The Power of Pride - Oppreciator (2024)

The Power of Pride

Saiyans were a peculiar bunch. She could never quite get her head around them. Most dismissed them as simple minded, brutal warriors, but she had never found that perception particularly accurate. Saiyans were a prideful lot, but what that pride meant changed from Saiyan to Saiyan. For some it was pride in their homeworld, for others it was a pride in their own skills as a warrior.

For others though, it was a harder distinction to nail down.

The column of iridescent light slammed into the surface of the unnamed moon, just another hunk of stellar dust floating through the cosmos of the Sixth Universe, leaving behind a lone figure carrying a staff. The figure was tall, her blue skin and shockingly white hair contrasting with her green and black robes. The blue halo that floated around her neck matched that of the ring mounted atop her sceptre.

Vados, Angel and Guide to the Sixth Universe's God of Destruction, felt the ground trembling beneath her feet. A golden aura projected into the sky just beyond the closest ridge like a jet of flame trying to propel the satellite out of its orbit.

“Oh dear…” she muttered, letting out a concerned sigh. The aura of energy expanded, streams of lightning pouring out from the crater lashing at the ground around like a many-tentacled beast hunting for its prey. With a disappointed sigh, Vados tapped her staff lightly against the surface of the moon and floated down to the depths of the crater.

She’d been watching the Saiyan girl for some time now. Since the end of the tournament, Vados had let her concern for Champa spread to the other members of the team. They had all witnessed first hand the power of the Omni-King after all, the child-like deity that had deemed their universe fit for destruction. While others in the sixth universe had simply winked out of existence, these warriors had known what was happening. Vados wondered what effect this might take on the prideful Saiyan warriors.

Kale, it was true she had been concerned about, but it seemed like the young lady had taken the events in stride, simply happy to be alive at all thanks to the selfless acts of the seventh universe’s android. Cabba too had expressed his gratitude, vowing not to let the second chance he had been given go to waste.

Caulifla however…

The young warrior had not taken the failure well it seemed. She blamed herself for her weakness, and her failure to protect her own universe. Vados may not have the same level of experience with Saiyans as her younger brother Whis, but even she could see how such emotional turmoil in such a powerful warrior could be devastating if left unchecked.

The ground trembled beneath Vados’ feet as she lightly touched down at the bottom of the crater. While stone and dust was flung around in a maelstrom of catastrophic energy, Vados allowed herself to maintain a quiet bubble of peace as she waited for the Saiyan to notice her presence. When it became clear that Caulifla would not notice her arrival over the sound of her own screaming, Vados cleared her throat.

It may have just been a whisper, but Vados’ voice cut like a knife through the tumultuous cacophony:

“Caulifla, may I have a word?” The request came through loud and clear, and the young Saiyan whipped her head around, eyes glistening a blazing blue and filled with rage. Her mouth parted in a snarl as she swung her fist towards whoever may dare to interrupt her training. Vados raised her delicate index finger, and took the punch with barely a hint of effort. The shockwave shook the crater, and Vados allowed for a few moments to pass as the dust began to settle on the moon’s uneven surface.

In those moments, recognition sparked behind Caulifla’s eyes, and she allowed her feet to touch back to the ground. The golden glow that suffused her wild hair faded and her eyes lost their roiling sheen, returning back to the solid black that matched her hair. She let a look of frustration scrunch her features before she turned her back on the Angel.

“What d’you want?” Her tone of impertinence dripping from every word.

Vados stayed silent for a moment, finger tapping her chin lightly as she tilted her head, pondering the question.

“Hmmm, well that’s a rather large question isn’t it?” She responded, her voice ringing like a pleasant chime of bells. “There are many things I want, Caulifla. Right now for example, I would like nothing more than to sample some more of that scrumptious berry tart I acquired from the Flaxion homeworld. Such a shame that Lord Champa destroyed them shortly afterwards, but as is his will…”

“Is that it? Champa wants me to do more dirty work for him?”

“My word, no Caulifla, not at all. After all, Lord Champa doesn’t even know that I’m here! In fact, that is very much to your benefit.”

Caulifla found a large boulder that she had shaken loose from the crater’s edge and turned to sit on it, finally letting her gaze settle back on the attendant. “Whaddya mean, ‘my benefit’.

“Well, to put it plainly Caulifla, if Lord Champa became aware of your activities, he may become paranoid that you were seeking to overthrow him. I happen to be aware of his brother falling under a similar paranoia about the Saiyan’s from his own universe, and I would hate to see your world be destroyed after all the effort you went to save it during the Tournament of Power…”

“Whaddya… What do you mean overthrow him? I aint go no interest in bein’ a destroyer!”

“Well, I dare say that shaking apart one of Planet Sadala’s own moons wouldn’t be an ideal way of proving that point. He might get worried that you’re coming for his job…”

“Shaking apart the moon…” Caulifla cast a confused look at her surroundings, “the hell are you talkin’ about Vados? The moon looks fine to me!”

Vados let out a sigh and cast her gaze downwards momentarily. She gathered herself, and moved to stand beside Caulifla. “That would be because I have stopped time, Caulifla. If I hadn’t done that once I arrived, well…”

Vados tapped her staff on the ground again, and the surface of the moon began to tremble beneath them. Great gashes split the surface of the satellite as tremors ripped the surface asunder. Caulifla jolted to her feet as just over the ridge behind her a great column of lava broke from the planetoid’s surface, cascading over the edge towards them. With another tap of her staff, the destruction froze in place.

Caulifla cast her gaze around her, taking in the carnage. “I did all this?”

“Simply by raising your power, yes.” The angel remarked casually. “I have been observing you for some time since the tournament. I’ve seen you training, casting aside your friends and loved ones, devoting yourself solely to the act of gaining strength.”

Vados spread her free arm wide, her gesture taking in the calamity frozen in time around them. “And yet you have not sought to control that strength. Had I not arrived when I did, either this moon would have detonated and taken you with it, or you may have been lucky enough to be launched back into Sadala’s atmosphere.”

Caulifla swallowed, struggling to take in the truth of what Vados was saying. She hadn’t known the angel very long, but she had never known her to have cause to lie. Why would someone that strong need to lie?

“So when I say it is a large question, I do not simply mean that there are many things that I want. It is because what I want is to know is what you want .” Vados said, her voice gentle, not wishing to overwhelm the already stunned Saiyan. “What is it that you want Caulifla, why do you seek to gain so much strength?”

Caulifla looked down at her own hands, clenching them and unclenching them over and over again.

“I never want to feel weak again…” she admitted after a long period of silence. “I promised I would protect Kale, and I failed. I promised I would protect our universe, and I failed. I mean, f*ck, I fused with Kale and gained so much power and we still failed! To another Saiyan!”

Tears pooled at the corners of Caulifla’s eyes as she balled up her fists, and said with a snarl. “I need to prove it to myself. I need to know that I’m not that weak anymore. I need to meet Son Goku in battle again and grind his face into the dirt.”

Vados tapped her chin with her finger again. “Hmmm, perhaps that’s not such a bad idea… sparring certainly would help you gain control of your power, and I dare say there are few within your universe well suited to the task. Hit may be as powerful as you are, but he is no teacher, but within the seventh universe…”

Excitement gleamed in Caulifla’s eyes, grabbing fistfuls of Vados’ voluminous robes. “You can take me there? You could take me to the seventh universe and let me fight Goku one-on-one?”

Vados took a step back, swiping the Saiyan girl’s hands away from her robes. “Hmmmm… It could be risky, Beerus isn’t kind to intrusions from other universes, but Whis tells me he spends much of his time asleep…”

Vados cast her eyes down to the Saiyan, and she could see the excitement bubbling beneath the surface. “Very well,” she sighed, “I shall transport you.”

“YES!” Caulifla yelled, bouncing several feet into the air. “I knew you were the best Vados, I just knew it!”

“However,” the angel interrupted, “if I am to do this, you must make me one promise.”

Caulifla looked up at the lofty angel, her lower lip almost sticking out in a pout, “Oh yeah? An’ what’s that?” She asked with suspicion.

“You must learn to control yourself. I can’t be jumping in to save you every time you nearly detonate a moon.” Vados cast her gaze downwards. “You must learn to control other aspects, too. A Saiyan such as yourself could become formidable in more ways than one when entering the Super Saiyan state.”

Caulifla cast her eyes down at her conspicuously baggy pants, and a small blush spread over her face. “Sure, yeah sure thing.”

“Very good!” Vados chimed, “Now take hold of my staff, if you please, and keep hold tight. Travelling universes can be a bumpy ride for newcomers!”

“Wait, what about the moo-” but Caulifla was cut off, with a tap against the combusting surface a column of brilliant shimmering light swallowed the two women and whisked them away amongst the stars, while behind them the unfortunate moon burst apart like an overinflated balloon.

— — —

Android 18 stepped from Bulma’s workshop, a frustrated look on her face.

“Well, thanks for taking a look anyway Bulma,” she said as she zipped up her jacket, a frustrated look on her face. “There’s not really anyone else I can turn to, not too many doctors out there are really equipped to diagnose a Red Ribbon android chassis.”

“Of course, of course.” Bulma waved her thanks away. “I’ll have to keep going over your readings, but at first glance I can’t see anything wrong with your chassis. Might have to take a closer look at the power plant readings though, your energy generator is way beyond anything I’ve ever seen before. Even Android 16 had nothing on-”

Bulma’s comment was cut short, as a booming crash, accompanied by a blinding white light illuminated the corridors of Capsule Corp from outside.

“Oh what now !” Bulma huffed as she pulled on her lab coat, “Can’t I go one week without an explosion happening on my front lawn!”

18 rushed after the blue-haired scientist, still struggling to pull the zipper of her pink tracksuit over her chest. The damn thing must be stuck, and if she pulled any harder she’d risk tearing it. She gave up on the stubborn fastening, almost all of her clothes had been feeling tighter since she and Krillin had gotten home from the tournament, but she just couldn’t figure out why.

Bulma stood out on her freshly-ruined lawn, and waited for the corona of energy to dissipate.

“Hey Beerus! Haven’t I told you to land out back! Every time you land on the grass it gets scorched and I have to get someone else in to-” but her complaining was cut short as 18 barged in front of her, arms spread wide to cover her friend.

“That isn’t Beerus.” The android warned, her enhanced vision able to make out two distinct shapes in the halo of dazzling light. One of them was definitely tall enough to be the angel, but the other was shorter, and with a wild amount of hair that definitely didn’t look like the Destroyer God. If 18 had to guess it looked just like…

A Saiyan.

The aura of light finally diminished revealing a creature so regal and imposing that it could only be another angel, and a shorter woman with a well defined muscular physique and hair so wild and untamed that it almost reminded 18 of Goku. While the angel looked completely bemused by her surroundings, the Saiyan looked astonished.

“So this is what a different universe is like, huh? Weird, I thought it would, I dunno, smell different or something.”

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing blasting apart my lawn without an invite! Not just anyone can land here you know!” Bulma ranted at her new intruders, but once again 18 held out her arm to hold the irate scientist back.

“Hey you! I know you! You’re the Saiyan that Goku fought during the Tournament, right?”

The Saiyan girl's head swivelled to look at 18, her gaze turning steely as she analysed the blonde standing across from her.

“Hang on, the tournament? So you mean these guys are from… another universe?” Bulma asked, slowly creeping back to take cover behind her friend.

“You know Goku?” The Saiyan called, stepping away from the angel’s side. “Bring him here, right now! I’ve gotta score to settle with that co*cky bastard!”

Bulma peaked her head out from around 18’s shoulder, “Goku isn’t even on the planet at the moment, who knows where he is! So you should just buzz off back to your own universe!”

The Saiyan scowled, her fists balling at her sides. Something about the way she stood, the pose containing so much indignance and rage at being denied made 18 want to test her a bit. She’d never got to fight this Saiyan during the tournament, but she simply couldn’t deny the pleasure it brought to push the buttons of yet another prideful Saiyan.

“Why would you even want to fight him again anyway? The last time you fought, he demolished you! At this point you’re barely even on his level, so you may as well get lost, whoever you are.”

The Saiyan was seething now, the ground under her feet crunching as she stormed over to stand inches away from Android 18. She might have been a full head shorter than 18 if you discounted all that ridiculous hair, but even without the ability to sense energy, 18 could feel the pressure this girl was giving off.

“My name’s Caulifla, and I ain't goin’ nowhere til I get to kick his ass so hard that I make sure everyone in this universe knows it!” She growled through clenched teeth, her dark eyes filled with an intensity that bore into the android. 18’s icy stare didn’t waver despite the immense pressure emanating from the shorter fighter.

