Kappa Kappa Psi - kkytbs.org Kappa Psi SWD...Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Convention 2014 April 25–27, 2014 Baylor University — Waco, TX Opening Joint Session: - [PDF Document] (2024)

Kappa Kappa PsiSouthwest District Convention 2014

Minutes — Final Officer Reports — Committee Reports

Baylor University — Waco, TXApril 25–27, 2014

National Headquarters — Stillwater StationP.O. Box 849 Stillwater, OK 74076

Telephone 800/543-6505 Fax 405/372-2363


Table of ContentsMinutes .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Appendices A–F: Final Officer Reports

Co-Member at Large — Austin Bordelon .......................................................................... 11

Co-Member at Large — Josh Stickney ............................................................................. 13

Secretary/Treasurer — Stephanie McCullough ................................................................ 15

Vice President — Allen Andrus ........................................................................................ 18

Governor — Toni Castle .................................................................................................... 21

President — Helen Moore ................................................................................................ 22

Committee Reports

Appendix G — Convention Site ........................................................................................ 25 Appendix H — D.O. Wiley ................................................................................................ 26

Appendix I — General Administrative Committee Report (AD HOC) .......................... 27

Appendix J — History & Traditions ................................................................................ 29

Appendix K — Joint Action Committee ........................................................................... 31

Appendix L — Jurisdiction ............................................................................................. 32

Appendix M — Membership Education .......................................................................... 36

Appendix N — Nominations ............................................................................................ 38

Appendix O — Spirit ......................................................................................................... 41

Appendix P — Ways & Means .......................................................................................... 43

SWD 2014–2015 Budget ....................................................................................... 46

Southwest District website: www.kkytbs.org/swd/


Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Convention 2014

April 25–27, 2014 Baylor University — Waco, TX

Opening Joint Session: Friday, April 25 @ 4:30 p.m.

1. Call to Order — 4:37 PM 2. Welcome — Rick Espinoza, Associate Director of Bands at Baylor 3. Introduction of Joint District Councilsa) Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Councili) President: Helen Moore (Eta Nu)ii) VP: Allen Andrus (Zeta Beta)iii) Secretary/Treasurer: Stephanie McCullough (Lambda)iv) Co-MaL: Josh Stickney (Delta) v) Co-MaL: Austin Bordelon (Beta Gamma) – will be here shortly vi) Governor: Toni Castle (Beta Sigma)vii)Governor: John Graham (Epsilon Beta)

b) Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Councili) President: Heather McGowan (Iota)ii) VP of Membership: Scott Sergeant (Eta Nu)iii) VP of Special Projects: Meridith Crawford (Beta Delta)iv) Secretary/ Treasurer: Emily Murphree (Delta Upsilon) v) Counselor: Erika Pope (Theta Theta)

4. Introduction of Visiting Dignitariesa) National Headquarters Staffi) Di Spivaii) Aaron Mooreiii) Zeb Watkinsiv) Yvonne Dayev) Robert Bratcher

b) Recognition of Graduating Seniorsc) Recognition of Life Membership

5. Recognition of Life Members in attendance6. Final Call for Convention Host Bids7. Announcements a) From District Councilb) From Beta Alpha and Iota

8. Recess until Saturday at 5:30 PM


Opening Separate Session: April 25, 2014 @ 5:15 PM

1) Call to Order — 5:10 PM 2) Beating of the Delegatesa) Random Seating begins with Theta Phii) Theta Phi not present, Iota Sigma not presentii) Started with Iota Upsilon

b) Random Seating ends with Iota Upsilon, will begin with Kappa Phi in 20153) Delegate Instruction — read by Allen Andrus4) Recognition of Dignitariesa) Kappa Kappa Psi National Councili) President- Christine Beasonii) VPCM- Jack Leeiii) VPPR – Travis Cross

b) Kappa Kappa Psi Board of Trusteesi) Daniel Georgeii) Eric Morson

c) Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association Board Membersi) Brent Cannonii) Craig McClure

d) Any past SWD Officers and Governorse) NED Governor — Marie Burleigh

5) Accepting the Minutes of the 2013 SWD Conventiona) Motion to both accept and suspend of the reading of the minutes of the 2013 Southwest

District Conventioni) Epsilon Theta Movesii) Mu Chi Secondsiii) Motion Passes

6) Final Officer Report of Austin Bordelon, Co-Member at Largea) Motion to accept the Final Officer Report of Austin Bordelon, Co-Member at Largei) Beta Gamma Movesii) Alpha Psi Secondsiii) Motion Passes

7) Final Officer Report of Josh Stickney, Co-Member at Largea) Motion to accept the Final Officer Report of Josh Stickney, Co-Member at Largei) Delta Movesii) Rho Secondsiii) Motion Passes

8) Call for District Officer Candidacy Packets, D.O. Wiley Applications, and Spirit of the Southwest Applications

9) Announcements a) Honorary

10)Recess until April 26, 2014 @ 9:45 AM


Separate Session #2: April 26, 2014 @ 9:45 AM

1) Call to Order — 9:50 AM2) Call for delegates remaining to be seated3) Final Officer Report of Stephanie McCullough, Secretary/Treasurera) Motion to accept the Final Officer Report of Stephanie McCullough, Secretary/Treasureri) Lambda Movesii) Theta Phi Secondsiii) Motion Passes

4) Final Officer Report of Allen Andrus, Vice Presidenta) Motion to accept the final officer report of Allen Andrus, Vice Presidenti) Zeta Beta Movesii) Epsilon Kappa Secondsiii) Motion Passes

5) Preliminary report of Spirit Committeea) Announcement of point system

6) Preliminary report of Nominations Committeea) Announcement of eligible candidates

7) Announcements8) Preliminary Report of the Nominations Committee to announce eligibility of

candidates9) Introduction of Eligible Candidates 10)Recess until April 26, 2014 @ 4:15 PM

Separate Session #3: April 26, 2014 @ 4:15 PM

1) Call to Order — 4:25 PM2) Call for delegates remaining to be seated3) Final Officer Report of Toni Castle, Governora) Motion to accept the Final Report of Toni Castle, Governori) Beta Sigma Movesii) Gamma Phi Secondsiii) Motion Passes

4) Report of the History and Traditions Committeea) Motion to accept the report of the History and Traditions Committeei) Theta Nu Movesii) Mu Tau Secondsiii) Motion Passes

5) Report of the Ways and Means Committeea) Motion to accept the report of the Ways and Means Committeei) Epsilon Beta Movesii) Zeta Tau Secondsiii) Motion Passes

b) Motion to accept the budget presented by the Ways and Means Committee5

i) Gamma Zeta Movesii) Mu Chi Secondsiii) Motion Passes

6) Report of the Membership Education Committeea) Motion to accept the report of the Membership Education Committeei) Theta Kappa Movesii) Delta Psi Secondsiii) Motion Passes

7) Report of the Spirit Committeea) Motion to accept the report of the Spirit Committeei) Theta Alpha Movesii) Nu Delta Secondsiii) Motion Passes

8) Report of the General Administrative Committeea) Motion to accept the report of the General Administrative Committeei) Iota Sigma Movesii) Zeta Kappa Secondsiii) Motion Passes

9) Report of the D.O. Wiley Committeea) Motion to accept the report of the D.O. Wiley Committeei) Gamma Alpha Movesii) Epsilon Zeta Secondsiii) Motion Passes

10)Preliminary Report of the Nominations Committee a) Announcement of the slatei) President — Brandon Fisher ii) Vice President — Zach Dabneyiii) Secretary/Treasurer — Dylan Charriniv) Co-Member at Large — Austin Kelsov) Co-Member at Large — Austin Bordelon

b) Vote for each office was unanimous11)Announcements12)Recess until April 27, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

Second Joint Session, April 26, 2014 @ 5:30pm

1. Joint Ceremony/Memorium2. Call to order — 5:543. Seating of Late Delegates4. Presentation of Bids for District Conventiona) Lambda and Psi from the University of Arkansas

5. Announcement of Area Workshop Hosts for 2014a) Arkansas — Henderson State Universityb) Oklahoma — University of Central Oklahoma


c) Louisiana — Tulane University d) North Texas — Texas Junior College e) East Texas — Blinn Junior Collegef) South Texas — University of Texas-Pan Americang) West Texas/New Mexico — Angelo State University

6. JACME Funds Presentationa) Lambda and Psi from the University of Arkansas

7. Announcements from Beta Alpha and Iota 8. Recess until April 14 @ 11 AM

Final Separate Session: April 27, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

1) Call to Order — 9:10 AM 2) Call for delegates remaining to be seated3) Report of the Jurisdiction Committeea) Motion to accept the report of the Jurisdiction Committeei) Iota Sigma Movesii) Alpha Tau Secondsiii) Motion Passes

b) Motion to accept the changes presented by the Jurisdiction Committeei) Mu Beta Moves ii) Mu Tau Secondsiii) Motion Passes

4) Report of the Nominations Committeea) Motion to accept the report of the Nominations Committeei) Mu Lambda Movesii) Zeta Tau Secondsiii) Motion Passes

5) Electionsa) Motion to elect, by acclimation, the slated candidates to their respective officesi) Zeta Gamma Movesii) Beta Alpha Secondsiii) Motion Fails

b) Presidenti) Nominated(1) Beta Gamma: Austin Bordelon(2) Slated: Brandon Fisher

ii) Elected — Brandon Fisher c) Vice Presidenti) Nominated (1) Slated: Zachary Dabney

ii) Motion to elect the slated nominee by acclimation (1) Zeta Beta Moves(2) Gamma Iota Seconds


(3)Motion Failsiii) Elected — Zachary Dabney

d) Secretary/Treasureri) Nominated (1) Slated: Dylan Charrin

ii) Motion to Elect by Placard (1)Delta Sigma Moves(2) Epsilon Delta Seconds (3)Motion Passes

iii) Elected — Dylan Charrine) Co-Member at Largei) Nominated (1)Delta: Eric Barnett(2) Slated: Austin Kelso (3) Slated: Austin Bordelon

ii) Motion to have a five minute caucus(1) Lambda Moves(2) Alpha Omicron Seconds(3)Motion Passes

iii) Elected — Austin Bordelon & Eric Barnett f) Motion to adopt all constitutional amendments as proposed by the Jurisdiction

Committee in their written reporti) Gamma Iota Movesii) Delta Sigma Secondsiii) Motion Passes/Fails

6) Steve Nelson History Award Winnersa) Deltab) Beta Gammac) Gamma Phid) Zeta Kappa e) Zeta Betaf) Mu Tau

7) Submissions to the CMEP Projecta) Alphab) Deltac) Lambdad) Rhoe) Alpha Psif) Delta Sigmag) Epsilon Rhoh) Zeta Betai) Theta Nuj) Lambda Kappak) Lambda Xi


l) Mu Lambda8) Superior Achievement Awarda) Deltab) Lambdac) Alpha Omicrond) Beta Alphae) Beta Gammaf) Beta Lambdag) Beta Sigma h) Gamma Iotai) Gamma Phi j) Zeta Betak) Zeta Gamma l) Zeta Kappa m) Eta Nu n) Theta Alpha o) Theta Nup) Theta Phiq) Iota Upsilonr) Lambda Xis) Mu Lambdat) Mu Mu u) Nu Beta

9) Presentation of the Spirit Sticka) Presenter: Spirit Committeeb) Winner: Zeta Kappa

10)Presentation of Andy the Armadilloa) Presenter: Eta Nub) Winner: Joint Chapters of Howard Payne Universityi) Zeta Beta Kappa Kappa Psiii) Delta Upsilon of Tau Beta Sigma

11)Presentation of The Druma) Presenter: Lambdab) Winner: Gamma Omega

12)Presentation of the SWD Scrapbook13)Final Officer Report of Helen Moore, Presidenta) Motion to accept the Final Officer Report of Helen Moore, Presidenti) Eta Nu Movesii) Mu Tau Secondsiii) Motion Passes

14)Installation of the 2014-2015 Southwest District Council15)Announcementsa) Epsilon Delta: We should have a SWD Big Band!


