How Does Waxing Reduce Hair Growth? The Science Behind Hair Removal (2024)

Waxing is a popular hair removal method that can keep skin smooth for weeks at a time. Some people also believe waxing can reduce hair growth over time. But how exactly does removing hair by waxing lead to slower, finer hair growth?

How Does Waxing Reduce Hair Growth?

Waxing reduces hair growth by damaging the actual hair follicles under the skin. The repetitive stress of waxing causes follicles to become weaker and produce thinner, slower-growing hairs over time.

Waxing Damages Hair Follicles

Wax is applied against the direction of hair growth and then pulled swiftly in the direction of growth. This removes the full hair shaft and follicle from the body. The follicle retains some damage each time this occurs.

Follicles Produce Finer Hairs

When repeatedly stressed from waxing, the follicles start producing finer, vellus hairs rather than full, terminal hairs. Vellus hair is thinner, lighter, and grows less than terminal hair.

Hair Regrows at a Slower Rate

With the follicles in a weakened state, the new hairs that regrow after waxing are not only finer but also grow back at a slower rate. The anagen (growth) phase becomes shorter with repeated waxing.

Repeated Waxing Compounds the Effects

While one wax may cause minimal damage, repeated waxing sessions compound the effects on the follicles over time. The results get better the more consistently a person maintains a waxing regimen.

Factors that Impact Hair Reduction from Waxing

How much waxing reduces hair growth depends on several factors:

  • Hair texture - Coarse hair is more affected than fine hair.
  • Waxing frequency - More sessions mean more cumulative damage to follicles.
  • Consistency - Waxing the same area consistently over years has more impact.
  • Technique - Proper waxing technique causes more follicle trauma.
  • Genetics - Some people’s hair is more resistant to permanent reduction.

Does Waxing Prevent Hair Growth Permanently?

Waxing does not permanently prevent hair regrowth. However, it can significantly slow the rate of growth and make hairs much finer and sparser after repeated treatments. But follicles stem cells remain intact, so hair can still regenerate after waxing.

Myths and Misconceptions

There are some common myths about waxing and permanent hair removal. It's important to understand waxing does not:

  • Destroy the follicle or stem cells
  • Stop hair from ever regrowing
  • Weaken hair that’s already visible above skin
  • Work after 1 or 2 treatments
  • Produce the same results as professional laser treatments

Professional Options for Permanent Reduction

For permanent hair removal, professional laser treatments or electrolysis are required. These technologies damage the actual follicle stem cells, not just the hair shaft. At-home waxing cannot achieve the same long-lasting or permanent results.

Who Is the Best Candidate for Hair Reduction from Waxing?

Those who will see the most hair reduction from regular waxing include:

  • People with coarse, thick body hair
  • Those who want to remove hair from large areas
  • Individuals with darker hair colors
  • People who can withstand routine waxing sessions
  • Those who want hair removal lasting 4-6 weeks

People with fine hair, sensitive skin, or who want permanent removal are better candidates for other hair removal options.

Tips for Maximizing Hair Reduction from Waxing

To encourage thinner, sparser regrowth from waxing, follow these tips:

  • Go once every 3-6 weeks for at least 6 months
  • Exfoliate between sessions
  • Allow hair to grow out slightly between waxes
  • Use a reputable wax and technique
  • Avoid any irritation between waxes


While not a permanent solution, waxing can significantly reduce hair thickness and regrowth rate over time. This is due to the physical damage inflicted on the hair follicles with repeated waxing sessions. Results improve the more consistently waxing is maintained every 3-6 weeks. For those who can withstand the process, waxing can provide long-lasting smooth skin.

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How Does Waxing Reduce Hair Growth? The Science Behind Hair Removal (1)

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How Does Waxing Reduce Hair Growth? The Science Behind Hair Removal (2)

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How Does Waxing Reduce Hair Growth? The Science Behind Hair Removal (2024)


How Does Waxing Reduce Hair Growth? The Science Behind Hair Removal? ›

Every hair follicle has a blood supply which supplies the hair with nutrients to grow. Every time you remove the hair from its follicle you weaken its connection to the blood supply. Less nutrients from the blood supply means less nutrients for the hair to grow.

Does waxing reduce hair growth science? ›

Understanding the science behind hair growth is key to debunking this misconception. Genetics and hormones significantly determine hair properties, and waxing does not alter these factors. In fact, waxing weakens the hair follicle by removing it at the root, which results in less growth over time.