The two of them stood there posturing, their eyes locked and the air around them buzzing with power as they both projected their own strength against the other, neither one of them willing to give up ground to the other. The trembling in the ground turned to a quake as both of them sought to prove they had the strongest will. Retreating behind an upturned lawn table, Bulma had to think of how to settle this and soon. If this didn’t stop, she’d have every muscle bound fighter she knew flying towards West City just to see what was causing the commotion. A desperate idea climbed its way to the top of her mind, and she stuck her head out from her flimsy cover.

“Hey! If you can beat 18 in a fight, then just maybe I’ll think about giving Whis a call! He’s sure to know where Goku is!”

Caulifla had to lean around the taller android to get a look at the other woman. Whis was the other angel from the Tournament, the one from this universe. She let her power drop, no longer interested in proving herself to this android.

“Hey, Vados! Why don’tcha find Goku for me? That way we can skip these time wasting losers!”

18 bristled, “Hey, just who do you think you’re calling a loser?” she called after the Saiyan, who seemed to have lost all interest in her.

Caulifla walked up to the towering angel, fists planted on her hips in impatience. “C’mon, are ya even listening to me? We can get this over with faster if you just use that fancy stick of yours to find out where Goku is!”

The angel ignored her, eyes cast off into the distance as if she simply had not heard a single thing Caulifla had said to her. As the Saiyan woman continued to berate her escort, 18 turned and stalked towards Bulma.

“Hey, what’s your deal with offering me up as a punching bag, I’ve got no interest in fighting her!”

Bulma came out from behind her makeshift defences, a desperately apologetic look on her face. “What are you worried about? You’ve fought Super Saiyans before right, this is nothing new to you! And if you say that Goku would wipe the floor with her I’m sure you’ll have no trouble, right?”

18 looked down doubtfully at her pleading friend. “Yeah, Goku would deal with her now that he can go “Ultra Super Saiyan Silver” or whatever they ended up naming it.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. “But ever since that fight with that Ribrianne girl, I can feel something wrong with my power supply…”

“Please 18, you’re the only one I can call on to do this! Goku and Vegeta are off training, Kami knows where, Gohan is too busy writing his thesis and Piccolo is… Well Piccolo is looking after Pan. Besides you, there’s no one else I can really call on to deal with this!”

18 sighed again, brushing the blonde locks of hair away from her face. “Fine. Fine! I’ll fight her! But you better find a way to get a hold of Whis before I finish putting this brat in her place.”

Bulma clapped her hands together and bowed, “I will, I promise! I know I’ve got that communicator he gave me inside the lab somewhere…”

With that, Bulma scurried back inside the Capsule Corp building, leaving 18 alone with the two inter-dimensional interlopers. Caulifla marched back over to meet her, clearly unsuccessful in convincing her angelic companion to be of any help to her.

“Fine! I’ve gotta fight to get what I need to know? Then I’ll fight this over-developed appliance! It’ll serve as a decent warm-up for when I get to kick the snot out of Goku!”

18 looked down at her own chest where Caulifla had jabbed her. “Over-developed?”

A shrill voice came down from above them. Hanging out of one of the many windows lining the Capsule Corp Dome, Bulma called down to them “Please not here! I’m sick of having to get craters filled in every single time a Saiyan decides they want to flex their muscles!”

18 rolled her eyes, but knew that her friend was right. If their fight turned serious, the last place they wanted to be was the middle of a populated city. She pushed off the ground and launched herself into the sky, a stream of white energy lancing out behind her. The tightness she had been feeling in her chest twinged her as she felt the energy sizzling around her body. She glanced down, just in time to see Caulifla launch through the space she occupied, only just dodging out of the way before she slammed into her.

“Follow me,” 18 called out, irritation already filling her voice. “There are some mountains north of here that should give us plenty of space to stretch out.”

“Ha, yeah I betcha need as much space as you can get, huh?” Caulifla called back, that tone of impudence never leaving her voice. 18 wasn’t sure what she was getting at, but she wasn’t going to let it get to her. She’d smack this uppity brat around the place and send her slinking back to her own universe with her tail between her legs. Turning northwards, 18 jetted off into the clear sky, with the intruding Saiyan in hot pursuit.

— — —

The Mountains, far from 18’s favourite place in the world, but if she was lucky the enormous rocky formations ought to catch any stray energy blasts and prevent them travelling into any populated areas. An icy wind travelled between the peaks and chilled her, the thin shirt she was wearing beneath her jacket doing nothing to prevent the cold air from reaching her. If only she could actually get the zipper up she might at least be a little more comfortable.

She touched down on a smooth outcrop, a deep crater marking the wall of the mountain next to her. Perhaps one of her universe’s own Saiyans had been through here before, or possibly the Namekian. Caulifla touched down opposite her, an arrogant smirk playing across her face.

“Heh, so this is where you wanna fight then? I’m gonna waste no time and pummel you into the dirt, and then you’re gonna bring Goku to me!”

The Saiyan opened her stance, legs spread apart and arms clenching at her side as she let the energy build inside her. With a mighty roar she let her energy burst free as a brilliant white aura surrounded her body. 18 felt the blast of pressure slam into her body but she stayed upright, not moving an inch as Caulifla powered up. 18 needed no such theatrics to get warmed up, she just let the energy from inside of her flow into her body and prepared herself for an attack.

The aura around Caulifla burst and she snapped her arms upwards, palms outwards as bright yellow energy burst forth in a volley of blasts. 18 dodged to the left towards the edge of the platform and pushed off into the air. Caulifla turned to track her, never letting up with her constant barrage of energy blasts that slashed through the space 18 used to occupy. They crashed into the mountain behind her, exploding against the rocks and shattering them into dust. 18 raised her palm and sent a concentrated beam of power back towards her opponent, but the young Saiyan batted it aside with an indifferent swipe of her arm and continued her bombardment.

18 felt the energy instinctively rise within her and spread throughout her body, but she paid it no mind. She concentrated on forming the energy as Caulifla’s hail of blasts closed the gap she was leaving between them, waiting until the last moment to cry out as the energy finally collided with her.

The brilliant explosion of energy obscured the android from view, but Caulifla knew her blasts had finally connected. The android was quick, she’d give her that, but Caulifla had been training non-stop since the end of the tournament, and she was determined to end this quickly. As the smoke and dust cleared however, she saw the hazy blue sheen that surrounded the blonde android.

“If that’s all you’ve got, you may as well give up now! I’ve seen plenty of Saiyans throwing energy blasts to know that’s never going to work!” 18 called out around her energy barrier. It was a technique her brother had perfected, forming a green shield of solid energy to deflect even the strongest of attacks. Instead, 18’s was a hazy blue disc, perhaps not as strong or precise, but enough to fend off such a simple technique as direct energy blasts.

“It’ll take more than simple tricks to stop me, Robot! HRRAAH !” Caulifla roared as she launched into the air after 18, winding up her punch to catch 18 straight in the gut. The force of her attack shattered straight through the basic barrier, and met its target. 18 grunted as the air was forced from her lungs, but didn’t panic. She grabbed hold of Caulifla’s arm and pivoted around it, bringing her legs up in a sweeping kick that caught her in the side of the head. 18 let go of the Saiyan’s arm and dodged backwards, putting some distance between them.

18 landed on a cracked outcropping and watched as the Saiyan girl reeled from her attack. She could already tell Caulifla was powerful, her punch had plenty of strength behind it, but her technique was sloppy. While she may have never put that much effort into training herself, her android programming had prepared her to analyse and adapt to a fighter's strengths and weaknesses. She had been prepared to take on opponents like Goku and Vegeta, trained martial artists, but this Caulifla was nothing but a brawler and 18 knew she could use that to her advantage.

Caulifla let out a roar like a wild animal and dived at 18, intent on taking her head on. 18 waited until the last moment, and dodged to the side, letting the Saiyan slam into the cracked, rough terrain. The outcropping fractured under the impact and began sliding down the side of the mountain, but for fighters like them this mattered very little as they each powered into the air. 18 dodged and parried each incoming blow, seeing them all coming from a mile away as Caulifla barreled onwards like a freight train with a broken accelerator.

Each attack was heavy, with enough power to shatter a continent, but with no technique. Simple forward punches and basic heavy kicks with no focus on timing or following through. 18 watched and waited, letting several blows slip past her defences to reel the Saiyan in, then she felt it; the face of the mountain pressed up against her back and Caulifla grinned like she had her pinned, trapped exactly where she wanted her. Little could the overconfident warrior have understood that she was the one who had walked into the trap.

As Caulifla wound up for her final blow, 18 snapped her own palms outwards, pressing against the Saiyan’s abs and letting loose with her stored up energy. A column of radiant light erupted from the android and carried her opponent, clearing the distance of miles over the valley between the two peaks and slamming Caulifla into the opposite wall. The explosion shook the valley, a fine mist of dust being shaken loose from every surface as the force of the shockwave travelled outwards from the epicentre.

18 found another outcropping and landed. She let a smile flicker upwards, but something felt wrong . Her whole body was feeling sluggish and slower than usual. What was more curious was the feeling of her clothes. It was like she was somehow more aware of the garments she was wearing, and how tightly they hugged her body. She shrugged the thought away though, rolling her shoulders and preparing herself for what came next. She knew there was no way that blast had been enough to put Caulifla down, it wasn’t the first time she herself had slammed a Saiyan through a hillside after all.

She walked towards the edge and looked down to the crater her blast had left behind, the dust cloud left behind still undisturbed. She placed her hands on her hips as she co*cked them, letting a little bit of her own pride sneak into her words.

“You know, you’re lucky you’re fighting me, not my brother! He always was the strongest of the two of us, and I doubt you’d even last this long against him the way you’re fighting!”

18 expected the roar that followed. No Saiyan, no matter the universe, could ever stand their fighting prowess being challenged, but with the way Caulifla had been fighting, 18 was sure she could handle her no matter what, even if she herself was feeling oddly burdened.

Despite her inability to sense energy, 18 could feel the shift. The telltale vibrations in the air and the shimmering of light. In the crater below, 18 watched as the smoke and dust that gathered in its bowl began to pulse with a radiant golden light. 18 took her stance, ready to launch her own attack, but was knocked off her own feet as a pulse of energy rippled outwards. The dust cloud vanished in a massive explosion as Caulifla rocketed towards her target, surrounded in the telltale golden sheen of her Super Saiyan transformation.

18 propelled herself upwards with bare milliseconds to spare as the raging Super Warrior’s fist turned the plateau she had been lying on to dust, the entire mountain side trembling with the force of her single strike. In an attempt to gain more room between them, 18 let loose with a volley of energy blasts, needing just a moment to get herself back on balance.

Yet it seemed Caulifla was determined not to give her that opportunity. With her instincts and wits sharper than ever in her elevated state, she simply barreled through the salvo and grabbed hold of the android’s ankle, flinging her into the side of the mountain with a thunderous crack. She let out an involuntary scream as her whole body was compressed against the craggy surface as it crumbled beneath her.

Truly, 18 wasn’t concerned; she knew she could handle much more punishment than this, the Tournament of Power had proved as much. Yet what did concern her was where she was feeling pain. A tender rawness radiated out from her chest where it had slammed into the mountain side that she had never felt before. The number of malfunctions she had been experiencing since then, that was her real cause for concern.

She turned over just in time to see Caulifla charging at her and throw up her guard, but the Super Saiyan wasn’t giving her a moment’s reprieve, her flurry of blows not giving her a single moment to erect an energy barrier between the two of them. Each punch landed hard and fast, and it took a significant amount of her concentration just to deflect each one. But what little she could spare was spent analysing her opponent, and adapting to her new technique.

She was faster and stronger, that was certain, but now there was something missing from Caulifla’s onslaught. It took her a moment to spot it, but once she saw it the truth was clear as day. Kicks, Caulifla wasn’t using any kicks. Hell her legs seemed to be hanging practically limp and loose which was bizarre for any fighter, trained or otherwise. 18 let a wry grin break her usually emotionless mask. Kicking had always been more her style anyway.

18 saw her opening when Caulifla finally withdrew for a second, clearly re-assessing her fruitless strategy. She whirled, bringing her legs up and slamming them through Caulifla’s inexperienced defences. The Saiyan cried out as she flew sideways, but 18 wouldn’t let up. She focused her energy into her speed and flashed, blinking out of Caulifla’s field of vision. She reappeared behind the stricken Saiyan and wound up both her fists over her head, slamming them down with all her might once she came into range and axe-handled her into the ground below her, Caulifla’s impact shattering the ground beneath her as a jagged crater tore up the merciless landscape.