Final Joint Session, 11:30 a.m. Sunday

1. Call to order — 11:36 AM 2. Introductions of New District Officers3. SWD Webmastera) Current council charged to the next council to find one before August.

4. Report of the Joint Action Committee (Joint CHAIRS)a) KKΨ Nu DeltaMovesb) TBΣ Alpha Secondsc) Motion Passes

5. Report of the Joint Committee on Convention Site (Joint CHAIRS)a) Slated: University of Arkansas Chapters — Lambda Chapter of KKΨ and Psi Chapter of

TBΣb) Motion to accept the report of the Convention Site Committee i) Psi (TBΣ) movesii) Lambda Pi (KKΨ) seconds iii) Motion passes

c) Motion to accept slate by acclimation i) Nu Delta (KKΨ)ii) Eta Pi (TBΣ)iii) Motion passes

6. Present Joint Awardsa) Talent Show Winnersi) Skit: Zeta Kappa (KKΨ)ii) Song: Delta (TBΣ)iii) Step: Beta Omicron (TBΣ)iv) Overall: Delta Alpha (TBΣ)

b) Joint 50/50 Raffle Drawing — Stephanie McCullough and Emily Murphreei) Winner: Javan Burrier from Lambda

c) Charity fundraisingi) $863 raised for OSU Coaches vs. Cancer

7. Announcements from National Headquartersa) District Day (Alumni)i) June 7 Rangers game

8. Adjourn the 2014 KKΨ/TBΣ Southwest District Convention a) Beta Alpha Motion (KKΨ)b) Iota Second (TBΣ)c) Motion Passes



Appendix A — Co-Member at Large Officer Report: Austin Bordelon

Brothers of the Southwest District,

To say that the last few months have been a whirlwind of chaos and excitement might be a major understatement. I have been so honored to serve the district in this capacity for the remainder of the 2013-2014 term of office. I did not think that I would be sitting here today with this wonderful group of people when I received the announcement about the vacancy at the Outback Bowl, nor did I think I would be scrambling through the rest of my winter break creating a candidacy packet. But I persevered and my efforts were rewarded.

My appointment was one of the last objectives of Winter Council, and as they communicated all of my responsibilities through my webcam, I was a little overwhelmed. However, they reassured me that I would understand in due time, and my confidence rose. I was ready to tackle my responsibilities and get to work for the district…at least that was my plan. As soon as the spring semester began, I grew ill with abdominal pain that grew worse as time progressed. Suffering for many months without a conclusive diagnosis took a toll on my school work and my responsibilities within my chapter and the district. I was nervous that I would not be able to handle it all and that I would have to put my dreams on hold. However, the support I received from my chapter and the district council, as well as a gall bladder extraction, gave me the support I needed to make it through the rest of the semester on a high note.

After my appointment I dived right into the proposed goals of my platform. Because the responsibilities of the New ALTO were transferring from host chapters to district officers, I facilitated this transition in an effort to remove obstacles in execution. With the help of Meredith Crawford, I identified key errors regarding efficiency and execution within the previously accepted constitutional amendments. We also created the application for the new editors of the New ALTO. Despite everything that has happened to me over this last semester, I can consider this my crowning achievement within my term as Co-Member at Large.

My illness also prevented me from enjoying workshop season to its fullest extent. I had the intention to go to the North and South Texas workshops, but I was advised to stay home and try to get well. My only consolation was the report from other officers that attended the workshops. They described how the workshops were a tremendous success and how the host chapters did a wonderful job with planning, and I could not have been happier. By the way, UTSA, thanks for the t-shirt. I did muster the strength to attend the Arkansas Workshop, and working with the brothers and sisters reminded me of why I love Kappa Kappa Psi and why I needed to get better.

It’s hard to believe it’s already convention. I am still amazed at everything that I accomplished in such a short time in the fraternity. This has probably been the most stressful four months of my life with this office, maintaining my health, and my GPA. That being said,


every ounce of stress was entirely worth it, and I am sorry to let this office go, but I know it will be in good hands with any of the candidates up for the position.

Now I must give out some thank you’s that will no doubt fail to show my actual appreciation of these people.

First to the entire Southwest District Council of TBΣ: you have all worked so hard to grow your sisterhood and I have so much respect for all of you! Even though this is the first time most have met me face-to-face, I hope to get acquainted with all of you before we say goodbye. A special thank you to Meredith for helping me achieve one of my goals of office, and I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Toni: Thank you for all of your assistance and advice throughout my term. Entering the council in the middle of the year left me in an awkward position of ignorance, but your constant encouragement helped me reach success. I really didn’t get to know you until after I had this office, but I am so glad that I have gotten to work with you so much the past few months. You do such a great job of working with all of us on council and helping us each to serve the district in the best way possible.

Allen, thank you for allowing me to contribute to your projects this semester, even if it meant receiving the instructions the night before you wanted to finish it. I am so sad that I did not get to know you until I had this position, but working with you on council has been an enjoyable experience. The district now has an opportunity to present better CMEPs because of your efforts, and I know you will achieve great things!

Josh and Stephanie, I met you both at last convention and through meetings with Beta Gamma, and my first impressions of you were that you were both so nice and diligent workers. Meeting you both has forever impacted my life because without your inspiration, I would not be sitting next to you today. Any time I had a question (which was often) you had the answer or got it immediately and you helped make this transition as smooth as it could possibly be. Josh, your work with the district music drive, and Stephanie, all of your fundraising efforts are to be commended. You both had done the district a great service. I wish you both the best of luck in your graduate school endeavors.

And Helen, I don’t know that I have ever met someone so dedicated and hard working as you have been in this office. You have put your time and passion into this organization and it shows in how well you have done this office. You are a strong leader with a heart of gold and I thank you for all of your assistance with my transition into the council. I know this is really difficult time in your life, but remember that as you supported the district, the brothers of this district will always be here to support you. It really has been an honor to work with you, and I hope someday, I get to do it again

Megan Fitzgerald and Taylor Herpin, both of you helped me so much in my original ambitions to be a district officer, and “thank you” is mere understatement. You showed me by example how to be a leader and you believed in me enough to encourage me to try for a district office. I owe you both so much.


To the Beta Gamma chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, I don’t think I could ever put in to words everything that you guys have done for me. I have grown into a much better man than I could’ve ever hoped to be without the love and friendship from each of you. I am proud to call you my brothers and I don’t think I could ever show each of you how much you mean to me, and how much you have made me into a better leader, brother, and person in general. I love each of you so much.

And finally to the brothers of the Southwest District, thank you so much for allowing me to be your Co-Member at Large. It has been such an honor to serve in this capacity and I am so proud to be able to say I was Co-MAL for the biggest and the best: the Southwest. While we are indeed the biggest here in the Southwest, until we start to deliver on our motto of Striving for the highest, we cannot call ourselves the best. Paperwork has been late from more chapters, fewer are running for district office, and the same chapters are applying for awards year after year. We as a council will be charging our next officers to do even more to ensure that the district improves in these areas. But we need you to contribute and do your BEST to make the Southwest even better.

I hope to continue to strive with you to the highest point possible. Thank you all.

Fraternally submitted,Austin Joseph Bordelon Southwest District Co-Member at LargeBeta Gamma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi

Appendix B — Co-Member at Large Officer Report: Josh Stickney

Dear Brothers of the Southwest District,

When I took the office of Co Member at Large a year ago I had no idea what kinds of experiences and memories would be made. This year has taught me that hard work, dedicated brothers, and a good cup of coffee for a long road trip goes a long way.

My year began with several visits from other brothers. Lambda from the University of Arkansas stayed at my house while they volunteered with the Moore tornado relief and brothers from Gamma at The University of Washington and Beta Omicron at Arizona State visited Norman for several days on their way to NatCon.

In July, I traveled to Springfield, Massachusetts to represent both the Southwest District and the Delta Chapter at NatCon. We brought more than memories back from that trip and I am so blessed to have had that opportunity to learn from and meet so many amazing people. Next was a trip to Chapter Leadership Conference in Stephenville, Texas. I had the chance to stay with brother Brian Black and spend a great night with the Theta Kappa chapter at Tarleton State. In August, marching band started for many of us, myself included. I had the chance to travel to several great games at Notre Dame, the Cotton Bowl, Kansas, and Oklahoma State. OU was also visited by the Omicron chapter at The University of West Virginia, Gamma Sigma at TCU, and Alpha Omicron at Texas Tech University.


During the fall, I had the chance to visit the Lambda chapter at the University of Arkansas for a football game. Along with my big Andy Melvin and Tau Beta Sigma counselor Erika Pope, we cheered on the Razorbacks and saw them yield only a couple of times. Next was a weekend trip to Baton Rouge, Louisiana to visit the Beta Gamma chapter at LSU. Thanks to brother and drum major of the Golden Band from Tigerland Taylor Herpin for setting up my visit and letting me stay with him. Love Purple Live Gold, for sure. The football season was capped by a fantastic trip to New Orleans, Louisiana and a Sugar Bowl victory. I also had the chance to meet with the colonists at the University of Alabama. Best of luck to them, as they continue to pursue installment.

The Spring semester started with Winter Council at Baylor. The Beta Alpha and Iota chapters had a great start in planning what is sure to be a successful convention. This was quickly followed by the North Texas Area Workshop in Ft. Worth. Thank you to Stell Edling and the Gamma Sigma chapter for a great visit. Next was the Oklahoma area workshop hosted by my home chapters. They allowed me to present over Valuing our brothers and sisters. Thank you to Dawn Farmer who helped plan our presentation and to the workshop chairs for all their hard work. I finished up workshop season with road trips to Nacogdoches, Texas, Jonesboro, Arkansas, Lubbock, Texas, and Canyon, Texas. Thanks to all these amazing chapters for hosting me in some capacity.

We were able to accomplish much as a council this year and I was able to stretch this office over the course of a year. I was able to travel 12,437 round-trip miles to represent and meet brothers from around the country. We created new initiatives like the Southwest District YouTube channel and made improvements to the District History Form, Music Drive and zone communication. I was able to participate in 3 VPSA Hangouts and collaborated with over 40 brothers from around the country. Social media has been utilized by this council more than ever before and I believe that we are creating a truly cohesive, more connected Southwest District.

With that, I would like to make the following statement: We are indeed the biggest here in the Southwest; however, until we start to deliver on our motto of Striving for the highest, we cannot call ourselves the best. Paperwork has been late from more chapters, fewer are running for district office, and the same chapters are applying for awards year after year. We as a council will be charging our next officers to do even more to ensure that the district improves in these areas. But we need you to contribute and do your BEST to make the Southwest even better.

Austin and I have come up with several charges for the next Members at large to continue contributing to council in more ways and to help improve many facets in and out of the district itself. This year, I started a collaborative group with the other National Members at Large. We were able to have ongoing discussions over national and district issues as well as support each other personally.

Thank you to Members at Large, Carissa, Kaila, Amanda, Adrian, Vanessa, and Austin for contributing.


To continue my Thank You’s, I’d like to thank all of the brothers who helped host district workshop or convention.

