Pickle Relish Recipe (2024)

Pickle Relish Recipe (1)

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Food Renegade

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by Kristen Michaelis CNC 31 Comments | Affiliate Disclosure

Pickle Relish Recipe (2)

Nothing says love like a homemade dill pickle relish recipe. Okay, so maybe some things do — like chocolate, or an Australian Shiraz wine, or a foot massage. Oh, and then there are those adorable squeezy hugs that my boys are so keen on giving. I’m getting sidetracked.

I love pickle relish, particularly dill pickle relish. And when I became a label Nazi, I realized I needed to create a dill pickle relish recipe that could keep my family in fresh, old-fashioned, pro-biotic, lacto-fermented pickle relish until kingdom come. That’s because store bought pickle relish (even dill pickle relish!) not only contains nasties like high fructose corn syrup or sugar, but it’s also made with a vinegar brine and industrial canning. In other words, the dill pickle relish you buy at the store is dead — nothing at all like the sour, fizzy, old-fashioned pickle relish recipes our great-grandmothers were famous for.

So, I did what I always do when I want a recipe. I looked online. Nothing. I searched for lacto-fermented pickle relish recipes and found nada, zip, zilch, zero.

Then I did what I always do after I check online. I scoured my cookbooks. I found a recipe for Pickled Cucumbers in Nourishing Traditions (one of my Top 5 recommended cookbooks), and set about adapting it into a good pickle relish recipe.

This is the result.

Pickle Relish Recipe

The Players

  • 4-5 pickling cucumbers
  • 2 tbsp. fresh dill (or 2 tsp. dried dill)
  • 1 tbsp. sea salt (where to find real sea salt)
  • 4 tbsp. whey (drained from yogurt, if not available, use an extra 1 tbsp. salt)

The How-To

1. Wash cucumbers well & grate them in a food processor or by hand. Stir in remaining ingredients.

2. Place mixture in a quart-sized, wide-mouth mason jar. Using a kitchen mallet or wooden spoon, squeeze the grated cucumbers down and allow liquid to cover them. If there’s not enough liquid to cover, add filtered water to get the job done. The top of the liquid should be at least one inch below the top of the jar (that’s to make room for all that glorious fermentation).

3. Cover tightly and keep at room temperature for about 2 days before transferring to cold storage.

4. Open and enjoy! This dill pickle relish recipe produces an old-fashioned, fresh, dill pickle relish that will last up to a couple of months in the refrigerator, although most of the pro-biotic benefit from the lactic acid fermenetation will be lost by then. (In other words, the sooner you eat it, the more healthful it is for you!)

P.S. If you’re intimidated by the idea of fermenting your own condiments at home, there are folks who are in the business of doing it for you. Why not check out the listings on my Resources Page to see what’s available in your area?

Need an Easy Guide to Get Started Fermenting Your Own Foods?

I’ve created a nifty, print-friendly, easy-to-follow collection of 7 naturally probiotic recipes your kids (and you!) will love.

Where to Buy Fermentation Airlocks & Vessels

If you want to find wide mouth jars with airlocks already installed for fermentation, fermentation airlock lids you can use to top your own wide mouth mason jars, and fermentation crocks, check out the listings here.

Pickle Relish Recipe (4)

About the Author

Kristen Michaelis CNC has been a Health and Nutrition Educator since 2008. Founder and CEO of Food Renegade, she's a passionate advocate for REAL FOOD -- food that's sustainable, organic, local, and traditionally-prepared according to the wisdom of our ancestors. She earned a Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude) from Dallas Baptist University in Philosophy and Biblical Studies, then began her post-graduate journey as a researcher in the fields of health and nutrition. While she adores hats & happy skirts, nothing inspires her quite like geeking out over nutrition & sustainable agriculture. Nutrition educator & author of the go-to book on nutrition for fertility, she's also a rebel with a cause who enjoys playing in the rain, a good bottle of Caol Isla scotch, curling up with a page-turning book, sunbathing on her hammock, and parenting her three children as they grow into young adults.