18 dove, eager to take the battle to the ground again. She lanced inwards with a kick, angling herself to where Caulifla must have landed in the cloud of dust, but found the Saiyan waiting for her. The dust cloud flew apart under the pressure of their collision as 18’s foot rebounded off of Caulifla’s upraised arm. She flipped backwards, landing on the uneven surface ready for more.

“Trust me, this is far from the first time I’ve sparred with a Super Saiyan, your speed and power are nothing new to me!” the android taunted. She watched as the Saiyan stalked towards her, and again noticed something unusual about the way she moved. It was like she was limping…

No, it was more like she was being weighed down by something. It took a moment of concentration, but 18 could make it out, despite the baggy trousers the Saiyan was wearing there was definitely something else in there besides her own legs…

18 felt the heat rising in her face, but also the smile that followed it.

“I guess there's a good reason you go around wearing such baggy clothes, isn’t there Caulifla?”

The Saiyan stopped in her tracks, eyes flying wide as the android’s words struck her. Her gaze flickered downwards just a moment, and she could make out the long, awkward protuberance that banged against the inside of her admittedly spacious pants.

“Any seasoned warrior would have picked up on that weak spot in a heartbeat! Except maybe Goku. He’s always been a bit oblivious to that kind of stuff, but maybe if you’re lucky he’d try taking a bite out of it! That’s always been a favourite move of his.”

“Oh that’s rich coming from the Bimbo-Bot 9000!” Caulifla called back, frustration and anger writ large across her face. 18 stood a little straighter, taken aback and confused by Caulifla’s comment.


Caulifla’s eyes flicked downwards, lingering for a meer moment on the android’s chest before locking back upwards, but 18 got the message. She flicked her own gaze downwards for just a moment, but had to return for a double take. She knew her clothing felt tighter, but this was impossible!

Far more cleavage than she had ever been able to display stretched the neck of her shirt to its limits, and where her zipper had once strained to be inches away from closing it now struggled heroically to contain her breasts which had increased dramatically in size, having whizzed through a considerable chunk of the alphabet in the short time since their battle had begun. No wonder she was feeling sluggish! For some reason she was having to carry around several extra pounds of tit with her when she attacked!

“That’s a dirty trick to try and distract me!” The Super Saiyan yelled, pounding her feet to emphasise her point, a point which was backed up by the ominous swaying object which was no longer hanging as loosely as it had been a moment ago. “But what else should I expect from a universe like this! Barely an honourable fighter among you!”

18 was unable to utter a rebuttal, her mind struck dumb as she struggled to fathom any possible reason for her chest’s inexplicable growth. She’d always been perfectly happy with her pert handfuls that she’d possessed before, despite knowing that Krillin had always preferred girls with a little more meat on them, but it had never truly bothered her before. And yet there was something about her newly expanded chest that sent a sly shiver of excitement through her that she squashed before it could take hold.

But Caulifla was in no mood to let the android puzzle out the mystery of her newly enlarged tit*. Hell, the way 18 was running her hands over them just to confirm they were real sent an unwelcome jolt through Caulifla’s obstinate extremity. Caulifla did everything she could to quell the rising feelings that thundered at the edge of her mind attempting to fog her focus. The rage imbued within her by her Super Saiyan form boiled over, and she charged the android.

The ground shattered as Caulifla launched herself forwards, the booming crack awoke 18 from her explorative reverie just in time for Caulifla’s fist to find the side of her face. She flew backwards, her own body fighting against her as she struggled against her own increased inertia. 18 flipped herself forwards, planting her hands on the ground as she regained her grip and holting her momentum before sliding off the edge of the precipice. She lifted her head just in time to see the corona of scarlet energy that sizzled around Caulifla’s hand ignite and burst towards her.


The burning energy screamed towards her, and 18 flung her arms up in front of her, throwing all the energy she could quickly muster out in front of her, her hazy blue barrier struggling to cope with the immense energy blast Caulifla had fired at her from such close range. The thin barrier cracked and buckled under the onslaught, but that wasn’t what worried 18. She’d felt it as soon as she’d thrown up the energy screen, the immense tightness binding her chest grew ever more excruciating. She watched as her valiant zipper gave up its desperate battle, and her pink tracksuit burst open as her white t-shirt beneath stretched and creaked around her torso-shaming tit*.

18 couldn’t help it, she panicked. Losing in battle was one thing, being under threat like this was nothing new to her. But losing control of her own body, her own autonomy and feeling completely out of control? She had never wanted to feel like this again. 18 felt the energy reverberate around her as her barrier overloaded, the backwash of energy struck her at the same time as Caulifla’s Crush Cannon barrelled through her. She felt the stressed fabric of her t-shirt strain ever tighter, before it was torn apart under the bombardment of the energy blast. She felt the mountain side slam into her back and sizzle around her as the intensity of Caulifla’s attack melted the very stone around her.

The energy wave dispersed and as her vision cleared, 18 looked down and could see the results of Caulifla’s brutal assault. Her favourite tracksuit was ruined, and her clean top had been completely destroyed. Normally she’d have been livid at the destruction of her clothes, but none of that could compare to what had taken their place. Her boobs were freakish, each one easily the size of her head. They sat high and proud on her chest with barely any sag to them, not enough to make them look fake. If anything they looked perfect, but something about that sat completely wrong with 18.

Caulifla landed before her, an arrogant smile plastered grimly across her features, and a sway to her hips that made what could only have been a monstrous co*ck swing ominously under her unmarked clothing.

“And wouldya look at that!” She cackled, throwing her head back and laughing at 18 stuck inside the mountain side. “Like I needed any more help to prove my point, you go and strip in the middle of a battle! I will admit it's a neat trick you’ve got! What, d’you have an air compressor built in there too? Is that where all the hot air goes when you’re not prattling on?”

Caulifla’s aura snapped up around her as she aimed her finger decisively at the akimbo android. “Well it’s no use, android! You can’t hope to use your body to distract a Saiyan from battle!”

Real panic began to well up inside 18. Had she pushed the Saiyan too far? If she wasn’t careful she could actually land an attack that there was no walking away from. She clenched her eyes shut as Caulifla charged up for her next attack, and images began to wash through 18’s mind.

Krillin, walking in from a long day at work, doing what he could to pull in enough money to support her and Marron. A world class martial artist reduced to working as a beat cop. She pictured Marron, her darling baby girl. She’d fought off warriors from half a dozen other universes just to keep her safe! Even 17, her brother, the two of them had been through so much together ever since they were kids. She couldn’t stand to let any of them down now!

Indignation flared inside her. She wasn’t going to go down like this! She’d fought through too much to fall to another one of these muscle bound freaks. 18’s eyes snapped open, her icy glare shining with renewed vitality, and she let it pulse out of her body, the crumbling mountain side disintegrating around her as a field of shining blue energy burst out of her. Caulifla’s blast ricocheted against the explosion of power and backfired, knocking the astonished Saiyan backwards, her feet sliding along the stony surface as she pushed against the wave of pressure.

18 strode forwards, renewed confidence flowing with every step. She co*cked her hips as she stared down the dumbfounded Saiyan, a plan forming in her mind. It wasn’t a plan she particularly liked, but she admitted to herself that when it came to a battle of combat prowess, Caulifla was undoubtedly the stronger of the two of them. Her eyes flickered downwards, her gaze momentarily locking on the shadow of an unmistakable bulge forming in her opponents once conveniently baggy pants. If Caulifla was going to accuse her of fighting dirty, then she’d fight dirty. She had no chance of beating her in a contest of strength, but 18 would do whatever it took to make sure she made it home to her family.

And ultimately, whatever Krillin didn’t know about wouldn’t hurt him.

18 leaned forwards, projecting her already impressive chest out even further. “What’s the matter, Saiyan? Are you finding me distracting? Never seen a big pair of tit* before?”

Seduction wasn’t one of 18’s personal strong points, but given her new equipment she figured it didn’t really matter how inexperienced she was. She brought her hand up to cup her enormous juggs just to emphasise her point, but she had to stop the shock from registering on her face as she realised just how much her enhanced chest really weighed.

“O-of course I have!” Caulifla scoffed, covering her slight hesitation. “What makes you think I’d be interested in some artificial bimbo’s tit* anyway?!”

18 hid her mouth behind her hand as she chuckled, and pointed downwards. “Oh, I don’t know, it seems to me like your lower half is plenty interested!”

Now it was Caulifla’s turn to look down in reluctant dismay. Despite all her bravado, there was simply no way to hide the enormous bulge that was tenting out her purple pants all the way down to her knee. The co*ck that she had been burdened with ever since fusing with Kale had been a constant source of frustration, and what made it worse was it grew to match her power. She was determined not to let it constrain her fighting ability, yet it seemed this devious android wasn’t going to make that easy for her.

18 wasn’t about to let this moment of distraction go to waste, and she was quietly eager to try out her new strategy. She dashed forwards, pulling her right shoulder back as if to wind up for a punch, but just as she got close to the distraught Saiyan she pushed off the ground, swinging her whole torso around in an arc and spinning herself towards her foe. With all that extra weight amplifying her momentum, 18’s tit* slammed into Caulifla’s face harder than any punch she’d delivered so far. The Saiyan, caught completely off guard, was sent sliding across the ground, slamming head first into the mountain wall with an all mighty crash.

18 strolled leisurely over to where Caulifla lay dazed. She didn’t know how far she was willing to go with this particular plan, but she knew she had little time to overthink things. Caulifla would be back on her feet in no time, and she needed to act fast if she was going to maintain her advantage.

“Now, why don’t we really see what we’re really working with?” The android asked, no longer having to force the lust into her voice. It came naturally, as curiosity mingled with her desire for a swift victory. She took careful aim with a single finger and fired a finely controlled beam of energy, a quiet part taking vicious glee in getting revenge for her own destroyed jacket. Caulifla’s pants disintegrated under the direct assault; the crotch ruptured open, giving way under the immense strain from within and without.

Caulifla’s co*ck sprang free with a crack like a whip, and 18’s jaw dropped. She knew it was big, hell she could tell it would be huge even before she’d decided on this course of action, but now she was doubting her choice of strategy. She had no idea how this girl managed to fight with all this meat dangling off her! It must have been at least half her height, if not a little more than that once it had been let free.

Speaking of immense weight, 18 could feel her own meaty bosom grow ever so slightly heftier. Something in the back of her mind clicked, a pattern forming as 18 began to realise just what might be causing her sudden growth spurt. Every time she used her energy, every time she fired a blast or called up a barrier. Hell, every time she flew she must have been using some amount of energy, no matter how small. And every time she did, she was causing her tit* to grow. Bulma must have missed it in her diagnostics, not that she could blame her friend for missing sudden-onset-breast-expansion connected to a malfunctioning Red Ribbon power unit.

Caulifla’s head snapped around, her blazing blue eyes locking directly onto 18’s icy gaze, and her entire face flushed red, starting from her neck until it reached her ears which practically glowed scarlet. A growl started deep within the Saiyan, and in moments it turned into a roar as her aura burst forth.

Caulifla leapt into the air, her co*ck standing turgidly erect, the base taking up all available space on her groin, and dominating all the space left by her narrow hips. Long, thick, pulsing veins ran up and down its length, a patchwork of passageways that carried her lifeblood to power a co*ck only a Super Saiyan could hope to wield. Beneath the vascular monster sat two enormous testicl*s, each one practically vibrating; whether with sheer power or cum, 18 couldn’t tell which.

The entire package looked completely out of place on the short, muscular warrior. 18 could tell now that she was standing up, it was over half her height. With a quick mental calculation, she realised that put the monster at roughly 3 feet long, which 18 realised with a buzz of excitement that it was also over half her height as well.

What little shame she was feeling over her mounting arousal was washed away by excitement and trepidation. This co*ck was her key to victory, but she cautioned herself from overconfidence. She had underestimated its size, there was no doubting that, but with her sudden onset of breast expansion, perhaps she wasn’t as under equipped to deal with it as she was worried she might be.

“Fine, bitch . You want to fight dirty? Then let’s fight dirty!

Caulifla rocketed forwards, madness blazing behind her eyes. She wound up her arm over her shoulder, energy sizzling around her clenched fist. 18 flung her arms in front of her face, ready to take the blow, but she never felt the impact land. Caulifla’s image flickered and vanished as the hazy outline passed right through her. An Afterimage! 18 whirled, predicting the blow she expected to receive from behind, and caught a volley of energy blasts for her trouble.