Thank you to Helen for your leadership, Allen for your sincerity, Toni for your guidance, Austin for your thoughtfulness, and Stephanie for our similar spirits.

Thank you to my brothers in the Delta chapter. You are my rock.

Thank you to my roommates Corey, Christy, and Graham for your tolerance and openness to hosting visitors almost every week.

Thank you to my family for your steadfast love.

Finally, thanks to you, the brothers of the Southwest District. Without you, we would have no purpose. I have truly enjoyed getting to know many of you. This year has been one of ups and downs, but you all have remained the same. I wish the best for each and every one of you and I love you all unconditionally.

Thank you for allowing me to serve in this capacity.

Respectfully Submitted, Josh StickneyDelta Chapter, The University of Oklahoma2013-2014 Southwest District Co Member at Large

Appendix C — Secretary/Treasurer: Stephanie McCullough

Brothers of the Southwest,

My first Southwest District Convention was here at Baylor in 2010. That experience opened my eyes to so much of what Kappa Kappa Psi is, and I believe convention was the catalyst that set on fire a passion that has burned within me ever since. It is that flame that has fueled my many ventures and efforts within this fraternity for the past five years.

My journey as Secretary/Treasurer began with District Day at Burger’s Lake in Fort Worth in June. Sadly I could not attend National Convention due to employment at a gifted camp. In the fall as we began to gear up for workshop season, I invited Allen Andrus and Emily Murphree to a Razorback football game when we still had hope for the season, and hosted Josh Stickney, Andy Melvin, and Erika Pope after most hope had dissipated due to repeated yielding. Despite some rain and bitter losses, the visits were fantastic. When I traveled to the LSU game at the end of the season, some Brothers of Beta Gamma were so kind to show me around their campus and facilities. My fall semester was a blur of activity, and I was ready for the small breath of air that was Christmas break. At Winter Council, we not only took care of business but had the chance to play ridiculous games, eat delicious Texas snacks, and get to know one another. I also took advantage of several video-creeping opportunities as we kicked off our YouTube channel.


The spring brought not only the flurry of conducting thesis research, but also an amazing travel season. At North Texas Area at TCU, I was reminded of the importance of our roots and hilariously led alto Bros on Teamtinypiano. Going to Oklahoma Area at OU was practically a homecoming. I loved the chance to pick up new team-building games as we learned about leadership and trust, and I also made the wise choice to abandon Josh for tacos. East Texas workshop at SFA was a fabulous adventure with some hysterical travel companions. It was quite interesting to learn about the history of the joint song from back in ‘84. Arkansas was my last area workshop, and I was delighted and honored to give a presentation on how to go beyond expectation and tradition. It was wonderful to be back at Astate, the place where years of high school trombone lessons helped to form me as a musician. The Arkansas and OU chapters at last took a precious group picture there as visual representation of our BoomerSooie connection. After workshop season ended, I was thankful to have the opportunity to hang out with Brothers at CBDNA when the University of Arkansas was hosting. That night Helen Moore, Hannah from Theta Phi, and I sat and talked in my car for over an hour when I went to drop them off. Throughout the year I corresponded with the Sec/Treas from the Western District, and it was a pleasure to exchange ideas. It was always a joy to Skype with Brothers from across the district, even when half of certain chapters go through and like every Instagram I’ve ever posted.

While in office, I fulfilled general duties such as taking minutes, posting them summaries on the SWD website, and signing requisitions. I wanted to update the method of saving and backing up all convention documents, so I created a Google Drive database for all committee materials. One huge project from the year was in preparation for the Orange Out. We held a shirt design contest to print orange shirts for sale at SWD Convention, and all profits will be donated to a charity of Lisa Croston’s choice in Dale’s honor. We held 50/50 raffles at area workshops, and half of them were for the Dale Croston memorial fund. That project was extremely rewarding; I loved hearing personal stories from those who knew him well. For convention, I arranged a raffle fundraiser for KPsi/TBS swag in efforts to help chapters by advertising for them. There is also a bigger and more amazing 50/50 joint raffle, so as a shameless plug: BUY TICKETS.

The thank yous abound:

To the Jesus Council of Tau Beta Sigma: It has been so fun to serve alongside you all. Thank you for your help, smiles, and prayers.

To John Graham: I was delighted to have you conduct at my last band concert ever. It was lovely to get a chance to know firsthand how kind and caring you are.

To Toni: Your encouragement throughout the year has been invaluable. It was a huge blessing to have a mom figure to ease any worries of inadequacy with constant reminders of the need to prioritize the right things. It helped us all work together to achieve goals.

To Helen: Your dedication to music and bands is inspiring, and I know you’ll someday be gainfully employed as an excellent music educator. Thank you for your prompt communication to my many questions; it really helped me in my office.


To Allen: Before I just thought of you as a kind and light-hearted guy, but winter council taught me that you are actually hysterical. I have adored our sporadic communication and life-sharing, and I hope that can continue after this council gig is up. I know that you too will also someday be gainfully employed as an excellent music educator.

To Austin: I am very proud of your commitment to your position and to the district despite health problems. The visions you have are great ones, and I believe that with more time in office, you would have accomplished them all well. I wish you the best in all your endeavors.

To Josh: Your friendship has been such a comfort, joy, and blessing. I look forward to keeping up as you develop into a highly successful young urban professional. Thank you for all you’ve done to assist my sanity. You also need to know how much I appreciate your willingness to comply with my insistence of taking Asian pictures together.

To my TBS Psi Sisters: I have loved every minute of the many road trips on which so many of you have ventured. Thank you for allowing me to gush about how awesome the SWD is, and special thanks for jumping on board the talent show idea — performing at convention was a long time dream come true.

To the Lambda Chapter: Your support and constant willingness to help with all my district whatnots has been phenomenal. You are the ones who gave me chances to serve and lead in ways that made pursuing district office possible in the first place. I love being a part of a chapter I’m proud to represent and who make me proud on all our travels. You truly rock, and I love you.

Lastly, to Nick Smith: You are and always have been my Lambdaman hero. Then you went on to be amazing for both the SWD and for nationals and inspired me even more. Way when I was a silly little freshman, you were already pouring into me and helping me with anything I needed. I would not be half the Brother I am today without the boundless encouragement and support you’ve consistently provided. I aspire to somehow be as wonderful and useful for still Active Brothers as you have been constantly been for me.

I must offer my most sincere thanks for giving me the opportunity to serve the Southwest District in this office. It has truly been an honor and an unforgettable experience. I have such pride in my heart about being a part of this fabulous and funky district. Kappa Kappa Psi started here and has grown not just the members in it, but also the programs we diligently serve. Yet, despite our rich history and many accolades, we must remember not to ride on the coattails of achievement. We are indeed the biggest here in the Southwest; however, until we start to deliver on our motto of Striving for the highest, we cannot call ourselves the best. Paperwork has been late from more chapters, fewer are running for district office, and the same chapters are applying for awards year after year. We as a council will be charging our next officers to do even more to ensure that the district improves in these areas. But we need you to contribute and do your BEST to make the Southwest even better. An individual cannot change simply change the masses, but a group commitment to move steadily upward can create a tidal wave. I urge you to do so, my dear Brothers, because I know how capable and how amazing each and every one of you are.


I’ve said this many times since hearing it at the OK area workshop this spring: If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough. Dream bigger, strive higher, and flee with haste from complacency. I assure you, it’s absolutely worth every ounce of effort.

Thank you once again for providing me this positively frabjous experience. All of you, your friendships, your welcoming attitudes, your support, your crazy antics, – you have made this time utterly fantastic. Grazie.

Respectfully submitted and always on the upward Strive, Stephanie McCulloughUniversity of Arkansas Lambda Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Secretary/Treasurer 2013–2014

Appendix D — Vice President: Allen Andrus

Brothers of the Southwest District,

Reflecting on the past year brings up multiple emotions. Times of stress and, in some cases, frustrations come forth. However, these feelings are covered by an overwhelming sense of gratitude, happiness, and growth. I remember sitting as my chapter’s delegate in Norman, Oklahoma at the 2011 SWD Convention and watching these newly encountered council members sit at their fancy table on stage and ran much of the business. I knew right then that I wanted to be in their shoes. Much to my surprise, I stand before you now realizing my aspirations.

The first task was working on the Chapter Leadership Conference with my counterpart, Scott Sergeant. After nailing down a few of the details, I then began creating the SWD Vice President Facebook Group. Then came our very first SWD Council meeting. It never fails that technical difficulties will bar you from starting and finishing your council meetings on time. From this meeting, our year was under way, and it looked very promising.

The council began preparing for the summer activities. First on my agenda was District Day at Burgers Lake, Fort Worth. I had a great time hanging out with brothers and sisters for a day of fun. Shout out to the Alumni Association for your awesome work. After District Day came the KKPsi SWD Council retreat hosted by Josh Stickney in Norman, Oklahoma! A night of fellowship, random card games, baking cookies, guacamole, coffee, and some SWD business thrown in there every now and then, had me convinced that these people were the real deal.

July came around, which meant one thing: National Convention. This is one of my favorite things in the world. Traveling to Springfield, Massachusetts, however, is not. After a flight cancelation, four flight changes, a three-hour mad dash from Austin to Dallas, and a chaotic cab chase later, I, along with my Zeta Beta brothers and Delta Upsilon sisters, made to the host hotel twelve hours later than expected. Going past that, the convention experience was fantastic. It is always nice seeing the William A. Scroggs Founders Trophy come back to the Southwest is always a great sight.


One week after National Convention, Chapter Leadership Conference was hosted at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. Thank you to all of the speakers who dedicated their time and hard work.

At the beginning of September, the first volume of the Piu Mosso was published. This is the first volume since it was first created, and it was a great success! As the first few weeks flew by, I took another trip to Norman, Oklahoma to attend an Oklahoma Sooners football game. Coming from a DIII school, this was a super adrenaline rush. In one day, I was made into an Oklahoma Sooners fan. Boomer! A few weeks later, I attended another Division I football in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Though the day was rainy, it still made for some great football and marching band. Unfortunately, U of A couldn’t take down Texas A&M, but it was one of the best games I have been to. Woo Pig Souie! Thank you to the brothers from the Eta Nu chapter at for housing Emily and I as we traveled back that night.

At the beginning of the spring semester, the council met at Baylor University in Waco for Winter Council. After a brief meeting introducing the details of SWD Convention, we were greeted by the representatives of Iota and Beta Alpha to give us a tour through the facilities we would use for convention. They have done a great job in hosting SWD Convention, and they deserve much praise.

Soon after Winter Council, workshop season began. The first workshop was hosted by Texas Christian University. Here we learned how our musicianship affects our activity as brothers and sisters. Directly after the first workshop, the second volume of the Piu Mosso was published! This time, we focused on the elements of a good member as given by the national standards for Continuing Membership Education. To finish out workshop season, I made appearances at University of Oklahoma, Stephen F. Austin State University, West Texas A&M, and University of Texas San Antonio. All hosts did a great job this year. Thank you to Mu Tau and Alpha Psi for inviting me to speak!

Gazing at the accomplishments of the district is such a wonderful thing. However, we must always look for chances to grow. Never settle for mundane. We are indeed the biggest here in the Southwest; however, until we start to deliver on our motto of Striving for the highest, we cannot call ourselves the best. Paperwork has been late from more chapters, fewer are running for district office, and the same chapters are applying for awards year after year. We as a council will be charging our next officers to do even more to ensure that the district improves in these areas. But we need you to contribute and do your BEST to make the Southwest even better.

