29, 2022Reply

      Thank you! You know, I’ve never tried to freeze this recipe before, but that’s a great question. Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like you can freeze this salad successfully because the Jell-O won’t freeze all the way and some of the fruit will lose their texture. You can, however, store it in the fridge for up to 10 days.

    2. Grandma's Famous Cranberry Salad Recipe (14)

      Melissa November 30, 2022Reply

      Strike my last reply. I’ve been corrected. My mom says she freezes it every year and it holds well in the freezer. That would be a great time saver for Christmas!

Grandma's Famous Cranberry Salad Recipe (2024)


Can you use craisins instead of cranberries? ›

Yes, Craisins® Sweetened Dried Cranberries work well in baked goods; however, there is a 1/4 cup (60 mL) difference in measurement. If a recipe calls for one cup of fresh cranberries you should use 3/4 cup (175 mL) of Craisins®.

What is the closest berry to cranberries? ›

2. Red Currants. Red currants are the closest substitute for cranberries if you can't find cranberries in any form. They have a similar tart flavor and work well as a 1:1 substitute in most recipes.

Can I substitute frozen cranberries for fresh? ›

Yes! Fresh cranberries freeze for up to a year and can often be substituted in recipes that call for fresh cranberries. When cooking with frozen cranberries, do not thaw before using.

What to use instead of cranberry sauce? ›

Consider a chutney with fresh and dried fruit, a tangy citrus marmalade, and even bacon-onion "jam." The recipes we've gathered are sweet and tart or savory and aromatic, they include the spices, nuts, and deep flavors we associate with autumn and winter, so you won't miss the cranberries one bit.

What's the difference between dried cranberries and Craisins? ›

Dried cranberries may be marketed as craisins due to the similarity in appearance with raisins, although the word "Craisin" is a registered trademark of Ocean Spray. Craisins were introduced as part of a packaged cereal produced by Ralston Purina in 1989.

Are dried cranberries better than fresh cranberries? ›

The freeze drying process ensures the berries retain the same amount of antioxidants, dietary fibres, vitamins, and minerals as fresh cranberries. Although dried cranberries retain some of their natural sweeteners, depending on the drying process, some suppliers add sugar to make them more palatable.

How many cranberries should I eat a day? ›

HOW MUCH CRANBERRIES TO EAT DAILY? Studies confirming the health-promoting properties of cranberries have typically used doses of 100-300 g of fresh cranberries, equivalent to 7-10 g of dried cranberries, and 100-150 ml of 100% cranberry juice.

What 2 states grow the most cranberries? ›

Most cranberries come from Wisconsin and Massachusetts

The United States is the world's leading cranberry producer, followed by Canada and Chile.

Are cranberries as good for you as blueberries? ›

The cranberry is also a contender when it comes to antioxidant content. While wild blueberries outperform them when it comes to measuring both antioxidant capacity and cellular antioxidant activity, cranberries pack their own health punch.

Can I use year old frozen cranberries? ›

Cranberries can be stored for up to three (3) years in the freezer. When in sealed packaging, they can be placed directly in the freezer. You can also place them on a metal baking sheet to freeze them, then transfer them to individual bags and return them to the freezer for future use.

Do frozen cranberries get mushy when thawed? ›

If cranberries are frozen then removed from the freezer then thawed, they will have a soft texture and are usable for cooking and baking. Adding frozen cranberries to recipes is often recommended.

Can you freeze whole uncooked cranberries? ›

Place plastic bags of cranberries directly in the freezer for up to twelve months and use without thawing—just run cold water over them to rinse before using. Because some bruised and soft berries and some stems and leaves are often in the bags, you might prefer to sort and wash the berries before freezing them.

What takes the bitterness out of cranberry sauce? ›

"Instead, start by stirring in one tablespoon maple syrup and one teaspoon of a sweet drink like apple juice, orange juice, or fruity white or red wine. Add more to taste. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt (in small amounts, it intensifies sweetness)."

Why is my homemade cranberry sauce runny? ›

Mistake #2: Your Cranberry Sauce Is Too Runny

You may have added too much liquid to the cranberries. In addition to pectin, cranberries contain water, which means you only need to add a splash of liquid to get the cooking going. Add too much and you'll be stirring at the stove much longer than expected.

What can I mix with cranberry juice to make it taste better? ›

I sweetened my juice with honey which adds a sweet floral touch to the beverage. I also use a couple of freshly squeezed oranges which gives the juice a nice hint of citrus flavor. I'm sure apple juice or apple cider would work well too. I think moving forward I'm going to call this drink cranade (like lemonade…).

How can I substitute cranberries? ›

There's not a direct substitute for fresh cranberries, but you could make a relish or chutney using a combination of fresh cherries and pomegranates, as well as a small amount of dried cranberries or dried figs. The flavor will be more sweet than tart, but it serves the same purpose.

What can I use instead of cranberries in a drink? ›

For this viral snow globe co*cktail could certainly use an alternative to cranberries, like frozen grapes, pomegranate seeds or citrus slices (like lemon or lime). You could even use frozen pineapple or mango – make this drink your own!

Do dried cranberries do the same as cranberry juice? ›

All forms of cranberry (juice, sauce, and dried) provide similar health benefits. An 8oz serving of 27% cranberry juice co*cktail provides the same level of goodness as: 1/4 cup fresh cranberries. 1/3 cup sweetened dried cranberries.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.