On instinct, 18 raised her energy to fend off the incoming attacks, and she groaned inwardly as she felt the weight on her chest swell. More and more of the space left on her torso was being consumed by her ever expanding bust, and if she wasn’t careful her own navel would be rendered invisible by her multiplying mammaries.

Caulifla hadn’t just hit her with those energy blasts, she’d vaporised the grey rocky mountainside around her, throwing a thick cloud of debris and smoke up around 18. She could have easily flown out of it, but doing so blindly could put her right in the way of the Super Saiyan’s next attack!

Curse Dr. Gero for never installing her with energy sensing capabilities!

18 was getting desperate, for each move she made she was putting herself at a greater and greater disadvantage, her own body betraying her as her tit* swelled beyond what she thought was possible. Weight wasn’t the issue, she was more than strong enough to heave her over-inflated mounds, but it was throwing off her coordination, making each move sloppy and awkward. She wasn’t sure what to do anymore, and her indecision was going to cost her.

And Caulifla wasn’t going to let her make up for that. She caught a glimpse of it through the smoke, a shining beacon of gold through the torrent of grey and black, arcing towards her like a spinning top. Caulifla’s aura had shifted, where once it had radiated from her entire body, it now focused all in one singular spot. A long, meaty, vein riddled shaft. 18’s eyes flashed wide in panic as she tried to choose between dodging the attack, or risking her own body growing yet more out of her control. But she waited too long.

Caulifla got her revenge, the indignation of being slammed by the android’s breasts burned into her mind as she charged like a tornado, all of her power concentrated into her enormous golden rod. She glimpsed the look of dumbfound horror on the androids face, and she piled on the power, just for good measure.

Caulifla’s co*ck struck the android’s face like the force of a detonating star, and her vision whited out as she felt all control leave her body for an instant, and all sensation left her behind. Feeling shortly returned once she collided with the first mountain. The pain amped up as the second peak crumbled around her explosively impelled body. The third mountain shattered, leaving a perfectly cylindrical hole throughout, and finally her body came to an explosive halt as the sky boomed with 4 earth shattering detonations. Rock and debris shot like missiles across the landscape, the peak of the second mountain coming free with such immense force that it achieved escape velocity, and 18 lay in the bottom of a crater which could have fit dozens of world tournament grounds inside it with room to spare.

The air flickered above the crater, and the glowing figure of Caulifla materialised over the ruined landscape. She felt powerful, more powerful than she ever had in the tournament. Since the result of her fusing with Kale had made itself known after the Tournament of Power, Caulifla had always viewed it as a point of shame, her once svelte fighters body marred by an addition that could only serve to slow her down. What was a warrior supposed to do with a co*ck that grew longer than her own legs when she really got going?

But now she felt something, a power that coursed through her body and reinvigorated her spirit from somewhere she’d never felt before. She felt a jolt of energy travel from the base of her groin all the way down the length of her shaft, and at the tip of her monstrous shaft, Caulifla watched a bead of pearlescent liquid form. Small at first, but she watched in mild confusion as it grew larger and larger until it finally disconnected under its own weight, a golden sheen suffusing the transparent liquid. She felt power coming from that drop of goo, a power she’d never really felt before.

She wanted more of it.

“Surely that’s not all you have android! I’m finally getting warmed up!”

18 lay in the bottom of the crater, the Saiyan’s taunts reaching her ears and ringing around her head. She could give in, admit defeat and maybe, just maybe, she’d make it out of here alive. The thought sat leaden in her stomach.

Those images flashed through her mind again: her husband, her daughter, her brother. Even the face that had been burned into her mind to torment her for all the years she was subjugated by the Red Ribbon army, Son Goku. They would never give up, and neither would she. Another cloud of dust had obscured her from vision, and she knew that as much as she couldn’t sense Caulifla, Caulifla couldn’t sense her energy either. 18 pushed herself to stand, she only had one choice now, bet it all on one last attack. Give it everything she could, and go out fighting. These damn humans had been getting her emotional.

She looked up at the silhouette of the woman above her. Was calling her a woman even appropriate with that much co*ck hanging off of her? 18 looked down at her own body, her tit* might have been enormous, but they were still no match for that beast. 18 settled her breathing, the soreness of being thrown through 3 mountains making each breath sharp, but the pain only served to motivate her. With a last moment of indecision, her mind was made up. She really hoped what she was about to do was reversible…

— — —

Watching from above, Caulifla was curious what the android’s next move would be. She couldn’t hope to match her power, and that body of hers… Caulifla let her mind wander, and she felt a pulsing coming from down below, a tension in her groin she’d never felt before; a wave of excitement that had nothing to do with her own domination in battle. She snapped out of her reverie as the mountain side began to rumble, great chunks of earth sliding down towards the base of the crater as the whole air began to vibrate.

A faint glow peaked out between the great clouds of ash and dust, growing stronger with every passing second until the entire cavity was illuminated a deep, radiant pink. A laugh started deep within Caulifla and soon had her doubled over as she bellowed her amusem*nt.

“Is this it? Your last, desperate plan? Hit me with everything you have and hope it’s enough to put me down? Well give it your best shot!”

The dust cloud parted, and the giant pink sphere of energy lanced outwards, rocketing towards Caulifla. The blast was several times the size of her own body, dwarfing her entirely in the light of its brilliant luminance. She let it get close enough so it was mere moments away from colliding, and Caulifla swiped her hand through the energy balls, sending her own power through it to disperse the android’s pathetic attack.

But as the sphere of magenta power parted in front of her, where Caulifla had expected to see 18 standing panting in the base of the enormous crater she saw… tit*? Right in the centre of the dissipating energy ball and her own dismissive attack had leaving her completely open, the Saiyan’s mind to a halt as her mind tried to cope with the truly enormous pair of breasts flying towards her.

— — —

18 had been desperate, it was true, but she was relying on Caulifla not realising what was causing her massive breast expansion and charged an enormous energy blast. While not an efficient use of energy, it wasn’t a problem for her with her infinite power supply. She pushed as much power into it as she could, and with each passing second, her breasts swelled along with the energy blast.

Her entire torso was slowly consumed by the encroaching tide of titty meat, and with a sudden twang, her tracksuit pants burst around her hips. Though far less pronounced it seemed with such a degree of charging power, her hips, thighs and ass had decided to take a slice of the expansionary energy for themselves. Given her current plan though she could hardly complain about any advantages her malfunctions deemed to give her.

When she felt the bottom of her tit* resting against her navel, 18 decided enough was enough, doubting Caulifla had much more patience to wait either. But she also doubted the Saiyan would ever expect what was coming next. Instead of launching the attack, 18 dove inside it, propelling the enormous energy blast along with her. She felt the remains of her tracksuit and even her panties sizzle away as she tensed herself against her own attack.

She rocketed upwards, and just as the effort of protecting herself from her own power was becoming too painful, she saw the sky split her energy sphere through the centre. Clear sky parted the pink brilliance, and right in the centre, 18 saw Caulifla, her stance wide, arms far open and the smug smile on her face slowly shifting to one of utter bewilderment.

“Take this!” 18 roared as she lunged forwards, but she didn’t use her fists, or fire any energy blasts. She did the only thing she could think of to possibly take control back of this battle, and wrapped her insanely expanded chest around Caulifla’s monumental co*ck.

The battle came to a sudden halt. The air settled around the two of them as they floated there, conjoined by 18’s massive tit* hugging tightly around Caulifla’s enormous shaft. Her tit* covered almost all of the ridiculous appendage, leaving only the head of the monster shaft poking free. 18 could feel the heat and power radiating from inside of it, and it was like nothing she had ever felt before. A shameful part of her, deep inside of her core, wondered what it would feel like if this co*ck was actually inside of her. Would that even be possible?

And for possibly the first time ever, Caulifla was completely stunned. She was used to the strains of battle; the pain, the fear, the adrenaline that would pump through her system. But none of her training had ever prepared her for a sensation like this.Every single one of her senses was heightened as a Super Saiyan. The senses that were usually so useful in maintaining her full combat awareness were now being used against her.

The warm, soft sensations that surrounded her shaft were multiplied exponentially, each light brush of soft titty flesh against the exposed crown of her inexperienced hyper co*ck was frying any thoughts of battle from her mind. She needed to gain some sense of control, some ability to get a grip on her situation; so get a grip she did, but it only made her situation far worse.

The only thing Caulifla could grab onto were the hyper sized boulders of breast meat that were consuming almost every inch of her co*ck, and her firm grip sent shivers running through 18’s body. Each quiver was amplified by the sheer volume of her tit*, sending ripples throughout her giant breasts and waves of pleasure rocking through Caulifla’s body, shattering her mind in the process. The pleasure was all consuming, leaving no space in her consciousness to consider her next move. The only thought that was left inside her mind was “how in the multiverse had the android’s tit* gotten so ridiculously huge?” followed quickly by “could she do it again?”

With the Super Saiyan’s strength fading fast, 18 took the initiative. She angled herself so that despite the near three feet of titty meat between her and Caulifla, she was positioned on top with Caulifla’s back to the ground. She slammed her hands on either side of her giant tit* as far as she could reach and squeezed, putting as much pressure down on her massive mounds of pliant tit flesh as she could manage, and felt herself literally squeezing the strength from the Saiyan warrior. With a heave, she felt gravity take hold, and the pair of them started to plummet towards the Earth, locked in their lewd embrace.

They slammed into the mountain side, coming to a stop inside the crater of the third devastated mountain that 18 had crashed through. Caulifla took the brunt of the impact as 18 felt cushioned by her own make-shift air bags. 18 let gravity continue its work as she slid down towards the ground around her own massive breasts, letting them weigh the stupefied Saiyan down. She came to a rest kneeling with her legs either side of Caulifla’s thighs, her gargantuan peaks of titty meat smothering the majority of Caulifla’s torso, only her shoulders up being spared from the heavy, crushing mass of 18’s mammoth mammaries.

With plenty of purchase and the ground to push off, 18 shifted her entire body to grind her enormous boobs up and down the Saiyan’s torso. Caulifla’s co*ck only just managed to peak out through the valley formed between 18’s own personal mountain range, a steady trickle of pearlescent precum leaking from her immense co*ck head. Without much room to suck air into her lungs, Caulifla could only let out a desperate gurgle as her body spasmed with pleasure it had never come close to experiencing before. 18 raised up her hand, and slammed it down onto the vast ocean of titty meat in front of her, the ripples travelling back and forth like a stone tossed into a placid pond, each vibration sending waves of pleasure travelling up and down Caulifla’s co*ck.

The Saiyan gathered all the strength she could muster, bringing her arms in to try and force herself into a sitting position. Finally gaining room to breathe, she sucked in deep lungfuls of air and through the haze of pleasure that was fogging her mind, she pushed out all the defiance she could muster.

“You think this is gonna be enough to weigh me down? Well you’ve got a lot to learn, slu~”

But she was cut off as 18 heaved her arms under her mega sized bust and slammed them down onto Caulifla’s entire torso. With breath in her body this time, Caulifla couldn’t hold back her body shaking moans. Pleasure wracked her being from head to toe, her entire spine buzzing like lightning was coursing through it.

“What? This not enough for you? My fat tit* not enough for the powerful Saiyan warrior?” 18 taunted the supine Saiyan. “Well if you wanted more, all you needed to do was ask!”

18 adjusted her posture and spread her stance, tit* dragging her torso down as she stood with a hunch, letting all her considerable weight bare down on Caulifla. She clenched her fists at her side and with a moment of focus, her eyes snapped open.

HHHRRRAAAAAAAAAAH!! 18 roared as she raised her power even further. There was no upper limit, no stopping what had already begun. She could never tire and she would never run out of power. And the more she raised her power, the bigger her tit* grew, and the more helpless Caulifla became to 18’s newfound erotic powers.

Her whole body tingled as the power inside her focused on her torso claiming tit*. The heat began to rise inside of her, every slight movement seeming to amplify the sensations she was feeling from her hyper sized milk tanks. She felt the co*ck between her melons pulse with heat, lust and power as the tightness of the cleavage surrounding them clenched down even harder, trapping the massive shaft in a warm embrace of freshly expanded titty meat.

Her tit* swelled constantly, spreading out in all directions. Before long, 18 found she no longer had to stoop down as her wall of boobs rose to meet her, pushing her backwards as her globes of breast flesh covered more and more of Caulifla’s body. The entirety of her co*ck was dominated by the rising mountains, and all the strength to fight back had left her body, consumed by the lust that welled up inside of her at the sight of the android's incredible expanding tit*. Excitement swelled throughout 18 with the sudden realisation that she may just be more tit than android…

Her charge-up yell tapered off, fading away into what could only have been a deep, lustful moan. Her swelling tide of breast meat finally came to a halt, and now 18 only had one goal left in mind. Victory.