First, I want to thank God for leading me here. He has led me through this process and I have been incredibly blessed.

Thank you Chris Joyce for leading me here. Without your guidance I would not be on this stage. You live out the best depiction of what brothers should be.

Mercedes Cardenas, thank you for kicking me in the tail when I decided not to run last year. Your understanding and motivation has kept me going. I look forward to our future.


Thank you to the Tau Beta Sigma SWD Council. Scott, thank you for being a great counterpart. You definitely kept things interesting throughout the process, even at the sacrifice of random pieces of furniture. Meredith, I have enjoyed getting to know you and your creeper skills are impressive. You have brought great joy to me throughout the year. Erika, it is an honor to work with such a devoted person. Your character, charisma, and dedication are very inspiring to me. Heather, thank you for leading your council to success. You have done such an amazing job. I have enjoyed our talks about teaching and I am sure you will make a great educator. Emily, you have been my partner in crime throughout this process. Many miles have been traveled with you as my driving buddy. Our friendship has grown so much. I am excited to see you go forth in the SWD and wish you luck. Keep pushing forward and don’t get caught up on the small things. Help keep HPU sane when I leave.

I have had the best SWD Council to work with this year.

Austin, you have been an awesome addition to this council. Coming on to council halfway is not an easy task. You have taken everything in stride, even when the odds were against you. I admire your perseverance. I wish I could have met you face to face before this convention, and I am sad that we could not have spent more time together. I wish you the best of luck as you continue in the Southwest District.

Toni, I was slightly terrified of you when I first came on council. However, I quickly found out how fun you are. You are a great governor. You are often called the mother of the council, but you are far more than that. With your calm demeanor and bank of wisdom, you have helped steer this council in the right direction. Thank you for keeping us on track and prioritized though this hectic time.

Josh, what a wonder it has been working with you. You are one of the most focused, hard working people I have ever met. As I saw you dedicate all of your time and efforts to your tasks, I was even inspired to work harder on mine. Thank you for keeping us on task when we could easily have lost track and for your sassy humor that kept the sarcasm meter on high. I wish you luck as you pursue graduate school.

Stephanie, I admire your faith and how you always think of the small things. Throughout council, you continued to try and develop true, personal bonds with people, which has help us all work better together. I do not know why we didn’t meet before council, and I highly regret that we didn’t. Thank you for being wacky and keeping us laughing. I will miss you as you move away, but friendships are not barred by distance. Have fun in Virginia!

Finally, Helen, the only other “Texas” council member: You have led us strongly through this year and we have arrived at a successful convention. From the Eta Nu workshop to now, you have become a great friend to me. This semester has brought forth so many obstacles for you, however you have leaped over them one by one. Having the strength to come to this convention with everything else you have on your plate shows how bright your light of KKPsi glows. I will miss how we could just talk for hours after our council Skype meetings about all sorts of random stuff. Hopefully, I will be working with you again in the future.

The brothers of the Zeta Beta chapter, what can I say, guys? The past two years have been the roughest and most exciting years of my life. It has been a privilege being your leader. When I


have been down, you built me back up. To see how much we have changed for the better makes me one proud mom. Thank you for always having my back and never letting me forget where I come from. Once a Zeta Beta, always a Zeta Beta. I love you all so much. Never lose sight of what we exist for, and to play for someone you love. I look forward to see how high you strive in my absence.

Brothers of the Southwest District – I cannot express my gratitude for allowing me to serve you all this past year. I hope I have left a good trail for the next person to follow. Keep striving to continue to make this the best district.

I charge the next Southwest District Vice President with the following:Continue to publish the Piu Mosso Continue to provide resources for chapter Vice Presidents of MembershipFind a better way of incorporating chapter Vice Presidents of Service into your office

I charge the SWD Council next council with the following:Find and implement a process so the Southwest District will have 100% representation at the 2015 National Convention

Fraternally Submitted,Allen Andrus IISouthwest District Vice-PresidentZeta Beta Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi

Appendix E — Governor: Toni Castle

Brothers of the Southwest,

Thank you for another great year. I have had the honor of working with a dedicated group of Brothers this year. This council has gone far to increase communication and transparency. I would highly encourage you to consider talking to these individuals to learn how to be a great district officer. We need to continue to take steps to make our district great. We also need to look at our practices to make sure we continue to move forward and not backwards.

The five who strive have done so much to make the council transparent and advance their offices. They have followed through with program development, implementation, and planning for those who will follow in their footsteps. I would like to thank them for their hard work and dedication. With the blog, Facebook groups, and chapter contacts, they have made the district more informed and closer (even though we are spread out over a large area). I could not be prouder of the great strides they have made.

With my limited time off, I was able to make it to three of the Texas area workshops and our winter council meeting. I truly enjoyed every workshop and meeting Brothers at the events. Workshop hosts did an outstanding job this year. From great presenters to great food, I truly enjoyed workshop season. I would encourage Brothers to travel more and attend workshops. The best way to grow and learn is to attend as many different events you can. Workshops provide a variety of topics and lessons to expand your knowledge. Based on suggestions from attendees, the joint councils will be working on improving workshops for next year.


For Allen, I will now be scary. We often use our chant to show our pride. At this time we need to take a closer look at our chant and how we demonstrate this chant. With lack of interest in awards and deadlines, we are not presenting ourselves in the best light. With a lack of on time paperwork, your DOs were struggling to put together convention details. We are all on tight schedules but we must meet deadlines. Little things add up. It is the responsibility of every active to contribute and make the Southwest the best. Awards seem to rotate through the same chapters. We need to reevaluate why we have these awards and make changes to either the criteria or the awards themselves. We need to make sure there is meaning behind each award. I know there are more spirited chapters out there so why are you not applying and cheering for an award? Did late paperwork keep you from applying for an award or was it just too much trouble to bother with? Every Brother should be striving for the highest and working towards an award of some kind. I charge you to make it your goal to make your chapter the best it can be. Turn in all of your paperwork early and show some spirit. Show the nation that the Southwest is the Best!

Thank you to my family for your continued support. (They still do not understand why I go off to these conventions for college students but they support me.) Each of us has faced something new and difficult this year. As a family we have seen each other through difficult times. Thank you to an amazing council. Each of you has contributed greatly to this year’s progress. Thank you for your new ideas and dedication. Our programs have grown and taken definition. We have been able to add more structure to our offices. This has all been the result of coordination, planning, and follow-through by your council. Austin, hopefully I did not scare you. I wish we could have worked together longer. You took your responsibilities and ran with them. Josh, I was not sure how well we would work together. You surprised me. Your enthusiasm and energy is contagious. Thank you for your hard work and great ideas. Stephane, there is always one on council. Thank you for keeping us laughing and entertained. Working with you has been productive and fun. Allen, I am glad I still have the ability to scare people. I enjoyed seeing your develop your program (I actually tried to do something similar when I was on council way back when and got no response so I guess I scared people back then too). I am so proud of your success. Workshop season would not have been the same without you. Helen, the bar was set high for your office. You came running in and jumped over it. Thank you for being a model Brother. Thank you to John Graham who continues to support our district and offer words of wisdom when things get tough. Thank you to the Brothers and Sisters of the Southwest for putting together great workshops and a great convention.

Respectfully submitted,Toni M. CastleSWD GovernorBeta Sigma – LifeEpsilon Delta – Alumni

Appendix F — President: Helen Moore

Brothers of the Southwest,My term as District President has been very bittersweet. My first event to attend as

District President was District Day in Fort Worth. It was a great time, even with the constant hangover of storms, and it was nice to visit with brothers and sisters. Next was National


Convention and this is where I really felt the triumphs and struggles in this office for the first time. Everyone I’ve ever seen in this officer made it look so easy and it made me believe that it would, but I was completely wrong but I’m forever grateful for the experience to represent the District and I was so fortunate to have Allen and Josh there to help make the week so much easier. It was also became one of the best experiences of my life because I got to spend time with my sister council! Because of that, I don’t see Heather, Scott, Meridith and Emily as part of my counter-council but as true friends through and through.

Chapter Leadership Conference came up much faster than we realized but it was great to host a workshop with many presidents throughout the district. It was neat to see that many of the chapters in our district have the same issues and to be able to come up with solutions for those problems which made the workshop very productive. CLC led into my last official fall undergrad semester, where I participated in my last season of the Spirit of Southeastern Marching Band. Due to our schedule, I was not able to make chapter visits to chapter but I was able to have a lovely visit with the Delta Chapters at the University of Oklahoma and am truly grateful for their hospitality. Boomer.

Before I knew it, our Convention Plan and Leadership Funds Request were due in December, along with the Fall Activity Report. This meant that we were getting closer to what this whole weekend is about and it kind of scared me. In January, the Joint District Councils met for Winter Council and fine tweaked the plan that Heather and I started way back in July. This is where we elected Austin as Co-Member at Large, in absence of Vanessa, and I sincerely feel that he has done a lot in such a short amount of time and has transitioned very smoothly into our crazy council.

The spring semester has been one of the most hectic I’ve experienced in a long time. Not only being District President, I had the pleasure of holding two offices in my chapter, Vice President of Membership and Historian, the former I was awarded this semester. Due to this and all the events the Department of Music holds throughout the spring, the only workshop I was able to attend was North Texas and honestly this bothered me. I felt I was letting the district down because I was not able to fulfill a duty set upon me but a lot of times things happen that are totally out of our control and I knew great representation from the council was present at every workshop. As a musician I was selected to participate in the Oklahoma Music Educators Association Intercollegiate Honor Band in Tulsa, Oklahoma and the inaugural Southwest Division CBDNA Honor Band and Theta Phi. For my first time in Arkansas, it was a fantastic experience.

And now we’re here. All the planning, stress, sweat and tears has all led to this moment I have with each of you right now. I would’ve never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be able to ever be in this position and see my plans flourish before my eyes. I am so thankful to the Beta Alpha and Iota chapters at Baylor for their continuous strive for greatness since day one. It makes this weekend so much better because I see brothers and sisters enjoying this experience and it helps me to know that this was all worth it.

While I see so much success in this weekend, I’ve also seen a lot of issues throughout the district. We are indeed the biggest here in the Southwest; however, until we start to deliver on our motto of Striving for the highest, we cannot call ourselves the best. Paperwork has been late from more chapters, fewer are running for district office, and the same chapters are


applying for awards year after year. We as a council will be charging our next officers to do even more to ensure that the district improves in these areas. But we need you to contribute and do your BEST to make the Southwest even better. I charge the 2014-2015 Southwest District Delegation to keep in contact with your District Council. Communication is a two way street and your council cannot make any changes if they do not know what needs to be different.

With that I would also like to charge the 2014-2015 Southwest District President with the following:

1. Find the most effective communication system with the district and stick with it. Whether it’s through the mail or social media, you have to find a compromise.

2. Keep in constant contact with your council members and joint council, even if it’s just to see how they are. A communicative council is an effective council.

3. Develop a plan to get a delegate from every chapter to the 2015 National Convention. Your term will be the ultimate deciding factor in the representation of the District in Lexington.

4. Analyze all district convention paperwork, including applications and forms, and make sure that the guidelines given match the constitution and are clearly stated.

And now my Thanks. To my Council. I have been blessed by such a fantastic council and I only hope that the council of future terms have as much excitement and an undying bond as we do. I thank you all for your love, support, encouragement and overall morale and it made this year even more awesome than it already was.

My Chapter. Honestly, I don’t know where I would be without you all. I know that they say you can’t choose family but if I had to do it all again, I would choose you. Your constant and consistent support and love for me, even under all the obstacles we have been through, has made me a better person. I can’t wait to see what your future holds and I love each and every one of you unswervingly.