Does waxing reduce hair growth down there? ›

Unlike shaving, waxing changes the texture of your hair over time. That's because waxing damages the hair follicles causing your hair to grow back thinner than before. Naturally, this means waxing can definitely reduce hair growth altogether.

Does waxing eventually stop hair growth? ›

Possibly. Factors certainly play into this (meaning: results vary per individual, so there's no guarantee), but experts have argued that consistent waxing over an extended period of time can potentially stop hair from growing for good.

Why is wax pulled against hair growth? ›

All waxes must be spread in the direction of hair growth to make all the hair to stick to the wax.

Is it better to shave or wax? ›

Although the results are fairly similar, there's one key difference: how long they last. On average, waxing lasts around 3 or 4 weeks because the hair is removed at the root. Hair grows back much faster with shaving, though — within 3 days to a week. This is because shaving only removes the top layer of the hair.

Does waxing actually thin hair? ›

The Truth: Similar to the thinner hair myth, waxing can reduce the volume of hair present, but it will not alter its thickness or growth rate. The anatomy of hair is based mainly on genetics and hormones.

Is my pubic hair too long to wax? ›

Hair that's longer than ½ inch can make waxing more complicated as its prone to breakage when waxed off for first-timers, which means the follicle won't be removed and your results won't last as long. Long hair can also cover up other hairs during a wax, which requires repeated waxes of the same area.

Why does pubic hair grow so fast? ›

Part of the perception that your pubic hair grows much faster than the hair on your head may be due to the growth cycle it follows. Pubic hair grows about an eighth of an inch per week, but the entire process takes about a month, Dr. Huang says.

How many times do I have to wax before the hair stops growing? ›

Hairs can stop showing up after 8 months of treatment in areas where it grows naturally finer, as well as with people with fine hair. It's just as common, however, for people to go through years of wax sessions before the hair stops growing for good.

Why doesn't waxing permanently remove hair? ›

Because waxing leads to damaged hair follicles and overall weaker hair, some people do experience minimal to zero regrowth. However, this is rare, and if you do happen to be one of them, then we envy you! But in most cases, the hair follicle heals and hair growth resumes.

Is sugaring better than waxing? ›

Both sugaring and waxing can be great forms of hair removal if you're looking for lasting results. There's no clear “winner” between the two, because it's ultimately down to preference. Those with sensitive skin types might prefer sugaring because of its gentler nature and more natural formulation.

Why did I stop getting Brazilian waxes? ›

Waxing can be a good option for hair removal but unfortunately, it can cause skin damage, ingrown hair, skin burns, allergic reactions, sensitivity to sun, and even infections on your skin. On top of all these, the worst thing you might face after waxing is breakouts and acne.

Why does my pubic hair grow so fast after waxing? ›

Lastly, your hair may be growing back quickly after a waxing treatment due to a diagnosed or undiagnosed medical issues. Hormone fluctuations caused by conditions like Polycystic ovary syndrome and some medications can all be potential factors as to why your hair is growing back at a faster rate.

Why do I have stubble after a Brazilian wax? ›

This is not a part of the regrowth cycle from a wax; it is merely some of your shaved hairs breaking through the skin. After a few waxes, you should be able to experience hairs that grow back on the same cycle, and you'll find that your hair even becomes finer the more you get waxed.

Why does waxing only last a week? ›

Because your hair doesn't go through the stages of the growth cycle all at the exact same time, the hair will grow back at different rates. After a wax, the hairs that were in the resting phase will begin growing back, and that's why you'll see hair regrowth in a matter of weeks but not as thick as before.

Why does my hair grow back so fast after waxing? ›

Breakage happens when the wax doesn't pull out the entire hair at the root, and instead it breaks it off at surface level. This means that the hair will grow back faster.

How to stop hair growth on body permanently? ›

Electrolysis can permanently remove unwanted hair. Once your hair is gone, you won't need maintenance treatments. It works on all hair types, including light-colored hairs, which lasers cannot remove. There's no downtime.

Is it normal to have stubble after waxing? ›

Many people who get their first wax after shaving feel disappointed immediately after the wax, or a few days later, as they can experience stubbly and sharp hairs. This is not a part of the regrowth cycle from a wax; it is merely some of your shaved hairs breaking through the skin.

Does waxing your face stimulate hair growth? ›

If you've ever heard that facial waxing will make your hairs grow back thicker, please don't listen to such a myth! Shaving and plucking hair through tweezing is what causes thicker regrowth because the hair is not being removed from the follicle.

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