As much as the word sat dirty in her mind, 18 couldn’t help but look at her massive, body dominating tit* and think that they were perfect. The round, hyper exaggerated teardrop shape extended outwards from her body in such a pleasing swell, the skin looking clear and unmarked considering the amount of stretching it must have gone through. Each tiny motion send pleasing ripples of arousal shooting into her brain, and the twitching of Caulifla’s once dominating co*ck being trapped between her own cavern of smooth, luscious breast meat caused her puss* to start dripping with need at the thought of that co*ck being inside of her instead.

18 reached her arms around what little of her own massive melons she could get to, and took the best grip she could manage. It wasn’t that she was lacking in strength, 18 had the strength to move one of these mountains if she put her mind to it, but the sheer awkwardness of her tit* trying to escape her grasp at any moment made her movements awkward and ungainly.

An odd idea entered her mind. It might risk her breasts continuing to swell, but at this size it would be by an imperceptible amount. With the same power that she used to propel herself through the sky with ease, 18 focused on her giant tit*, and used her energy to float them above Caulifla’s body. 18 could feel her puss* beginning to drip as the sheer excitement of what she had just discovered filled her mind, then she dropped her mountainous tit* straight back down.

18 repeated this again and again, a deep heat rising in her face as each slam sent tingles through her tit*. She never expected that such massive boobs could feel this good! She’d never seen the point of huge tit* before, but she could feel herself getting more and more obsessed with the hyper pair she had found herself blessed with.

Each slam battered Caulifla’s body, and each time she tried to fend off the breast attacks with her own energy she felt every last drop of power she had being sapped from her. She had no strength to punch, kick or even for the smallest energy blast. Each slam of 18’s monstrous boobs sent waves of pleasure coursing through her. The softness and tightness were incomparable to anything she’d ever felt before. Caulifla couldn’t believe she was admitting this to even herself but… could this feel… better than fighting?

18’s tit* slammed down with such weight that within minutes of this round beginning, divots were beginning to form on either side of Caulifla’s torso. The rock of the mountain being pulverised under Android 18’s continuous titty onslaught, slowly dropping the pair into yet another crater of much more obscene origins.

Caulifla did everything she could to call on her energy, but her focus was being pulled away. She had no strength to even raise her arms in defence, and she wasn’t even sure that she would want to. Each slap of the colossal boobs into her torso sent shivers of pleasure through her, the brush of skin on skin exciting her in ways she had never felt before. This wasn’t the same feeling as her fist hitting someone, and the tingle she felt as the vibrations passed through her limb. This was all encompassing as her body lay limp on the ground, everything in her field of vision being dominated by giant titt*es.

She felt her energy being pulled away, her mind lost its focus and she lost her grip on her own power, feeling it flow away from her control. The power she used to energise her muscles and blast her opponents was being drawn away to a single spot. The sensation wasn’t unlike when she would charge her finishing move, and yet it felt totally alien to her.

18 was beginning to really get into the act of titty f*cking now, a buzz of pleasure suffused her whole being as the excitement of dominating a Super Saiyan in such an overtly lascivious manner brought emotions to the surface that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

“You like that bitch? You like my giant f*cking titt*es wrapped around your enormous co*ck ? I’m gonna make you submit to me, and then make you release all that pent up cum you’ve got in those giant balls! I’m gonna make you cover me in it!”

18 hadn’t felt excited like this in years! Her first night with Krillin, perhaps, but since then the spark of novelty had waned somewhat. But here? Using tit* big enough that she could curl up to a ball and fit inside one of them to tit-f*ck a Saiyan with a co*ck longer than her torso? 18 felt her puss* dripping at the thought. She felt shame well up inside of her at her infidelity, but she squashed it. Any more hesitation now and she would lose all control of the situation, she reassured herself.

18 pulled her tit* apart and slammed them together again, trapping Caulifla’s monstrous pole between the two softest pillows in the universe. She pounded them down on the Saiyan’s torso, milking her shaft of all its oddly luminescent pre! She could feel the heat from the slimy substance permeating her tit* as she ground them up and down around her shaft, alternating the speed of her movements so as to never let the Saiyan adapt to her motion. Up and down, side to side, even grinding in circles to change up her pattern of attack, the sloppy sounds of 18’s carnal massage echoing off the walls of the newly formed chasm.

Beneath the clapping of 18’s erotic barrage, the android could feel a vibration through the ground. It wasn’t the shockwaves of her own tit* beating the ground into a silhouette of her own massive tit*, it was a constant, low buzz that almost faded into the background. The buzzing grew, not only a vibration now but an audible sound, like a mumbling or a gurgling.

Then the first pulse hit and 18 felt the growing wave of heat emanating from beneath her tit*, and the vibration grew to a rumble. She moved forwards, smothering Caulifla’s head beneath her mountains of titty meat as she got closer to the source of the reverberations. Another pulse sent a jolt of energy through her that honed in on her puss*, she doubled over for a moment as pleasure temporarily blinded her. Still she pulled herself ever closer, Caulifla’s giant dick poking easily from the crevice of her cleavage. As she watched it appear, she saw as it glowed with Caulifla’s entire focused Super Saiyan aura, the corona of light blazing almost as bright as the sun!

Confusion twisted 18’s features as she felt her knees bump into something. That couldn’t be right, she could see she still had several inches to go before she reached the base of this humongous dick. She tried looking down, and felt embarrassment quickly flash over her face as she realised she never had a hope of seeing past her gigantic gazongas. With a firm grip, 18 parted her sea of tit and stared downwards, astonished by what she saw.

Caulifla’s balls had already been huge, each one the size of a watermelon and brimming with seed, but clearly 18’s ministrations had woken them up. Power surged through them, and it multiplied Caulifla’s cum production exponentially, her balls visibly swelling before 18’s eyes under the strain of the massive load they were brewing up. The way they glowed from the inside out, 18 could only imagine the energy that was being powered through every single sperm cell inside. A single drop of cum might be enough to blow up this mountain!

18 considered backing off, reconsidering her approach with the threat of all that cum aimed right at her, but Caulifla was in no mood to stop now. Her arms shot up, grabbing hold of 18’s fat tit* by whatever meaty handle they could get ahold of, and slammed the tit* back together. 18 tried her best to take back control, but beneath the vast swaths of titty meat, Caulifla was losing herself to the animalistic pleasure of rutting into such prime cuts of squeezable, gelatinous, hyper sized tit*! No longer in control, all 18 could do was let herself be taken along for the ride.

Caulifla pushed herself up, energy flooding back through her body as she approached the edge, though it was an energy unlike anything she had ever felt before. Her whole body was vibrating and she couldn’t control it, couldn’t possibly hope to corral the energy into anything direct. It just built and built and built, desperate for release. Her body shifted position on its own, projecting her upwards until she was floating diagonally, the head of her co*ck aiming just over the top of the stunned android’s head.

Caulifla drew back her hips and slammed them forwards, deep ripples bouncing back and forth through the android’s ocean of carnal f*ck meat. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she thrust away, gripping the android’s massive nipples as the perfect handlebars for her passionate love making. Tingles of ecstasy permeated Caulifla’s body, rendering her mind numb to all but the brilliant pleasure of slam-f*cking the androids body-dwarfing tit* with all the strength she could muster. All the energy that wasn’t being gathered by her dick and balls, anyway.

18 could do nothing to stop the Saiyan. Not only because there was a solid 3 foot wall of titty between her and her opponent, but because the rapid, pounding thrusts Caulifla was slamming into her tit* with was rendering her brain a pile of useless, overwhelmed mush. Her body tingled all over, and her puss* was spasming with each slam, cumming over and over again despite not receiving a single stroke of direct stimulation. Caulifla’s vice-like grip on her nipples sent fireworks of pleasure bursting before her eyes, and all 18 could do was let out a deep, impassioned roar as her body was rendered insensate by the overwhelming barrage of org*sms.

The pace of Caulifla’s mountain-shaking pounding only increased, the pressure she exerted on each forward thrust shooting her hips into the front of 18’s quivering globes of tit flesh was like shots from a cannon. The reverberating slapping sound echoing off the walls of the crater like a carnal applause. Her mind faded, all her conscious thought wrapped up by the pure sensation of pleasure and warmth that her mind had never been prepared to deal with. No mind was ever prepared to deal with the levels of pleasure a Super Saiyan could achieve.

18 felt the vibrations building, the rumbling shook the ground and it vibrated through her torso encompassing titt*es with such force that it made her heart shake. She had an idea of what was coming but she had no idea how to stop it. Did she want to stop it? This was what she had been building towards after all, but she couldn’t help but feel she’d underestimated what she’d gotten herself in for.

Every single time Cauilfla pounded into the front of her boobs, the head of her mighty co*ck breached the tight valley of her cleavage before disappearing back again, and each time it reappeared it looked bigger, angrier and the aura of energy that surrounded it only grew brighter while the rumbling grew ever more intense. 18 knew what that rumbling was, the vibration of all the cum churning and broiling inside the Super Saiyan’s scrotum was building to a fever pitch. 18 had wanted to be in control when she finally went off, but she’d slipped up, her own arousal and excitement had overwhelmed her and now she was going to have to deal with the consequences of her grave error.

It started as a grumble in the back of Caulifla’s throat, but it grew into a roar as she opened her mouth, no words being formed, just a pure animalistic bellow as Caulifla slammed her co*ck through the soft tunnel of pillowy love meat for the final time, and she felt the dam of energy finally burst. She felt the energy of her thick, viscous load powering up the 36 inches of her monstrous pillar of Saiyan virility, and as it finally breached the tip, Caulifla let out a scream of pure, unbridled lust .

It was unlike anything 18 had ever seen before, and more than she could have ever prepared for. The uncontrolled torrent of cum burst forth like a dam disintegrating under the pressure of a tidal storm. The stream burst from Caulifla’s tip as it hung over her, the blast of cum being almost as wide as 18’s head. It shot with such force and power that it easily cleared the miles of distance between their mountain and the one behind 18, shattering the peak under the sheer force of the sem*n that crashed through it.

But 18 wasn’t spared from the devastation. From the barrel of Caulifla’s mighty Saiyan cannon, the spread of cum was ruinous. Within moments, what seed hadn’t managed to stay within the hydraulic stream of super powered sperm splattered into her face, coating her visage in a scalding hot layer of rich, gooey ball gunk. The rebound alone splattered the inside of the crater, hundreds, if not thousands of massive droplets shot in all directions the moment they were free from the high pressure confines of Caulifla’s bucking co*ck. The entire crater was covered in a thick layer of power filled super sperm, the deluge splattering everything within a cone of where Caulifla was standing, and everything surrounding her.

18’s tit*, already enormous, weren’t spared either. Her vast body shaming boobs were quickly buried under several inches of thick, oozing Saiyan progeny. The heat suffused 18’s body, flushing her from head to toe as she underwent countless involuntary org*sms from the sensation of being buried alive under such a prodigious load of incomparable, mind-blowing cum.

The cum that wasn’t currently staining the surrounding landscape continued its outbound trajectory, losing little velocity as it crossed the mountain range and escaped over the ocean. Before long, the concentrated beam of pure energised cum had escaped the Earth’s atmosphere and was streaking through the solar system, making its way towards the stars.

When the concentrated blast of cum finally came to an end, 18 used what little control she had of her body left to stagger backwards. Pride filled her heart as she finally allowed herself to bask in her victory, shocks of pleasure still coursing through her cybernetic nervous system. She raised an arm, leaden and heavy under the sheer weight of cum that coated it, to her face and did her best to clear her vision from the viscous mask of congealing cum.

Her mind swam as she turned on the spot, turning her attention to her hyper sized bust and doing what she could to clear the vast, smooth surfaces she could reach in front of her. She let out a satisfied sigh as she contemplated her current situation.

“Now, what the hell am I supposed to do with these things…”

She laughed aloud at the thought of Krillin’s face when she turned up outside their modest home with tit* big enough to take up most of the space in their living room. Maybe she’d take a day to make the most of them, ask Bulma or Chichi to take care of Marron before seeing if the scientist could help reduce them somehow. Surely some kind of Capsule technology could come in handy.

18 chuckled to herself, before a sharp crack caught her in the small of her back, sending her toppling forwards, severely overbalanced by her own tremendous bust.