Finally, you the Southwest District. To say the least, this past year has been a whirlwind! For the past 4 years, I’ve been able to be a part of something greater than myself and it’s been a great ride. Recently, everything has kind of turned itself upside down but the constant communication from brothers and sisters around our district and nation have been a blessing and my family and I appreciate them more than any of you will ever know. I have all of this to thank because of your support in me and my ambitious dreams for the future of this District. I know it will never be enough to thank you, but I am eternally grateful of the opportunities set before me.

With Gratitude, Love and Fraternally Submitted,Helen MooreKappa Kappa Psi Southwest District President 2013-2014Eta Nu – Southeastern Oklahoma State University


Appendix G — Convention Site Committee Report

The 2014 Convention Site Committee was charged with the following:

1) Review the report of the 2013 Convention Site Committee.2) Collect information packets from all schools bidding to host the next district convention by

the deadline.3) Ensure that bidding chapters present the same information to the Convention Site

Committee and the Joint Delegation, with the same presenters.4) Review all bid packers from bidding chapters and schedule interviews/presentations with

each one. Each bidding university that meets the stated requirements will have a presentation and question/answer period during the 2nd joint session.

5) Discuss bids and slate a host chapter for the 2015 SWD convention. If the committee feels that no chapter is prepared to host, a “no slate” can be suggested.

Our streamlined committee reportThe committee used the following criteria to slate the SWD 2015 Convention:

• Location within the district• Capacity of and distance between facilities• Selection and price of hotels, and their distance from the convention site• Support from the department, university, and local community• Chapter involvement on the district level and national level• Proximity to an airport• Professionalism of bid packet and presentation• Preparedness of budget (quotes, reservations, etc.)• Dates and back up dates• Registration Cost • Chapter Manpower

At the time, based on the presentations and information given to the committee, the Convention Site Committee recommends the Lambda chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Psi chapter of Tau Beta Sigma to host the 2015 SWD Convention at the University of Arkansas under the conditions of:

1) If chapters outside of an eight hour drive time choose to fly the convention chapter must aid in the transport of those chapters

2) The chapter must obtain recommendation letters from the reservation office at their university, and we strongly recommend also obtaining a recommendation letter from the President of the University or the Dean of Students by Friday, May 2, 2014 at 5PM to be submitted to both Toni Castle or Erika Pope.

1)The 2014 Convention Site Committee would like to charge the following:

To the 2015 Convention Site Committee:1) Collect information packets from all schools bidding to host the next district convention by

set deadline.2) Continue to add convention bids to bid library.3) Review the report of the 2014 Convention Site Committee.


4) Ensure that bidding chapters present the same information to the Convention Site Committee and the Joint Delegation, with the SAME presenters.

5) Review all bid packets from bidding chapters, and schedule interviews/presentations with each one. Each bidding university that meets the stated requirements have a presentation and question/answer period during the 2nd joint session.

6)Discuss bids and slate a host chapter for the 2016 SWD Convention. If the committee feels that no chapter is prepared to host, a “no slate” option can be suggested.

The committee would like to thank our advisors, District Counselor Erika Pope and SWD Governor Toni Castle for their guidance, words of wisdom, and good humor during our meetings. We would also like to thank the members of the 2014 Convention Site Committee: from Tau Beta Sigma, Jessa Martinez of Epsilon Beta, Darla Humes of Theta Theta, Lauren Horn of Gamma Phi, Ashley Rubio of Xi, and Maggie Denton of Alpha Upsilon. From Kappa Kappa Psi, Joe Clever of Gamma Alpha, Charleen Wade of Gamma Theta, Hannah Breeden of Theta Phi, Zachary Jones of Beta Alpha, Cameron Horton of Delta Chi, Justin Chesak of Gamma Iota sitting for Zeta Gamma.

Respectfully submitted,

Morgan Smith Mike NguyenTau Beta Sigma - Iota Kappa Kappa Psi - Delta SigmaBaylor University University of Texas at Arlington

Appendix H — D.O. Wiley Committee Report

Brothers of the Southwest District,

This year the D.O. Wiley committee reviewed packets, listened to presentations and questioned the chapters eligible and presenting for the D.O. Wiley Award.

During this year’s convention, the following took place:

• The committee reviewed the award criteria and process of selection for the D.O. Wiley Award.• The eligibility for each chapter that turned in packets was also confirmed.• Packets provided by the chapters presenting were reviewed and presentation times were

scheduled with each chapter.• Chapters gave 5 minute presentations and entertained questions for 5 minutes including but

not limited to the following:

a. Tell the committee about a service activity the chapter has done that makes them more deserving of the D.O. Wiley Award than other chapters.

b.Tell the committee about the recruitment and rush process for the chapter.c. What does the D.O. Wiley Award mean to the chapter?d.What sets the chapter aside from other chapters?e. What was the chapter’s involvement in the Southwest District over the course of the year?f. What has the chapter done for the band programs?


• The committee discussed the packets, presentations, and questions asked once all presentations were completed and selected the recipient of the D.O. Wiley Award.

The D.O. Wiley Committee charges the 2015 committee with the following:1. Review the report of the 2014 D.O. Wiley Committee.2.Review all applications submitted for the D.O. Wiley Award in order to ensure that all

applicant chapters are eligible for consideration.3.Develop a series of questions for each applicant chapter and establish criteria to determine

the most deserving winner.4.Organize a schedule for applicant chapter presentations.5.Review the applicant chapters and their presentations and decide the winner of the 2015

D.O. Wiley Award.6.Recommend any changes to the D.O. Wiley selection process to the Jurisdiction Committee.

The recipient of this year’s D.O. Wiley Award is a chapter that has demonstrated unswerving loyalty to Kappa Kappa Psi and their college band program. In a letter supporting this chapter’s candidacy, their sponsor said, “They contribute to the success of the bands in myriad ways: through participation as great band members, taking the leadership in valuable community service projects, assistance with loading and travel, and through their tireless efforts throughout the year.” Their director of bands said in a letter of support that “The root of chapter success is the core importance members place on dedication to the band in everyday rehearsals and performances.” It is our honor to present the 2014 D.O. Wiley Award to the Delta chapter of the University of Oklahoma.

The 2014 D.O. Wiley Award committee would like to thank our advisor Clinton Wieden, past president of the Southwest District, and each of the chapters that presented for the D.O. Wiley Award.

My thanks to the committee members:Jarrion Turner – Theta NuElizabeth Cummins – Eta NuZachery Weaver – Epsilon BetaCedric Anthony – Delta AlphaJoseph Waugh – Alpha OmicronCheryl Pirard – Gamma Iota

Respectfully and fraternally submitted,

Matthew GeorgeChapter President of Gamma AlphaD.O. Wiley Committee Chair

Appendix I — General Administrative Committee Report (AD HOC 2014)

The 2014 General Administrative Committee was charged with the following:• Review National and District obligations and opportunities, including resources

available to chapters27

• Compile and discuss local chapter challenges• Use collaborative group conversation about how to address challenges identified

Our work this weekend allowed for the exploration of many of the fraternity’s resources, specifically those in the Online Membership Reporting System (OMRS), and those located on the Kappa Kappa Psi national website. After establishing accounts for the OMRS, the committee viewed various forms, the requirements such as dates, signatures, and payments, as well as late penalties, associated with each one. We also discussed resources on the national website, looking at the Guide to Membership but, more specifically, viewing and discussing usage of the Guide to Leadership Development at both the officer and chapter level to improve organization, maximizing leadership potential, and resolving problems that may develop with brothers holding leadership roles.

We were able to discuss the following challenges chapters are currently facing:• Joint and inter-fraternal relations• Attendance at service and social events• Speaking negatively about other brothers• Interaction with other Kappa Kappa Psi chapters• Motivation for service• Retention and motivation of older chapter members• Communication and transparency from, and of, chapter officers• Fundraising• Sponsor/Director relations

After identifying these problems, the committee explored a variety of solutions to these issues, some of which apply to more than one of the previously mentioned challenges:• Appreciation for other organization’s activities and hosting joint events• Creating a relaxed atmosphere at events, considering the preferences and needs of all

brothers, combining service and social opportunities, and exploring new ideas to try together• Instill greater responsibility to be respectful to brothers and develop a better understanding

of one another, and to differentiate between personal and fraternal issues• Travel to area workshops and other chapters’ events, as well as invite chapters to our own

events• Re-educate and create mentorship opportunities for more experienced chapter members• Remind members of and invite them to executive council meetings, frequent communication

from the officers to the general chapter, and encourage work at the committee level• Have weekly/bi-weekly meetings with sponsors, in person, checking in with them for service

opportunities, and remembering that Kappa Kappa Psi is there to serve them, their band program, and their needs

The previous two lists are not meant to be exhaustive, and are not meant to provide all of the problems, or solutions, to the aforementioned issues. Rather, they are a skeleton form of the in-depth discussions held during the committee meetings to further elaborate on each of these issues. As we discussed in our sessions, each chapter is made up of different people, with different needs, and will therefore have their own issues that will require their own unique solutions, which could be modifications of the ones previously mentioned here.

We would like to make the following charges:


• To the 2014-2015 District Council: Ensure that struggling chapters receive more interaction from council members, and that they are provided with the necessary help, resources, and information they need to improve

• To the 2014-2015 District President: Consider continuing the use of this committee again at the 2015 District Conventio

I would like to thank the following delegates for serving on this year’s committee: Brittany Curtis, from Zeta Tau; Manuel Gonzales, from Mu Lambda; Mollie Guttman, from Beta Sigma, sitting for Iota Sigma; Laura Kirkley, from Lambda, sitting for Delta Psi; Maggie Ramirez, from Beta Gamma, sitting for Epsilon Epsilon; Kelsey Alden-Cox, from Zeta Tau, sitting for Lambda Epsilon; and Matthew Cannon, from Zeta Xi. The committee would also like to thank our advisor, Ms. Marie Burleigh, for her valuable input, advice, and working knowledge of the fraternity.

Respectfully submitted & AEA,

Andy MelvinDelta ChapterUniversity of Oklahoma

Appendix J — History & Traditions Committee Report

Brothers of the Southwest District,

The 2013-2014 History and Traditions Committee was charged with the following: 1. Review the report of the 2012 History and Traditions Committee.2. Review use of newly updated chapter history forms.3. Analyze previous years’ use of Andy’s Facebook page.4. Analyze use of the scrapbook at Convention.5. Review the recommendation for SWD Historian Chapter submitted by Vanessa

Delgado, and make a recommendation to the delegation on accepting that chapter as the official SWD Historian Chapter. *This was completed last year, and the official District Historian Chapter is the Delta Chapter at the University of Oklahoma.

Though the Committee was not able to reference the 2012-2013 committee report, we pressed on with our charges and sought to do the best we could to analyze the last year of activity.

We first addressed the use of Andy the Armadillo’s Facebook page. There was a general consensus that we would like to see more regularity in posts from the Facebook page from the Host chapter. We recognize that every host chapter for Andy has its unique chapter activities and the Facebook page should be a beneficial tool in broadcasting said activities. We recommend that the hosts update the profile at least once a month.

The committee next looked at the online history forms. We were satisfied with both the online form and the questions on the form, but were disappointed with the only 17 submissions. We decided that implementation was not the issue, but rather awareness of the form in its new format and motivation from chapters to fill it out. We also thought it was interesting that when asked “would you like your chapter’s history form to be included in the Southwest District


Online Archive” that some chapter historians selected “no”. We recommend that future councils look in to motivating chapters to submit their history to share with the district archives and national chapters.