Fight Back Friday April 30th »


  1. Pickle Relish Recipe (5)inklesstales says

    @foodiegourmet If “I love you” 2 U is a dill pickle relish recipe, U r one unique guy. Sounds tasty, tho: http://ow.ly/17d1hu

    This comment was originally posted on Twitter


  2. Pickle Relish Recipe (7)HotInHealth says

    Pickle Relish Recipe | Food Renegade https://www.foodrenegade.com/pickle-relish-recipe/

    This comment was originally posted on Twitter


  3. Pickle Relish Recipe (8)foodNW says

    Pickle Relish Recipe | Food Renegade – Nothing says love like a homemade dill pickle relish recipe. Okay, so maybe … http://ow.ly/17d2iL

    This comment was originally posted on Twitter


  4. Pickle Relish Recipe (11)Teresa B says

    THANKS!!!! I love dill relish and just discovered the same thing you did about ingredients. Your solution could not have been more timely! 🙂


  5. Pickle Relish Recipe (12)Anna says

    Bubbies brand (out of San Francisco or the Bay area, I think) makes traditional lacto-fermented pickles and pickle relish and can sometimes be found in conventional supermarkets in the chilled pickle case (I have found them at Stater Bros and Ralph’s in the San Diego area). Some “natural” food stores also stock Bubbies products. Bubbies also makes a good lacto-fermented sauerkraut. The products are more expensive than their industrially processed vinegar counterparts, but overall, very reasonably priced.

    Note not all Bubbies products are lacto-fermented. I think the horseradish isn’t, for example. check the label to be sure.


    • Pickle Relish Recipe (13)KristenM says

      I’ve had Bubbies sauerkraut before and thought it was very reasonably priced. Never had their pickles or pickle relish though!


  6. Pickle Relish Recipe (16)Youthful One says

    How delightfully simple!!
    Now, where do I find pickling cukes this time of year?


  7. Pickle Relish Recipe (19)Kate says

    What if you can’t find pickling cucumbers? Are others okay to use too? I am LOVING my fermented foods, they make me feel so good all the time. So I need more, bigger variety (so far kombucha and yogurt are all I have, water kefir…well, we’ve sort of given up on that for now). This relish sounds great, I think I would eat a spoonful everyday even if I had nothing to put it on.
    .-= Kate´s last blog post …Fermented Food Challenge =-.


  8. Pickle Relish Recipe (20)Amy says

    This recipe is incredible – discovered that it tastes wonderful when mixed with vegannaise. 🙂


  9. Pickle Relish Recipe (21)Deborah says

    I followed the directions for this recipe and it didn’t taste fermented, only salty. Even after storing it in the fridge after fermenting on the counter for 2 days. any suggestions on what went wrong? should it ferment longer on the counter if the home temp is 80 degrees? I used sea salt and whey as directed. mine was a fine sea salt. does that make a difference? I really wanted this to work 🙁


  10. Pickle Relish Recipe (22)Angela says

    Wonderful recipe! This will be my first foray into fermentation. I don’t have sea salt nor can I afford any at the moment (working part time, firt trimester of pregnancy sucks!). I do have table salt, pickling salt, and rock salt in a little grinder. Which of these options would be best in replacing the sea salt in this recipe?



  11. Pickle Relish Recipe (24)Kim says

    I am very interested to hear the answers to many of these questions. I am also wondering how many cups of chopped pickles this recipe calls for. I have some large ones and wonder how any I should use.


  12. Pickle Relish Recipe (25)maggie says

    This looks good – I make a similar thing without the whey. And I just wanted to weigh in (ha) to say that the bit about it being more probiotic the sooner you eat it is not really true. The populations of beneficial bacteria will change over time and will increase in diversity, not decrease, as fermentation continues. Also, lactic acid levels will increase as time goes on, which has it’s own slew of awesome health benefits. If you omit the whey you can let the relish ferment for longer without it getting soft as fast.


  13. Pickle Relish Recipe (26)Lisa says

    I was just wondering if anyone has tried freezing this recipe? We love making fermented foods, but our fridge gets too full to last all winter long. I thought the relish might be a good one for the freezer, since it doesn’t require any crunch. What do you think?


  14. Pickle Relish Recipe (27)Annie says

    Can sweetener be added to this relish? My husband really likes sweet pickle relish. If so, when is the best time to add it and how much? And what sweetener is best? Honey? Granulated cane sugar? Maple syrup?


  15. Pickle Relish Recipe (31)Tina says

    Do you scrape out any of the seeds first before putting it in the food processor?


  16. Pickle Relish Recipe (33)Olinda Paul via Facebook says

    I haven’t had pickle relish in a long time. It certainly doesn’t taste like I remember at all.