“Oh don’t worry Android…” Caulilfa snarled, drips of her own cum hanging from her sharp and pointed hair, “I’ve got plenty of ideas of what we can do with those!”

18 did her best to whirl around to face Caulifla, but her tit* unwieldy momentum dragged her off her feet as she attempted to oppose the Super Saiyan. 18’s face was a mask of shock and confusion, unable to understand how Caulifla was able to stand opposite her as if she wasn’t even slightly worn out by that planetary c*mshot.

Caulifla caught the look and barked out a harsh, cruel laugh. “Ha! You thought that I was finished? You thought one shot would be enough to take me down?”

Caulifla stalked forwards, her once imposing co*ck having wilted slightly after their last bout, but still hung intimidatingly towards her ankles. Her balls had also deflated, no longer taking up every single centimetre of space they could. Caulifla’s aura once again shone around her entire body, droplets of cum lifting off her body and being propelled upwards as if caught in a powerful updraft.

Then the Super Saiyan staggered, her co*ck twitching violently as energy surged through her, spasming uncontrollably throughout her body. Caulifla cried out in surprise as she was driven to one knee. 18 stood back, only able to watch on in confusion as much of her vision was still dominated by her own hyper endowments.

Fine. ” The Super Saiyan bit out through clenched teeth. “I don’t know what kind of game you think we’re playing here android, but if this is how you want to take it then fine. I can play along.

18’s body still didn’t have the coordination to gather herself for a counter attack, so all she could do was watch as Caulifla pushed herself back to her feet, spread her stance with hands at her sides, and roared. Her energy went wild, the golden aura that outlined her form exploded outwards, disintegrating the rocky surface around her as she hung in the air, her body vibrating from the sheer volume of power coursing through every single fibre of her being.

Bolts of lightning flashed around Caulifla’s body as her roar shook the entire mountain range. Off in the distance, 18 could make out the sight of an avalanche crashing down from one of the peaks that must have been dozens of miles away. Caulifla’s power was shaking the entire planet!

But that didn’t hold 18’s attention for long.

18 watched in horror as Caulifla’s once semi-flaccid shaft slowly rose to full hardness, yet there was something different about it this time. Where once it had been a constant, consistent length throughout and aiming straight out from her crotch, Caulifla’s co*ck slowly began to curve upwards as pulses of energy travelled up and down its length. A length that didn’t stop growing once it had reached three feet.

Caulifla’s co*ck stretched and distorted as power rampaged through her body, the once pleasing parallel shape of Caulifla’s shaft ballooning outwards towards the middle, growing even thicker than the Saiyan girl’s waist. The length only piled on as her monstrous co*ck bulged and engorged, the massive cum pipe that had delivered that tremendous load pulsed as a viscous pearly blob of pre catapulted from Caulifla’s distended tip, splattering against 18’s feet.

The monster grew and grew, easily surpassing Caulifla’s own height in its overall length. How the Saiyan could possibly survive with a co*ck that was longer than she was tall, 18 had no idea, but she watched in astounded fascination as it began to rise even further upwards. Seemingly unbothered by its own astounding weight, Caulifla’s co*ck bulged with newly expanding veins, the network of vascular pathways pulsing with the fluctuations of Caulifla’s ever growing power .The tip of Caulifla’s preposterous member rose several feet above her own head, blocking the menacing sight of Caulifla’s howling visage from sight.

With her co*ck now out of the way, 18 could also see what was happening to the Super Saiyan’s balls. It was a good thing she was now hovering several feet off the ground, as her colossal gonads would be dragging along the ground if she wasn’t capable of flight. They hung terrifying and pendulous in a sack that was stretched so tight as to be smooth. What was even more terrifying was that unlike the last time they had dominated so much room between Caulifla’s legs, they weren’t vibrating. Whatever transformation Caulifla had just gone through, her genitals had followed suit. And if her power up was anything like the other Saiyans she knew, this was just the beginning of their power.

18 tried to back off, but her legs wouldn’t obey her. Despite the fear that flashed through her eyes, her body was betraying her and she could feel her entire lower half trembling in unrestrained lust. Some part deep inside of her was fixated on the truly preposterous size of Caulifla’s co*ck, desperate to know what it would feel like if she were to just touch the absurd beast.

Caulifla’s roar of power came to an end, and the energy that coiled around her sparked off with bolts of lightning. The power of Super Saiyan 2 had elevated Caulifla’s already immense strength beyond anything 18 could hope to deal with. All she could truly hope to rely on at this point was that her stamina would still be able to outlast that of a Super Saiyan who had shattered past their own limits in such a way.

Caulifla let out a low, menacing chuckle, her voice tinged with a growl as she called out. “You better duck, android…”

18’s face twisted into a mask of confusion, her brain not managing to comprehend what Caulifla could be talking about now. In her befuddlement, 18 never had time to even react when Caulifla suddenly vanished from her vision, and something impossibly hard and heavy smacked into the side of her head, her giant tit* dragging her to the ground as she slid away from Caulifla’s brutal swing.

Or else I’m gonna smack you with my DICK! HA!

18 did her best to push herself into a sitting position, trying to look over her own mountains of mammary to see where Caulifla was, but she needn't have bothered. By the time she even managed to prop herself up on her elbows, Caulifla was standing beside her, titanic balls resting on the ground behind her as she budged her goliath of a co*ck over one shoulder so she could look down at her.

“Yknow, there’s been something I’ve been wondering about. You’ve taken all my hits, all my energy blasts and for all that work there doesn’t look like there’s a scratch on you!” Caulifla said, an arrogant smirk pulling at the edge of her mouth. “So it’s got me wondering, just how durable are you?”

Caulifla leaned down as best she could towards 18, dropping her gargantuan co*ck so it could slap across the vast width of both the android’s over inflated tit*. 18 almost cried at the sight of it reaching all the way across from one side to the other, covering the sheer breadth of her tit* with ease.

“I wonder if I could blow you up just as big as your stupid fat tit*? I wonder how far I could stretch your c*nt with this f*cking tree trunk of a co*ck you made me grow? Do you think you could take it all? Or will your friends be hunting down those Dragon Balls again once I’m through with you?”

Caulifla leant down further, the meat of 18’s giant tit* wrapping around Caulifla’s unyielding shaft as she forced it down against them so she could get her face just inches away from 18’s.

“Whaddya say? Wanna see how much of my massive f*cking co*ck you can take, slu*t-Bot?”

18 didn’t know how to respond. She had no idea what to do. Everything Caulifla said terrified her, yet turned her on more than she would ever dare to admit. The thought of getting out of there never even crossed her mind as Caulifla reached down and took firm grip of her arm. With surprising ease considering the sheer volume of the mammoth tit* she was hauling, Caulifla flung her into the air, sending the android spinning with no control over her direction. Caulifla stood on the rocky surface, watching her spiralling opponent and waited.

When 18 reached the peak of her arc, she floated in the air for a second as gravity reasserted itself. In the back of her mind she wondered why she wasn’t flying? She’d never had a problem flying before so why wasn’t she now? Caulifla watched as she started to plummet, her corkscrewing becoming much more controlled. When she saw 18 flip over, her hyper tit* dragging her back towards the planet’s surface, she pounced.

The mountain side shattered as Caulifla pushed off, cracks sundering the mountain as the entire rocky structure split apart under the force of Caulifla’s launch. While her speed and power were amplified by multitudes, so were Caulifla’s perception and senses. The android had taken advantage of that earlier, taking Caulifla by surprise and stimulating senses that she’d never even considered before. But now she’d learned, and she could adapt. Android 18 had opened up an entire new world of possibilities for her power, and now Caulifla was eager to explore them.

With all the precision only a warrior the calibre of a Super Saiyan could muster, Caulifla rocketed towards the tumbling android. Time to put her theory to the test.

18’s eyes widened at the first touch. Time seemed to slow for her as she felt something huge and blunt press firmly against her dripping puss*. She didn’t know what was happening, some part of her wanted it to stop, to call for a time out just so she could figure out just what was going on.

But another part of her wanted this to continue, for it to go further before she could over think this and possibly ruin what could be one of the most life changing moments of her existence.

Caulifla didn’t stop. She met some minor resistance as her co*ck struck its target with pinpoint precision, puss* juice exploded over the tip of her colossal ram rod and she felt the android’s lips parting for her, making way for the monstrosity that sought to enter her cavern. In what felt like an eternity, but in reality was barely a fraction of a second, Caulifla’s head pierce past the tight entrance of 18’s puss*, stretching it beyond anything it could have ever possibly reached before.

The powerful, pulsing co*ckhead battered onwards, propelled forwards without a moment of hesitation as Caulifla crashed into 18 from behind. Her tight puss* was violated within seconds, not a single moment was given over to doubt or hesitation as 18’s stomach bulged outwards, her skin stretching obscenely. The force of her herculean penetration rampaged into the underside of 18’s inflated hyper tit* and knocked them aside, allowing 18 a perfect, unobstructed view of her stomach stretching and stretching and stretching.

It passed by her face, stretching well over the top of her head and it just did. Not. Stop. Her entire lower half was being stretched wide, all the room between her legs was utterly dominated by the sheer volume of co*ck that was travelling through her body. 18 had expected this to hurt, to feel like she was being pulled apart from the inside, and yet her body just stretched. Either she really was just this durable, or Doctor Gero had had some truly twisted plans for her.

18’s whole body shook under impact as Caulifla finally rammed home, her hips connecting with a pleasing *SLAP* to the enhanced curves of 18’s breedable butt cheeks. The momentum of their violent connection sent 18’s tit* swinging wildly in the open air, they swung freely from 18’s torso like two enormous pendulums. With each swing Caulifla could feel the giant masses of titty meat stroking up and down the lower half of her tree trunk of a co*ck.

Caulifla let her body rest against 18, her own modest breasts pressing into the soft flesh of 18’s lower back, and she basked in the ridiculously snug sensations.

“f*ck! You are tight! Or maybe I’m just huge! ” Caulifla burst out with a raucous laugh that was shortly cut off as she succumbed to a barrage of moans that erupted from inside of her. “Heh, and here I was thinking I’d be in control of these sensations by now! I guess this just gives me a whole new avenue of strength to train!”

Caulifla pushed herself back off 18’s back into a pseudo standing pose. “It’s a good thing we can fly, I have no idea how I’d even thrust with this thing if we were standing on the ground!”

She took a solid grip of 18’s hips, her strong hands sinking pleasingly into the newly expanded pliant flesh of her ass cheeks. “Tell ya what. As thanks for inspiring this whole new world of power I’ve got, I’ll fill ya full. Whaddya say? Wanna be filled so completely with my cum that you’ll be pumping out my half-Saiyan hybrids for the next 3 years?”

Bolts of lighting flickered off Caulifla’s firm grip, zigzagging their way up 18’s completely overwhelmed form. She could barely even make out the words that Caulifla was saying at this point, her brain subsumed by a constant volley of org*sms that brought her brain to a stand still. Her body might have had infinite stamina and she might have had cybernetic upgrades throughout her whole body, but it was still being run by a human brain and there was only so much one of those could handle.

Caulifla pushed off from 18, letting herself draw backwards, her enormous pillar of turgid co*ck flesh coring out the android as each bump of her enormous phallus sent sparks through her overwhelmed mind. Caulifla floated backwards until almost half of her hyper appendage was outside of 18, and she could finally appreciate the damage she was doing to the android, and the sheer extent she was stretching her poor puss* open to. 18’s puss* was almost wide enough that Caulifla was pretty sure she could have stood inside of there and her shoulders would barely brush the sides!

Caulifla’s golden aura fired up around her and she slammed herself forwards, once again planting herself to the hilt inside the battered android, her goliath wrecking balls swinging forwards and slamming into the back side of 18’s gigantic tit* like some kind of over-sized, over-sexualised Newton’s Cradle.

Caulifla’s whole body shivered with pleasure at finally getting to experience sex in such a way. She was certain no one in the universe, hell, no one in the multiverse had ever experienced sex like this before. Caulifla allowed herself to revel in the sensation for a moment, basking in the glory that such total domination filled her with, before letting her hands fall to the plush, yielding flesh of 18’s inflated ass cheeks. Not wanting to waste a single extra moment, Caulifla firmly grabbed onto 18’s hips and started pounding with abandon.

Her hips became a blur, the rapid collision of her groin on 18’s enormous butt clapping them a round of applause as they hung in the sky. Every time Caulifla withdrew her hips, there wasn’t enough time for 18’s over-distended stomach to tighten again before Caulifla rutted herself back in to the base. The momentum of her thrusts travelled through 18’s body, becoming steadily amplified by the ludicrously heavy breasts hanging pendulously beneath. Eventually their own swinging began to aid Caulifla’s thrusts, carrying 18 away from Caulifla before swinging back towards her, carrying the unconscious android back into the awaiting Saiyan’s hips, bringing them together in an explosion of lewd, viscous fluids.