The committee was overall satisfied with the district scrapbook and would like to see continue growth of the district’s digital scrapbook. We like the idea of a movie or slideshow of district photos and are looking forward to seeing this continue in the future.

The Committee then moved to the joint ceremony. We feel that more awareness was needed of the joint ceremony, as several committee members were not sure what the joint ceremony was or when it occurred at convention. We recommend that the joint ceremony becomes more legitimized and advertised by putting it in the convention schedule and encouraging chapters around the district to also use the ceremony.

The Committee brieflydiscussed the use of the District YouTube page. We agreed that this has been a fantastic new tool and we would like to see it grow in use and reach.

We also briefly discussed the District Historical Archive Chapter. The Delta Chapter at the University of Oklahoma reported that they currently have one scrapbook in their possession. The committee was pleased with the implementation of the archive chapter and its initial use to the district. The Committee would like the council and archive chapter to discuss ways to 1) make the district aware that the archive chapter exists and can be visited and 2) to somehow digitize scrapbooks and articles that come to the archive chapter.

Finally the Committee discussed the Southwest District Joint Song. Since its adoption, there have been some efforts made to teach the joint song. The committee would like these efforts to continue in the form of social media advertising and encouraging chapters to teach it at their own schools. The Committee was satisfied with the overall reception of the joint song at workshops and we are excited to hear it performed this weekend.

Charges to the 2014-2015 History and Traditions Committee: 1. After continued use of online history form, evaluate its use and effectiveness 2.Assess the usefulness of Andy’s Facebook page 3.Evaluate the use of the archive chapter4.Assess the growth of the YouTube Channel (subscribers, videos, content etc. ) 5.Assess the expansion of knowledge of the joint song throughout the district

Charges to the Archive Chapter:1. Look in to digitizing all documents and scrapbooks that they receive

Charges to the 2014-2015 Southwest District Council:1. Find ways to help chapters become more aware of the Joint Song and emphasize learning and utilization at their university2. Put the Joint Ceremony in the print schedule for Convention 3. Continue use of the online history form and additions to the digital history archives 4. Expandthe district YouTube Channel use to monthly council updates and other useful videos


I would like to thank our wonder advisor Kevin Diana, alum of the Alpha Eta chapter at the University of Florida, for his guidance and unique perspective being from the Southeast District. We were very happy to have him in Texas this weekend. I would also like to thank all delegates and proxies that served on the committee:

Andrew Perry, Iota UpsilonShelby Lowder, Lambda XiConnor Slosek, Nu BetaGregory Obregon, Mu TauLee Ann Sturm, Johnny Williams & Ryan Simpson, AlphaThomas Macias, Beta SigmaJordan Hayes, Zeta Kappa

Thank you for giving your time to serve on this committee.

Respectfully Submitted,

Josh StickneyThe University of Oklahoma, Delta ChapterChair, History and Traditions Committee2013-2014 Southwest District Member at Large

Appendix K — Joint Action Committee Report

JAC Met on Friday April 25th and Saturday April 26th.

Our Charges from last year were:• Review the 2012-2013 Joint Actions committee report • Review the 2012-2012 Publications committee report• Review the 2012-2013 JACME Report. • Review/ Revise the Andy Annie award proposal• Propose any changes to the district constitution

Andy and Annie• Our committee met and reviewed the Andy and Annie award. The proposal was accepted and

was sent to jurisdiction.

New ALTO• Sarah Bogue of the Psi chapter of Tau Beta Sigma was appointed to the position of Lead

Writer• Aaron Sanchez of the Mu Tau Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi was appointed to the position of

Copy editor.• We then discussed suggestions for the New ALTO• The southwest district will appoint positions as need in assistance with the New ALTO and

candidates will be chosen through application process without the interview process.• Finances for the New ALTO will be decided by the southwest district council and

reimbursem*nts will follow normal policies. • Changes were sent to jurisdiction.


GrantsPromotions• Have council members send out announcements to chapters and remind them that the grant

is still available and can still be applied for. • Contact Webmaster and ask to include announcement on kkytbs.org/swd homepage in a

moving banner style.

Charges for the 2014-2015 Joint Actions Committee• We Charge the 2014 SWD council of KKY and TBS to have more prepared materials for the

committee. • We would ask that the SWD council on both sides to include more materials for committee

heads and advisors. These materials would include but are not limited to previous reports/ awards ect. that need reviewing. Format and layout of report. Access to all recourses that each committee would need, and contact info for the jurisdiction committee heads and advisors.

• Deciding if Travel costs should be included into the grant money.• The grant has enough money for travel costs to be included. Consider possible pro’s and cons

for paying for travel costs. • Propose any changes to the district constitutions.

Thanks to the members of The Joint Actions Committee, and our awesome advisors Kat Howell and Zeb Watkins for all of your hard work in making our committee awesome.

Sarah Diffie — Tau Beta Sigma — Iota BetaJeff Firestone Kappa Kappa Psi — Beta Gamma (Proxy for Epsilon Theta)Cody Hammer — Kappa Kappa Psi — Zeta KappaDonald Renz — Kappa Kappa Psi — Gamma SigmaBrent Rowland — Tau Beta Sigma — Gamma KappaAndy Watson — Tau Beta Sigma — Psi (Proxy for Delta Pi)Justin Windemiller — Kappa Kappa Psi — Iota Psi (Proxy for Alpha Rho)

Respectfully Submitted,

Shea Smith Tau Beta Sigma- Gamma Nu co-chairAustin Bordelon Kappa Kappa Psi Beta Gamma co-chair

Appendix L — Jurisdiction Committee Report

The 2014 Jurisdiction Committee read through the charges and report from the 2013 Jurisdiction Committee. After the reading, we quickly set to work trying to fix any lingering grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors within the constitution. This was judged to be too a large a task to finish in the first meeting, and the brothers were sent back to their hotels to take a closer look at the constitution, while the remainder of the first meeting was devoted to discussing and setting a deadline for others committees to submit amendment proposals. This deadline was set at 1:20pm on Saturday.

Proposed Amendments- Several grammatical errors were found and fixed within the constitution. Vice-President Allen Andrus, President Helen Moore, Secretary Treasurer


Stephanie McCullough, The Joint Action Committee, and the Ways and Means Committees submitted proposals for amendments.

• A policy on pre-convention District officer campaign materials was approved including an action to be taken for not adhering to said policy.

• Jurisdiction over the area workshops was shifted from the district president to vice-president.

• Changes were approved to the Officers, Finances, and Reports sections.• Changes to the New Alto, Publications, and Grants sections were approved for addition

to the constitution.

• Strike in 2.04• “Each person seeking a district office shall submit a candidacy packet that should

include:”• Add in 2.04

• “Each person seeking District Office shall submit a completed candidacy packets to the District Governor(s) no later than three (3) weeks prior to convention. The candidacy packet must include the following:1. Letters of recommendation their chapter, Director of Bands, and Sponsor,2. Resume3. A list of goals for their intended office complete with ways they envision achieving

said goals.

• Move 2.04, 2.05, and 2.06• New 2.04

• New election materials a person seeking a District Office wants to provide before District Convention, such as pamphlets, newsletters or stickers, must be approved by the Southwest District Governors before the candidate can disperse advertisem*nt materials to chapters.

• New 2.05• Candidates must have written approval from the chapter sponsor at which they are

located before they use the mailing supplies of the chapter for personal advertisem*nt. The approval of such materials must be sent to the Southwest District Governor as well before disbursem*nt.

• New 2.06• Failure to adhere to 2.04 and 2.05 will result in automatic disqualification from

candidacy.• Original section 2.04 will now read as 2.07. Original section 2.05 will now read as 2.08.

Original section 2.06 will now read as 2.09 respective.• Renumber all sections accordingly.

• Strike in 2.06• “The Vice-President shall coordinate internal activities for the District; internal activities

being defined as membership growth, membership retention, and music education. The Vice-President will oversee and execute programs for the Joint Action Committee for Music Education in consort with the Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Vice-President of Special Projects.”

• Add in 2.06


• “The Vice-President shall, in conjunction with the Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Vice-President of Membership, shall have jurisdiction over Southwest District Area Workshops. The Vice-President will also oversee and execute Music Education programs for the Joint Action Committee for in consort with the Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Member(s) at large, the Tau Beta Sigma Vice-President for Membership, and the Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Vice-President of Special Projects.”

• Strike in 6.07• “any travel reimbursem*nt”

• Add in 6.07• “the amount that exceeds the Officer’s Travel line item. Use of excess funding or unused

allotment from other District Officers is at the discretion of the District Governor(s).”

• Modify 7.01 to from:• “Each District officer, committee chairman, and chapter shall submit a report at each

District Convention. This report shall be typewritten with one are copy submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer for their records. Additional copies shall be maintained in an electronic format for the year’s convention minutes and accessible by chapters in attendance.”

• To:• “Each district officer, committee chairman, and chapter shall submit a report at each

District Convention. An electronic copy of this report shall be submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer for their records. The years convention minutes shall be accessible by all chapters.”

The following sections were approved for addition to the Southwest District Constitution:

2.08 The two District Members-at-Large shall be able representatives of the active chapters at all times. The Members-at-Large shall work with the officers in promoting communication with all chapters, colonies, and shall represent the District to the National Vice President for Student Affairs. They shall communicate with each chapter at least three times throughout the year. They shall also serve as the historians of the District and may also jointly chair the History and Traditions Committee. They shall be responsible for the Southwest District scrapbook and history book. The Members-at-Large shall correspond with each other on a regular basis and shall maintain a record of all correspondence between themselves and district chapters. The Members-at-Large shall assist directly in the publication of the New ALTO.

Section 8: Publications

8.01 The District newsletter shall be called the New ALTO. The New ALTO shall be published primarily as on online presence in the form of a website. A print publication of the New ALTO should also be created and made available online in a PDF format (able to be downloaded). A digital copy will be sent to National Headquarters, National Officers, and the Boards of Trustees for both Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma.


o The New ALTO will be published by the Southwest District Council. The Council may appoint a member or members to manage the advertising, publications, and distribution of the New ALTO, and/or to manage the design and maintenance of the Southwest District and/or New ALTO websites. These members may be appointed as needed and shall be active or associate members in good standing. The Council will create any necessary application processes and may require application materials that it deems necessarily, such as cover letters, portfolios, letters of recommendation, or any other materials.

o The New ALTO shall be published twice a year. Publication dates will be November 15th and April 1st. The Southwest District Council (or any appointed publications managers) shall set deadline dates for submission of articles, and shall also inform all chapters of the district at least six weeks in advance of the submission deadlines.

o Financing of the New ALTO shall be the responsibility of the District. Any reimbursem*nts shall follow standard reimbursem*nt policies of the National organization.

o The Southwest District shall maintain a common domain name and e-mail address for publishing the New ALTO.

Grants Promotions

• Have council members send out announcements to chapters and remind them that the grant is still available and can still be applied for.

• Contact Webmaster and ask to include announcement on kkytbs.org/swd homepage in a moving banner style.