  17. Pickle Relish Recipe (34)Billy says

    I was always curious about how people got the cucumbers into the tiny tiny chunks that look so perfect in relish. Is it possible to grate / food process zucchini for zucchini relish the same way? Or is the vegetable too soft? I worry it would just pulverize into a paste – whereas cucumbers are more hard and prone to break / be chopped. Thank you for sharing your recipe!


  18. Pickle Relish Recipe (35)Deborah says

    I have been searching for a recipe like this! Thank you. How would you turn this into a sweet pickle relish?


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Pickle Relish Recipe (2024)


Is pickle relish just chopped up pickles? ›

Is pickle relish just chopped pickles? This dill relish recipe does use chopped pickles as the base. However, it combines more fresh ingredients for bold flavor. Bell pepper, onion, and dill are the secret to making the BEST homemade relish recipe.

What is dill pickle relish made of? ›

In a large pot, bring vinegar, sugar, garlic, dill seed, mustard seed, celery seed to a boil. Add cucumber mixture, bring to a boil again, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. After 9 minutes, mix the cornstarch with a bit of the simmering juice until no lumps remain.

Is there a difference between relish and pickle relish? ›

There is a discernible difference between a relish and a pickle. The important difference being the way in which they go about preserving, whether it is mostly with vinegar/salt (pickles), sugar (jams and jellies, relish) or a mixture of the two (relish).

What is sweet pickle relish made of? ›

This sweet pickle relish, made with cucumbers, sugar, onion, salt, mustard seeds, celery seeds, and cider vinegar, is perfect for hamburgers and hot dogs and potato salad, and anything else.

What is a good substitute for pickle relish? ›

Dill Pickles: A Common Substitute

Not only do they offer a satisfying crunch, but their tanginess closely mirrors the original relish. Simply chop the dill pickles into small pieces and add them to your dish to enjoy a flavor reminiscent of sweet relish.

What are the different types of pickle relish? ›

Pickle relish is one of the most commonly used spreads in the U.S. Two variants of this are hamburger relish (pickle relish in a ketchup base or sauce) and hot dog relish (pickle relish in a mustard base or sauce). Another readily available commercial relish in the U.S. is corn (maize) relish.

Does dill pickle relish go bad? ›

Yes, relish goes bad. Even though it's a preserve, it doesn't last forever. In fact, nothing does.

Is pickle relish the same as hot dog relish? ›

Trader Joe's Organic Sweet Pickle Relish

We included both "sweet relish" and "hot dog relish" in our lineup, the latter being distinguished by having the addition of extra mustard and other flavorings. All of the relishes we tasted had a cucumber base flavored with sugar, vinegar, and spices.

What is Heinz relish made of? ›


Why is pickle relish green? ›

Chicago-style relish is a type of sweet pickle relish typically used on Chicago-style hot dogs. The unique color of the relish, often referred to as "neon green", is created by adding blue dye to regular pickle relish.

What pickle relish has no preservatives? ›

Natural, nutritious, and no-nonsense, Bubbies Sweet Relish is preservative-free, gluten-free, and certified non-GMO and Kosher.

What is hot dog relish made of? ›

Place onions, cabbage, bell peppers, and tomatoes in a food processor, and pulse until finely minced. Drain, and remove contents to a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt, cover, and let stand overnight. Pour contents into a colander; rinse, and drain.

Is relish a minced pickle? ›

Relishes are condiments generally composed of chopped vegetables, with other ingredients potentially added. What's usually served as “relish” in the US is specifically a pickle relish: pickles are chopped up, seasoned, and used to flavor other dishes. However, technically a relish does not require pickles.

What makes something a relish? ›

Relishes are cooked or pickled chopped fruits or vegetables that are mixed together in a sauce. In comparison, chutneys are a type of relish. Relish is normally made with vegetables, while chutney is mostly made with fruit.

What are cut pickles called? ›

Pickles are available in the following cuts or styles: chips, chunks, gherkins, halves, lengthwise slices (for sandwiches), salad cubes, relish, spears, sticks and whole.

Can you eat pickle relish? ›

This chunky sweet relish is great to eat right away, but it's also nice to go into the pantry in the middle of winter, crack open a jar, and put some on your hot dogs! Or mix some into macaroni salad for extra flavor.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.