Caulifla’s eyes dropped to the near insensate android mounted upon her dominating behemoth.

“Hey! Hey Android!” Caulifla raised her hand and slammed it down on her fat ass cheek, a pleasing wobble momentarily hypnotising her as a glowing red hand print formed where her strike had landed. “Any chance you have a vibrate function?”

The sharp jolt of pain hit 18’s brain and she felt her senses sharpen. Instantly she could feel them dulling again, submitting to the all encompassing barrage of pleasure assaulting her from all sides. She grabbed hold of the feeling of pain, letting it build into indignation and shame. She let these emotions fuel her, clearing the apathy and submission from her mind. But it felt so good though, 18 didn’t know what she’d do without a co*ck like this in her life!

No! There were more important things than co*ck! She had a family for Dende’s sake! Plus if she managed to drive this sex crazed Saiyan off the planet, maybe Bulma would let her borrow the Dragon Radar…

Her mind came into focus, the goal was the same as it ever was, beat Caulifla by whatever means necessary. The fear, the anxiety; 18 pushed them all down. Those were human emotions, ones she could do without right now. She allowed the lust to stay, overpowering though it was, she’d need it to take on the Super Saiyan that was currently pounding her abused c*nt, stretching her womb several feet over her own head.

Caulifla’s pounding was picking up speed, with the endless supply of lubrication from her own ultra-viscous precum and the waterfall of juices spraying from 18’s puss*, she had no trouble pummeling back and forth as she withdrew feet of her massive co*ck at a time. An animalistic growl started in the back of Caulifla’s throat as she mercilessly laid into 18’s c*nt, taking out all her frustration on the seemingly helpless android.

The Super Saiyan’s energy built and built, tendrils of power lashing at the air surrounding them and spreading outwards to surround 18’s lower half. Caulifla withdrew her co*ck, floating backwards until the length of co*ck outside of 18’s puss* was longer than she was tall. With the golden tendrils of power still wrapped around 18’s hips, Caulifla gave a flex of her wrist and 18 was dragged backwards to slam into the Super Saiyan’s groin, the impact slamming the head of her outrageous co*ck yet deeper than it had ever reached and driving the pair of them backwards, down towards the ground.

An idea flickered to the front of 18’s mind. She didn't want to sever the lasso of energy that Caulifla was using to bind her hips, she wouldn’t have a way to follow up such an attack even if she could, and Caulifla would no doubt only dominate her in some new way. No, she needed to use Caulifla’s brutal pounding to her advantage. With each cannon-like thrust, ripples travelled throughout 18’s body, her wrecking ball sized tit* flew forwards and slammed into her chin before launching backwards to slam into Caulifla’s roiling, gurgling balls. With each thrust got stronger, they gained more and more momentum, her giant tit* building speed and inertia with each collision. And with each thrust Caulifla’s snarl turned more and more into a bellow as she lost herself in the pure animal pleasure of unbridled lust.

18 waited patiently for her opportunity to spring her counter attack. She felt the jolts of pleasure spasm through her body as Caulifla withdrew almost all of her co*ck from her over stretched puss* once again, and she felt the binding of energy wrapped around her hips tighten for yet another thrust.

Knowing that this could be the only opening she was likely to get, 18 shot both of her arms outwards above her head, palms upwards and let loose with two enormous streams of energy. Her makeshift thrusters combined with the sheer downwards momentum being built up inside her hyper sized boobs and Caulifla’s powerful tug of energy, she slammed her ass down onto the Super Saiyan. But she didn’t stop there.

The pair of them rocketed downwards, screaming past the peaks of the mountains, passing by all the numerous craters their battle had left in their wake. They shot towards the base of the mountains, crashing down into the valley at their very base, careening along the bottom of the trench as they left a deep furrow along the ground, marking the destructive progress of 18’s most recent desperate counter maneuver.

18 cut off her energy beams, concerned that too much more of that and the growth of her breasts might become too much to handle. She had already felt the tingle spreading throughout her boulders of fatty tissue the moment she’d started her counter-attack, but the sacrifice was necessary to interrupt the Saiyan’s rhythm before it became unstoppable.

18 took a moment to pause, letting her mind come back into focus without the constant bombardment of Caulifla repetitious thrusting. She could still feel the Saiyan’s mammoth co*ck stretching her out, could see the pillar of flesh that was her distended stomach rising out from between her oversized tit*. For the first time 18 could truly appreciate the absurdity of what had happened to her body. She had no idea how or why her body was able to stand up to such strange abuse, or how it could stretch and grow to such insane proportions. Just what had Doctor Gero had in mind for her?!

She felt the ground shifting beneath her tit*, no other part of her body making suitable enough contact to register over the sheer volume of titty that was pressed against the ground. She was moving, but not under her own power. With a muffled roar from somewhere underneath her, Caulifla sprang upwards, dragging 18 up and over as her co*ck was still firmly lodged inside of her vice-like puss*.

“HA! You’re not getting outta this that easily, Bionic-Bimbo! ” Caulifla yelled as she flew upwards, not stopping until 18 was positioned entirely across the top of her own tit*. No matter which way the android stretched she had no way of reaching the ground, and as Caulifla slammed herself back into the Androids silken folds, 18 was nearly swallowed by her own valley of cleavage.

“God you’re so f*ckin’ good! ” Caulifla yelled. “Maybe I’ll take you home with me to the Sixth Universe, maybe share you with Kale! Would ya like that? I bet you f*ckin’ would, wouldn’t you!”

18 couldn’t see, and she could barely hear with her ears being almost completely blocked by her own cavernous cleavage wrapping around either side of her head. She felt her distended stomach bashing off the rocky floor as Caulifla repeatedly slammed her co*ck all the way through her several feet of cleavage. She had changed her speed now, focusing on short, rapid thrusts instead of long powerful ones, withdrawing a pitiful 18 inches of co*ck with each thrust.

One last idea flits into 18’s mind. A last, desperate ploy. Normally this technique would require barely any energy at all, but with a co*ck longer than she was tall piercing her repeatedly, it would take a whole lot of energy just to deal with all of it at once. And all that energy would undoubtedly make her tit* grow out of control. She had no idea how big she could end up, but 18 needed this to end sooner rather than later…

Else she might just be tempted to take Caulifla up on that offer.

Caulifla felt a buzzing. A tingling sensation as she ploughed her co*ck into 18’s tight snatch. It started from her tip and slowly, achingly slowly, made its way down the length of her shaft. She felt it on every ridge, along every vein that criss-crossed her steel hard member. Caulifla felt her eyes roll back in her head and the tension in her body melt as she lay her whole torso across 18’s back.

Holy f*ck she was vibrating!

She had been joking! She was f*cking joking but somehow this Ho-bot had actually gone and made her puss* f*cking vibrate!

18 pushed her power out through her puss*, creating a thin barrier along the entire length of Caulifla’s leviathan of a co*ck, but unfortunately the stimulation worked both ways. While she had created the field to vibrate Caulifla’s co*ck into finally erupting, it equally sent shock waves of sensation rippling across the over-stretched walls of her ruined puss*. She needed this to work, and fast. If this pleasure lasted for too long she’d risk blacking out, and if she didn’t black out then this constant level of energy projection would-

Caulifla drew back her co*ck slowly, and slammed it forwards, and 18’s tit* surged in size. As the Super Saiyan’s co*ck battered against the barrier inside the android’s c*nt, it needed to be reinforced with even more energy, and each slam caused more power to flow out of her body and into her already over-sized milk factories. That wasn’t the only place the power was flowing either. With so much power being called on to maintain such a precise barrier, it began to spill over into other areas of her body, and before long Caulifla’s powerful rutting was cushioned by a fat pillow of ballooning ass cheeks.

“f*ck you feel so f*cking good, your slu*t-bot puss* is gonna make me cum!”

It was too much, each thrust making her tit* explode in size as Caulifla’s co*ck crushed her barrier. 18’s own vibrations were working in tandem with her vigorous thrusts and causing stars to explode in her vision. org*sm after org*sm ripped their way through her and it took every last ounce of concentration to maintain that barrier, but that concentration was failing. 18’s feet were taken out from under her, her rising wall of titty meat spreading everywhere it could reach. Outwards, upwards, forwards and backwards her expanding boulders claimed every single inch they could reach.

“I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum you f*cking Android whor* and I’m gonna blow up your womb bigger than even these massive f*ckin’ tit* of yours! Gonna fill you with so much of my load that you’ll be able to see your stomach over the peaks of these mountains! Then you’ll be mine!

18 could feel the power behind Caulifla’s threat, she could feel the tension building in the Super Saiyan’s co*ck as it pulsed with power inside of her. The giant globes she called testicl*s didn’t even move with her thrusts anymore, so swollen with her seed that they weighed themselves down, leaning against the crest of 18’s growing mounds of breasts. While 18’s breast grew in jumps, Caulifla’s balls swelled continuously, every ounce of her power being collected and siphoned into her biggest cum blast yet!

She couldn’t let it happen. She couldn’t let this upstart Super Saiyan bitch claim her! There was only one thing she could do, but she would have to time it just right. She gritted her teeth against the increasing tempo of Caulifla’s violent, passionate thrusting, each slam sending a ripple that spread outwards across her ocean of breast meat.

The inches had turned into feet as more and more power was needed to stimulate the Super Saiyan co*ck, and before long it was easier to compare 18’s own horrendously huge bosom to the dome shaped dwellings of West City than anything else, the sheer volume of her breast being more than enough to house a small family, and still they continued to grow. And then 18 felt the shift.

Caulifla tensed, the all consuming vibrations that constantly massaged her co*ck driving her over the edge as the dwarfing size of 18’s boobs blocked all else from her vision except for the erotic sight of incomparable wobbling breasts. 18’s pants and moans through gritted teeth, the determination she put into fighting back, all of it was driving her insane. She’d never thought anything could feel this good. She never thought anything could ever feel better than fighting, of the vibrations tingling down her arms on impact and the rush of adrenaline that coursed through her system. Oh how wrong she was.

“Take it! Take it you bitch! I’m gonna f*ckin’ CUM!

18 felt the surge ripple down Caulifla’s co*ck, the build of power similar to what she’d felt earlier but exponentially more intense. Taking as deep a breath as she could, 18 poured all of the energy she could muster into her own barrier, sealing around Caulifla’s co*ck with everything she had left. Her tit* rippled once before blossoming in size, pushing the pair of them even further away from the ground as Caulifla roared with all the power in her body, as she put everything she had into her cumblast.

The jet of cum shot from the tip of Caulifla’s Super Saiyan co*ck and rebounded, slamming against the stubborn barrier and spreading outwards, seeking any form of escape it could. With all that pressure, and all that co*ck stretching 18’s c*nt to dimensions it was never intended to reach, the volume of sem*n only had one direction to travel, and that was out.

The initial wave of cum exploded outwards in a perfect ring, jettisoning out of 18’s over-stretched puss* lips like a shockwave. Then the rest of it followed, Caulifla’s own monstrous load being launched back at her, instantly covering her in a thick layer of her own viscous ball brew. Caulifla threw up her arms in defence, as if that would be sufficient to ward off her own hyper-charged virility.

18 felt her own defences falter under the heavy barrage of Caulifla’s Ascended Super Saiyan sem*n. She strained to push every last drop of power she could muster into maintaining her shield, but she could feel it faltering. She might have had an infinite supply of energy, but she was still limited by her capacity to draw upon it, and it was becoming increasingly clear that Caulifla simply had her outmatched in terms of output.

She needed the shield to hold, to ward off Caulifla’s torrential injection of super sperm into her puss* for as long as possible, but she could feel it failing. With each geyser-like shot of her unreasonably voluminous cum, 18’s whole body jolted under the impact and subsequent ejection of gallons upon gallons of scalding hot cum. The vibrations she had been causing to herself were nothing compared to this. 18 could feel her control slipping, each passing second her body was being assaulted from all sides, both inside and out by Caulifla’s truly excessive c*mshot, and her constantly surging breasts growing in bursts that were better measured in dozens of metres at this point.

The excessive ejections of sem*n jetted outwards, sending massive droplets of thick, viscous seed to cover everything in a several mile radius. Small pools of dense, white sludge formed in several of the craters formed from their deadly coupling, and rivers of the surging slime rolled down the mountain sides, joining with the oozing streams that coursed their way down the sides of 18’s breasts. From the bottom each tit looked more like a glazed cake that had grown to the size of a house, and every few seconds they would pulse ever larger.