Tabled Amendments• All amendments pertaining to Andy and Annie the Armadillos were table to the council until

amendments can be proposed to the Kappa Kappa Psi Jurisdiction Committee and the Tau Beta Sigma Jurisdiction and Finance Committee simultaneously. They read as follows:

o To section 11.02:▪ Replace “chapter to chapter” with “school to school”▪ Add after “Andy the Armadillo,”: “and his sister, Annie the Armadillo,”

o Strike Appendix 2o Add new Appendix 2: Andy and Annie the Armadillo

▪ The official mascot of the Southwest District of Kappa Kappa Psi shall be Andy the Armadillo. He and his sister, Annie the Armadillo, will stand for the unity of our joint chapters and the loyalty of their commitment to their band programs and the Southwest District. They shall be awarded to two joint chapters at Southwest District Convention who show excellent joint unity and spirit.• 1. Andy and Annie’s lengths of stay shall be from convention to

convention. Andy will stay with the winning Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter, and Annie will stay with the winning Tau Beta Sigma chapter. They will move on to another school at each District Convention. The chapters currently in possession of Andy and Annie will decide which school he is awarded to.


• 2. Andy and Annie must jointly submit an article to the New ALTO telling everyone of their activities and whereabouts

• 3. Andy and Annie must wear official uniforms or shirts of the school or band that previously hosted him. These shirts or uniforms must be worn at all times until Andy moves on to another school. The old shirt or uniform will then be sent to the District Officers to be placed in the District Archives

The Jurisdiction Committee charges the 2014-2015 Southwest District Council with the following:

• Examine the possibility of trimming the SWD Constitution and consider the use of a more flexible and practical form of governance such as a District Policy Book. This can be done by either the council itself, an individual, or group of individuals appointed by the council and/or the District Governor(s).

• Maintain records of issues and experiences with recent constitutional changes.

The Committee charges the 2015 Jurisdiction Committee with the following:• Set a deadline for committees to submit proposals by the end of the first meeting.• Review language and grammar within the constitution.• Examine changes to the National Constitution and ensure the District Constitution is up to

date.• Consider recommendations from those affected by the significant changes to our District

Constitution. Improve upon the new practices and help clean any unclear language.

And now for the litany of thank you’s.. I would like to thank all of the brothers on the committee for working with me and being a part of this committee, especially April Workman for taking such thorough committee minutes. This committee was not sexy or romantic, but it was necessary, and you guys helped make it a success. I would also like to thank our advisor, Brent Cannon of the National Alumni Association Board of Directors, for lending his wisdom and experience to the committee, helping us when we called upon him, agreeing to be our advisor just days before convention, and for keeping me calm when I thought I was going to fall apart and fail. Last, but not least, I would like to thank the 2013-2014 Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Council for appointing me to this position and allowing me to be the first member of Gamma Iota to serve in the capacity of committee chair. I hope that I did the job well and represented my chapter well in the process. It was an honor to be selected and an even bigger honor to serve.

Fraternally submitted,

Jamie Shepperson2014 Jurisdiction Committee Chair

Appendix M — Membership Education Committee Report

Brothers of the Southwest District,

The 2014 Membership Education Committee was charged with the following:36

Analyze the CMEP Database Project’s and the Membership Education Assessment’s usefulness over the previous year, and discuss potential requirement of submission of one or both for consideration in the D. O. Wiley.

Therefore the committee discussed the Membership Education Assessment, CMEP Projects and Database, and colonization.

After a bit of discussion, it was obvious that the committee feels as though an emphasis on Continue Membership Education is necessary. We felt as though there should be some form of Continuing Membership Education requirements or resources for chapter Vice Presidents.

The Membership Education Assessment was not useful for the Southwest District, therefore discussion on this topic was short.

The committee has the following charges:

SWD Vice President:Continue to encourage chapter participation in the SWD CMEP DatabaseOrganize one Continuing Membership Education presentation at every SWD Area Workshop of varying contents/themesWork in conjunction with the National Vice President for Colonization and Membership to access chapter CMEP Resources for the DatabaseAt the installation of new chapters, inform said chapter of all active chapters within their geographical area, and inform the already active chapters of the newly inducted chapterDevelop a program where new chapters are paired with a geographical close chapter to increase the involvement of new chapters in the district

SWD Council:Reach out to colonies to offer the Colony Assistance funds to ensure colony participation at SWD ConventionEnsure that each colony will attempt to send one person to SWD Convention

Advising Chapters:Inform the colony about every workshop and, if possible, supply some way of transportation

The 2015 Membership Education Committee:Evaluate the usage of the Colony Assistance and discuss whether to increase the allotted funds for Colony AssistanceDiscuss ways to incorporate the newest chapters of the district into district activities

Thank you to Danielle Sullivan from Gamma Phi, sitting for Zeta Zeta, Steven Brown from Kappa Phi, Rene Hernandez from Epsilon Delta, Megan Fitzgerald, and Brook Bennett from Alpha, sitting Epsilon Zeta for your input and participation!

Thank you to Jack Lee for your wisdom and guidance through our discussion. You were a tremendous help.


Fraternally Submitted,

Allen Andrus IIZeta Beta Chapter, Howard Payne UniversityMembership Education Committee Chair 2014SWD Vice President

Appendix N — Nominations Committee Report

The 2014 Kappa Kappa Psi Southwest District Nominations Committee was charged with the following:1. Review the report of the 2013 Nominations Committee2. Examine and submit a list of all constitutionally qualified nominees for each office3. Develop a series of questions for each candidate and establish criteria for a positive

recommendation for the district.4. Prepare a slate of one candidate for each position that the committee feels would benefit

the district the most. If the committee feels that no one candidate is most qualified, they may offer a “no slate” for any or all offices.

5. Recommend any changes to the nomination/election process to the Jurisdiction Committee.

The following criteria should be used in the slating process:

1. Review the applicant’s materials, checking for constitutional validity of their candidacy.2. Conduct a personal interview with each candidate.3. Combining the information from points one and two, determine whom the committee

feels would best serve the Southwest District in each capacity.

In order to create a fair and just interview, some of the following questions were used in the interview process for each candidate:

General questions for all candidates:1. What are the responsibilities of this office?2. Why do you want this office?3. Would you be flexible if the committee slated you for another office?4. What will your status with Kappa Kappa Psi be for next year? Will you be a chapter

officer?5. What is your current overall academic status? Do you have any academic honors?6. What do you feel is the model time commitment for a district officer?7. What is your view on the importance of council representation at SWD Area

Workshops?8. What is your personal philosophy on band programs and service?9. What type of programs would you like to see implemented or expanded upon in the

Southwest District?10. What is your greatest weakness?11. Tell us about a not so positive situation that you have encountered and how did you

overcome it?12. What are your current top priorities?


13. Where do you think the District Stands on their faith in the Southwest District Council?14. What would be your role within the council?15. Are you able to travel effectively while keeping your responsibilities to your own school,

band, and chapter?16. If on a chapter visit, you suspect a member is being hazed, what do you do?

Questions for President candidates:1. What do you think your finest moment as a leader has been?2. How could you draw that experience if you were elected President?3. How would your previous leadership experience help you with being President?

Questions for Vice President candidates:1. What are your plans to keep colonies well informed?2. How would you work with alumni on a district level?3. How can you encourage schools to share their membership processes with struggling


Questions for Secretary/Treasurer candidates:1. What experience do you have regarding finance and/or secretarial duties?2. Do you have any fundraising ideas in mind?

Questions for Member-at-Large candidates:1. Of what would your ideal visit to a chapter consist?2. In your opinion, what constitutes effective communication?3. How do you set your criteria for chapter visits?4. How would your visit benefit a chapter?5. What are your relations with other chapters?6. How would you plan to include alumni in more events across the district?7. What are your plans for the New ALTO?

Pertaining to the second charge with states: Examine and submit a list of all constitutionally qualified nominees for each office, the Nominations Committee found that all six nomination packets submitted by the candidates met the National and Southwest District Constitutional requirements. The committee found that the following candidates met all requirements:

For the office of President:Austin Bordelon of Beta GammaBrandon Fisher of Zeta Kappa

For the office of Vice President:Zachary Dabney of Zeta Kappa

For the office of Secretary/Treasurer:Dylan Charrin of Beta Sigma

For the office of Member at Large:Austin Kelso of Alpha OmicronEric Barnett of Lambda


After discussing all of the qualities and qualifications of the candidates, the Nominations Committee came to its final recommendation for the District. Though the committee felt that all of the candidates were well qualified, we concluded that these candidates would provide the best service to the Southwest District in the following capacities:

President:Brandon Fisher, Zeta Kappa

Vice President:Zachary Dabney, Zeta Kappa

Secretary/Treasurer:Dylan Charrin, Beta Sigma

Member at Large:Austin Kelso, Alpha Omicron

Member at Large:Austin Bordelon, Beta Gamma

The committee felt that each person who was slated was by far the clear choice and the best candidate for each position. The committee must express that the voting for the slate for each office was a unanimous vote.

The Nominations Committee would like to thank all of the candidates for district office for their time and interest in working for the good of the Southwest District and the fraternity at large. The committee strongly urges the delegation to ask questions of all candidates for office so that the delegation can make an informed decision that reflects the best for the district.

The Committee would like to charge the 2015 Nominations Committee with the following:

● Review the report of the 2014 Nominations Committee.● Examine and submit a list of all constitutionally qualified nominees for each office.● Develop a series of questions for each candidate and establish criteria for a positive

recommendation for the district.● Prepare a slate of one candidate for each position that the committee feels would benefit

the district the most. If the committee feels that no one candidate is most qualified, they may offer a “no slate” for any or all offices.

● Recommend any changes to the nomination/election process to the Jurisdiction Committee.

The Committee would like to charge the 2014-2015 Co-Members at Large with the following:

● Develop and maintain a list of chapter visits to better increase visibility throughout the District and equal opportunity of district resources.

● Develop and maintain a living Southwest District scrapbook available digitally throughout the year.


The Committee would like to charge the 2014-2015 Jurisdiction to define areas of responsibility with alumni engagement within the District Council

I would like to thank the committee for their time and dedication that they put into this year’s decisions:Cassie Cole, Beta LambdaAlejandro Munoz, Zeta BetaJared Holt, Epsilon BetaAndrew Ross, DeltaZach Stewart, Gamma Phi

I would also like to thank our two advisors: Dusty Brown, Past Southwest District President, and Nichole Taylor, Alumni of Eta Nu.

Respectfully submitted,

Nicole Ballenger2014 Nominations Committee ChairMu Lambda chapter at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Appendix O — Spirit Committee Report

Brothers of the Southwest District,It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as the 2014 Spirit Committee.

The 2012-2013 Spirit Committee charged the 2013-2014 Spirit Committee with the following:1. Review the 2012-2013 Spirit Committee report. 2.Discuss and set a score system for the Spirit Stick and make this information known at the

following Separate Session.3.Review and decide the award recipient for the Spirit Stick.4.Review the application process for “The Cup” and recommend any changes to the

Jurisdiction Committee.5.Work with the host chapters for percentages of who is in attendance at convention, and for

the attendance at reading bands.6.Review and decide the award recipient for the Spirit of the Southwest Award (The Cup)7. Review and decide the award recipient for the Outstanding Service to Music Education


• The committee met on Friday April 25th at 7:30 pm. We reviewed the charges and the report of the 2012-2013 Spirit Committee.

• The 2013-2014 Spirit Committee came up with a point system for scoring the Spirit Stick to be presented at the 9:45am separate session #2 on Saturday April 26. The point system compiled by the committee is as follows:

Chapter Participation & Spirit (100 point system)‣ Donation to convention fundraiser +10‣ Music Supply drive +10


‣ Participation in reading band (yes or no) +10 points‣ Talent Show (yes or no) +5 Points‣ Vendor participation +10‣ Chapter Scrapbook Display +5‣ District Scrapbook submissions +15‣ Unity

‣ Respectfully cheerful — 15 points possible‣ Uniformity — 5 points possible

‣ Overall participation in orange out +5 ‣ Percentage in attendance — 10 points possible ‣ Bonus Points:

‣ Participation in jazz band (yes or no) +5 points

• Based on the newly formed point system, the spirit committee was pleased to observe the Chapter Participation and Spirit of the Southwest district throughout Convention. It is truly a unique spirit that cannot be found in any other district. It is our pleasure to award the Spirit Stick to “Olaf.”

• The 2013-2014 Spirit Committee reviewed the application process for “The Cup” and recommends that the 2014-2015 committee submit to the Jurisdiction Committee that any mandatory events are excluded from points possible unless additional correspondence is made (ex: mandatory football games with planned dinner after).

• This year’s committee worked with the host chapters as well as the district council to gather who is in attendance at convention, reading bands, fundraisers and scrapbook submissions.

• It was a pleasure hearing presentations from the four chapters that applied for the Spirit of the Southwest Award (The Cup). Thank you to Delta, Lambda, Gamma Phi and Zeta Kappa for submitting applications. It was a pleasure hearing from each of you and about your endeavors throughout the past school year. Though each chapter brought forth honorable qualities, the Spirit of the Southwest Award, or the Cup, will be awarded to “Princess Anna.”

• The Outstanding Service to Music Education Award is an award that is often forgotten. Remembering that one of the values of Kappa Kappa Psi is to further the music programs in our communities, the importance of this award is to recognize extraordinary service specifically furthering music education at the university or community by submitting one specific project to be considered. Thank you for the application submitted. With the Spirit Committees final recommendation, the award will be given to “Sven.”

The 2013-2014 Spirit Committee charges the 2014-2015 Spirit Committee with the following:1. Review the 2013-2014 Spirit Committee report.2.Review the score system for the Spirit Stick and revise where you see fit.3.Review and decide the award recipient for the Spirit Stick.4.Review the application process for “The Cup” and recommend any changes to the

Jurisdiction Committee.5.Submit to the jurisdiction committee that any mandatory events are excluded from points

possible on the cup application unless additional correspondence is made (ex: mandatory football games with planned event after).

6.Work with the host chapters for percentages of who is in attendance at convention, and for the attendance at reading bands on Friday night.

7. Review and decide the award recipient for the Spirit of the Southwest Award (The Cup)


8.Review and decide the award recipient for the Outstanding Service to Music Education Award.

The Spirit Committee would like to thank all brothers in attendance this weekend. Your brotherly love and enthusiasm is really what makes this district special. I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to chair this committee. It was a pleasure working with each member and eating fried Oreos. Thank you for your hard work and brotherly spirit.

Christina Borne- RhoDino Cardenas- Alpha PsiErica Collins- Lambda XiRaymond Jones- Lambda XiJordan Pettit- Theta NuGavin Paul Stewart- Zeta BetaCharly Wade- Gamma Theta

Thank you to Helen and the Southwest District Council. It was an honor to have been chosen to chair this committee and I thank you for considering me. Your hard work ethic and love for the district has truly made a positive impact over the past year. I look forward to seeing the district grow in the future.

Finally, thank you to my wonderful advisor, Melissa Rice-Perez. It was so encouraging to have you by my side. Not only are you a great mentor, but your funny and sweet personality made it an enjoyable weekend. The memories I have made this convention have been so amazing I never want to “Let it Go.” Your positive input and knowledge of the fraternity helped this committee thrive. Thank you again.

Frozen and fraternally submitted,

Hannah HowardKappa Kappa Psi-Mu Mu, PresidentSWD Spirit Committee Chair

Appendix P — Ways & Means Committee Report

The 2014 Ways & Means Committee has been charged with the following:1. Review the report of the 2013 Ways and Means Committee.2. Present an overview of the 2013–2014 district account.3. Determine if any line item in the budget needs to be adjusted.4. Create and present a budget for the 2014–2015 academic year.

During this year’s convention, the following actions took place:1. The previous report was presented and discussed. 2.The 2013–2014 account was presented and discussed.3.Line items in the district budget were adjusted as necessary.4.The committee changed the name of POSTAGE, COPYING, ETC. to OFFICE AND MAIL.5.The committee decided to increase the amount allotted to OFFICE AND MAIL from $100 to


6.The committee decided to increase the amount allotted to CHAPTER ASSISTANCE from $400 to $500.

7. The committee decided to restructure the purposes of and application for CHAPTER ASSISTANCE in order for the allotment to be used in the the most beneficial way to get more chapters to District Convention.

• The committee recommends that the following aspects be considered for use as revision of the current CHAPTER ASSISTANCE application:

A. Applicants must have all chapter paperwork in on time. B. Applicants must display financial need. C. Chapters who otherwise would not be able to seat a delegate will have

preference. D. Chapters who are up for awards including but not limited to the D.O. Wiley

will have preference.E. Short answer questions such as the following should be included:

i. How will your chapter benefit from this funding?ii. How will you as an individual benefit from this funding?iii.Will you be present for all of convention?

F. Applicants must submit a budget on how the money will be allocated. G. Recipients of awards must write a brief article about how the funding was

used for the next New ALTO publication, or they may choose to write a substantial article about the experience to submit to the next Podium publication.

The committee decided to include the CHAPTER ASSISTANCE (TO NATCON) in the non-convention year budget to increase the amount available for assistance in the following year.The committee decided to increase the NatCon assistance fund from $1120 to $1140.

8. The committee charged the Jurisdiction Committee with the following amendments:

Section 6.07Strike: At the end of the fiscal year, any district officer that has travel costs that exceed the allotted amount shall forfeit any travel reimbursem*nt.Replace: At the end of the fiscal year, any district officer that has travel costs that exceed the allotted amount shall forfeit the amount that exceeds the Officer’s Travel line item. Use of excess funding or unused allotment from other District Officers is at the discretion of the District Governor(s).

9. The budget for the 2014–2015 year was written and is enclosed with this report.


To the 2014–2015 Secretary/Treasurer:1. Revise the CHAPTER ASSISTANCE application using the recommendations set forth by the

2014 Ways and Means Committee. 2.Fundraise at least $200 for FUNDRAISING in the revenue portion of the budget.3.Innovate in how information is dispersed about the funding opportunities (such as

CHAPTER ASSISTANCE) available to chapters and individuals in order to make use of that budget and increase attendance by more chapters at convention.


To the 2015 Ways and Means Committee:1. Review the report of the 2014 Ways and Means Committee.2.Present an overview of the 2014–2015 district account.3.Determine if any line item in the budget needs to be adjusted.4.Create and present a budget for the 2015–2016 academic year. 5.Carefully evaluate the use of the NEW ALTO allotment within the revised structure of its

publication and adjust it accordingly.

I would like to sincerely thank our advisor Eric Morson for his help with this committee. The following Brothers dutifully served on this committee:

Connor Parker — Delta (Proxy for Delta Sigma)Alex Dunn — Beta Alpha (Proxy for Gamma Omega)Kelton Ashcraft — Zeta XiLaDarious Jones — Eta Xi Jesse Atkinson — Theta KappaMiguel Garcia — Gamma OmegaJeremy Sanders — Delta Sigma

Fraternally submitted and always on the upward Strive,

Stephanie McCulloughLambda Chapter — University of Arkansas2014 Ways and Means Committee Chair2013–2014 SWD Secretary/Treasurer


Kappa Kappa Psi — Southwest District 2014–2015 Budget



OTHER (interest, chapter donations)




DISTRICT OFFICER TRAVEL President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Co Member-at-Large Co Member-at-Large

OFFICE AND MAIL (postage, copying, etc.)
























Kappa Kappa Psi - kkytbs.org Kappa Psi SWD...Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Southwest District Convention 2014 April 25–27, 2014 Baylor University — Waco, TX Opening Joint Session: - [PDF Document] (2024)


Is Kappa Kappa Psi a black fraternity? ›

The Gamma Omega chapter would serve as the 96th chapter installed into Kappa Kappa Psi and more importantly, as the FIRST BLACK CHAPTER of Kappa Kappa Psi.

What is the difference between Kappa Kappa Psi, and tau beta sigma? ›

On March 26, 1946, Tau Beta Sigma was officially chartered as a national organization, chapter as a sister organization. Kappa Kappa Psi is a National Honorary Band Fraternity.

Can girls be in Kappa Kappa Psi? ›

Since 1919, more than 66,000 men and women have been initiated into Kappa Kappa Psi, with nearly 6,000 collegiate members active today.

What is the purpose of the KKPsi? ›

To honor outstanding bandmembers through privilege of membership extended as a reward for technical achievement and appreciation for the best in music. To stimulate campus leadership and promulgate an uncompromising respect through the medium of the college band for gracious conduct, good taste, and unswerving loyalty.

What is a black frat called? ›

An Overview of Historically Black Fraternities & Sororities

In order of their founding, they are Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Delta Sigma Theta, Phi Beta Sigma, Zeta Phi Beta, Sigma Gamma Rho, and Iota Phi Theta. They are often collectively called the Divine Nine.

Do you have to be black to join Kappa Alpha Psi? ›

Kappa Alpha Psi accepts male students of any color, creed, or national origin. To be considered for membership, a candidate must have at least a 2.5 GPA.

What is the wife of a Kappa called? ›

Later, the Kappas asked their wives to act as hostesses and plan activities for visiting wives and children. Many such groups remained together and organized permanent groups, calling themselves "Kappa Wives" or "Kappa Alpha Psi Silhouettes".

Are girls allowed in frat houses? ›

Because of residential requirements, some college campuses and national chapter administrations also prohibit members of the opposite sex on certain floors of fraternity and sorority houses.

Can a girl pledge a frat? ›

Can girls join fraternities? There are Co-Ed fraternities that females can join. Those are typically Business, law fraternities. Females cannot join social fraternities though.

What are the 4 pillars of Kappa PSI? ›

The chapter members work together to promote the four pillars of Kappa Psi: Fellowship, Industry, Sobriety, and High Ideals.

Can you join Kappa Kappa Psi after college? ›

Students who depart their college or university without graduating may become members of KKΨAA by (i) completing a KKΨAA Membership Form and paying annual dues, or (ii) becoming a Life Member of Kappa Kappa Psi and completing a KKΨAA Membership Form for Life Members, which does not require payment of annual dues at ...

Why is Kappa Alpha Psi suspended? ›

A Penn State fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, has been suspended through fall 2027 after an investigation into hazing, the university announced Tuesday. The exact hazing allegations and how many people were involved were not made known.

Was Kappa Alpha Psi the first black fraternity? ›

Kappa Alpha Psi® is the 2nd oldest existing collegiate historically Black Greek letter fraternity and the 1st intercollegiate fraternity incorporated as a national body. It is the first Greek letter organization to establish its Alpha Chapter on Indiana University's campus.

What is the sister sorority of Kappa Kappa Psi? ›

Tau Beta Sigma, National Honorary Band Sorority, has been recognized as a sister organization since 1947, and the two organizations share National Headquarters in Stillwater Station, a converted historical Santa Fe rail depot that was purchased by the fraternity and sorority in 1991.

What is the darkest day of Kappa Alpha Psi? ›

#RIP to the most Honorable Big Brother Elder Watson Diggs. 👌🏾Nov 8th, 1947.

Is Kappa Kappa Kappa a real frat? ›

Kappa Kappa Kappa (Tri-Kap), was founded as a local fraternity at Dartmouth College in 1842. It is the oldest local fraternity in the United States and the second-oldest fraternity at Dartmouth.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.