Caulifla pushed against the constant streams of her own prodigious load, forcing her hands through the fields of constant viscous slop to get a solid grip on the Android’s hips. She could feel the barrier wrapping around her goliath co*ck, buzzing away and pushing her back as her excessive load fought to take up all the space that her bitch breaker was crammed into. Caulifla pulled herself closer, fighting against the pressure of her own momentous cum blast. A growl rose through her into a roar, and the roar crescendoed into a scream of every emotion Caulifla could feel left coursing through her system. Rage, anger, lust and passion all coalesced into one final, immense thrust and Caulifla’s Super Saiyan erection destroyed the remains of the android’s barrier.

18 felt her barrier shatter. The energy inside herself rebounded, with nowhere else to go and no form of output there was only one path left to take. The energy ricocheted around 18 until it found the only path left available to it, and the android’s breasts blossomed in size. No longer constrained to bursts and pulses, 18’s tit* grew at a constant, accelerating rate, an exponentially rising wall of obscene tit meat that eclipsed anything either of the warriors could have even envisioned. The pair of them rose in the middle of a valley of magnificent mammaries that even the Capsule Corp dome would pale in comparison to. The sides of the true rocky mountains began to rub against the sides of 18’s own fleshy monuments as they grew faster and faster.

And that wasn’t the only thing that was growing.

With no barrier restricting it, Caulifla’s load rampaged through 18’s puss*, stuffing her womb full near instantaneously. The volume stretched 18’s stomach to capacity and then continued onwards, distending the unbelievable bulge of Caulifla’s co*ck ever further. The definition of each wrist thick vein that marbled the surface of her co*ck was swiftly lost as the tide of sem*n swelled 18’s stomach, masking the presence of the enormous spewing monolith within beneath an ocean of dense, frothing baby batter.

18’s mouth flew wide but no sound could escape. The exponential growth of her tit* sent larger and larger shockwaves of pleasure through her brain, the alien sensation of being inflated from within by such a scorching hot warmth aroused her and soothed her in equally unbelievable measures. Her mind was a boiling mess of sensations. She had lost. There was no coming back from this. Caulifla had overcome every last defence she had, and now she was going to be hers, not sure she could ever come back from the planet-busting org*sms she’d been having like machine gun fire ever since her barrier shattered.

Yet despite the constant stream of galaxy-scale climaxes, there was something building even greater than that. A heat inside of 18, something she’d never felt before. A rising heat that grew and grew, each jet of exorbitant spunk that blasted into her and stretched her womb with a load the size of a minivan built this heat inside of her. A heat or a power that pulsed…

…and pulsed…

…and PULSED!

Power, radiant golden power burst through 18’s entire body, her torso glowing with energy and for a brief moment her hair stood on end like a brilliant golden halo. The heat in her c*nt exploded with a wave of potency that coursed down Caulifla’s continuously bucking co*ck, travelling down it’s length and into the Super Saiyan, crashing into her groin and exploding with a force that could have shattered the whole mountain range if it had been aimed at the ground. Caulifla couldn’t keep her grip, the surge of scorching force burning her hands as she was ruthlessly forced from the vice-like grip of the Android’s inexplicably cavernous puss*.

Caulifla rocketed backwards, inch after inch being forcefully expelled from 18’s puss* until every single one of her 84 inches that made up her titan of a shaft was finally vulnerable to the elements once again. She felt like Son Goku himself had just punched her in the gut with every ounce of strength he had. She had no control, the pain of the blast combined with the pleasure of her co*ck still letting loose with a load that showed no sign of stopping, stripping her of any ability to control her flight through the open sky. Magnificent streams of cum fired from her distended tip, coating the devastated landscape in enough cum to fill the lakes of Mount Paozu several times over.

She finally managed to halt herself mid-flight, a wave of pressure washing outwards as she came to an immediate stop in the middle of the air above the mountain range. From here she could see all the devastation they had caused, the new lakes of sem*n that were creating new paths for rivers to flow down, inevitably reaching the oceans. And she could also see the two new mountains that had risen in the valley between.

Caulifla ground her teeth, indignation at the sheer audacity of being denied her prize sparking behind her eyes. Her chin dropped to her chest, all that lust and passion, all those new emotions that had built up inside of her took that spark and lit a fire inside of her and that fire ignited the inferno of her strongest, most prominent emotions.

Rage and anger, the primary fuel of all Super Saiyan power erupted from her as she flung her arms wide, her aura exploding out of her as the shockwave rippled across the mountainside.


With a roar that could only be associated with a Super Saiyan putting everything they have into one final blast, Caulifla’s aura spiralled and contracted. It wrapped around her body and then shifted inwards, coalescing into a brilliant shining sheath around her preposterous co*ck and balls. Her whole body shook as her balls went into overdrive, preparing to give everything they had and hold nothing back.

18’s vision swam in front of her eyes as she looked into the sky, Caulifla’s screamed declaration rang in her ears. Her body ached and she could feel all that cum packed into her womb, but she felt her cybernetically augmented mind sharpening back into focus now that it was no longer under such a constant barrage. At the very least it had sharpened enough to realise just how f*cked she was.

She can’t be serious! If she aims that at the ground she could flood the entire continent, not to mention put a hole through the planet with the amount of energy she’s packing!

18 could feel the buzz throughout her whole body, the energy that had surged through her when Caulifla had finally cum inside of her… she had no idea what it was, perhaps something to do with her android biology coming into contact with Saiyan DNA? She had no idea, but she could feel the tingle it was sending not only through her womb, but also her titanic, mountainous tit*. Her gaze flickered up towards Caulifla, where all the energy she was gathering was accumulating in her balls that now towered over her own height, and then back down to her own tit*, and an idea grew.

18 did her best to push herself into something resembling a standing position, which was incredibly difficult when she was anchored to the very things she was trying to stand upon and she pushed away, floating just above the surface of her massive globes of tit flesh. Even this minor use of her power sent tremors through her breasts, and she could hear the rumbling as the rock face beneath them crumbled beneath their unbelievable mass. Her overinflated stomach compressed against and between the pliant yet unyielding volume of her tit*, yet from where 18 was floating it all seemed to meld into a single pale, cum stained mass of jiggling, wobbling flesh.

What should have logically felt like pain as she used all her prodigious strength to rotate her ridiculously massive tit* around while they scraped along the jagged, rocky surface of the destroyed mountain side could only be translated as pleasure once it reached 18’s overstimulated brain. However once she finally managed to get her feet back on solid ground, the only emotion inside her was pure determination. She might not be able to see Caulifla hanging in the sky, but she could feel the vibrations and pulses of power as they shook the Earth itself. All she had to do was aim upwards, and wait for Caulifla to announce herself like she knew she would. Saiyan’s simply couldn’t help but boast.

She didn’t have to wait long. Caulifla’s energy surged and rose, her unbelievable balls rivalling Bull Elephants for size and were incomprehensibly more dangerous. They stored enough power to reboot a dying star, and Caulifla was aiming them at the valley of cleavage that stretched out for several hundred metres at the bottom of the deepest trench.


Caulifla let out a scream that 18 was convinced they could hear on the opposite side of the planet, and she knew it was now or never. All the energy that had built and swirled inside of her, everything she thought was nothing more than a wasted by-product of a malfunction, she took hold of it and pushed. She’d never be able to push it out through her hand, trying to aim past her wall of immense titty meat was futile, so instead she pushed it out through the only point of exit she could think of.

— — —

The power rushed through Caulifla, her balls rumbled with billions if not trillions of sperm, each one super-charged with its own morsel of their progenitor’s Super Saiyan power. The burning hot power rose to a peak inside of her, and Caulifla knew that there was nothing more she could give. It was all or nothing. With a roar of unbridled lust and fury, Caulifla felt the knot in her gut snap open, her unconscious resistance vapourised by the unstoppable wave of cum that rocketed down her distending cum pipe. Caulifla’s co*ck bulged as the ungodly load travelled down its length, the golden glow intensifying as it followed along with the incoming blast of Super Saiyan sem*n.

It reached the tip, and for a brief moment, everything fell silent as every muscle in Caulifla’s body tensed. A bead of cum formed at the tip and grew. The droplet grew, expanding in size as the flow of cum inflated it, a golden sheen spreading over its surface. Then all hell broke loose.

Caulifla’s roar was inhuman, layers of primal, ancient rage harmonised with her own as the orb of cum exploded outwards into a beam of solid, energised progeny. Her eyes rolled back in her head as the greatest org*sm Caulifla had ever experienced battered aside all conscious thought, leaving her nothing but a husk of lust and rage.

She hung there in the air, every ounce of her life force concentrating into the 7 foot length of her titanic co*ck, unleashing more power than the Saiyan had ever drawn on before. If this mutation could let her tap into such unbridled power and pleasure such as this, then Goku could keep his Super Saiyan 3. Once she’d wiped this smug bimbo bot from the face of this universe, she’d travel home, and learn how to perfect this new gift she had received.

A reverberation shook Caulifla from her org*smic bliss, it felt distant and unidentifiable. Then it happened again. And again. With all the effort she could summon, Caulifla dragged her mind back from the brink of org*smic unconsciousness, and looked down to where these new odd sensations were coming from, and she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

— — —

With only moments to spare before Caulifla unleashed her attack, 18 grabbed hold of her power and spun it within herself, winding it up and preparing to release it. She waited for the precise moment, and knew once Caulifla let out that inhuman roar it was time. She pushed, pushed with all of her might, every ounce of accumulated power she held within herself was called upon and pushed out the only way she knew she could. The vibrations of power tingled over the surface of her breasts, travelling through the ducts and veins until all that energy accumulated into two points and burst forth.

Her nipples let loose with two concentrated streams of power, looking to all the world as if she was lactating with the force of a jet thruster. The two beams spiralled together into a double helix of power and wound about each other, conjoining into a focused beam of silver light that crashed into the oncoming beam of white-gold that rained down from above. The two streams of power collided and exploded, ripples of power surging down the length of each blast and hitting each warrior with a backwash of their own colliding energy.

Caulifla’s beam of cum splattered outwards, halted in its path by the needle-like precision of 18’s helixing beams of lactated power. Anywhere that had managed to be spared from a coating of sem*n soon found itself blanketed by a thin sheen of glowing super cum as Caulifla’s unending, voluminous beam sprayed the landscape with a wide showering jet of gunk, the small newly formed lakes burst their banks as they struggled to cope with the added mass. Thick flowing waterfalls of dense nut-sludge sloughed down the valley sides to form a tide of sem*n that would have washed away anyone that wasn’t anchored to the ground as Android 18 was.

18 felt the river of cum rising around her, the thick slime pulled at her legs as the torrent of slime grew ever more intense. A potent wave of steam-like musk rolled off the surface of the stream in a visible wave and it assaulted her nose, she could feel her puss* dripping with need at the thought of all this ball goo going to waste when it could be inside of her instead.

That moment of hesitation cost her, as she felt the pressure of Caulifla’s cumblast bearing down on her, and she shook her head in an attempt to clear it of all lewd distractions. This was too important to let go of her will to fight now, and even if she let that beam of cum hit her she wasn’t even sure she’d survive to let herself be ravaged by it.

Caulifla ground her teeth and dug deep, searching for every last ounce of power she could force through her co*ck to reinvigorate the stream of seemingly endless cum she was pumping out. Time after time this android had managed to stand against her assault. Every time she had backed the bionic bimbo into a corner she had managed to wriggle out of it. Well not this time! Caulifla watched in satisfaction as the landscape surrounding the annoying android was slowly overtaken by her superior progeny, practically impregnating the planet itself with the volume of her seed. Possibly by the time this river of ball slime hit the ocean, that might even come true!

Caulifla watched as slowly, her beam overcame the resistance of 18’s counterattack, the force and density of her cum overwhelming the android’s opposition. With a cry of victory, Caulifla gave one final push, an almighty thrust of her hips behind the unstoppable beam of virility to emphasise just how superior she was!

18 could feel it coming, could see the glowing aurora around the vast horizon of her tit*. This was it, while her power might have been endless it simply wasn’t enough to counter the sheer strength of the Universe 6 Saiyan. If only she could find more , something to back herself up! If she could close the gap in the differences between their power like she had earlier…

Except maybe she could.

She hadn’t thought about it, but unwittingly, perhaps Caulifla had given her everything she needed without even realising it!

18 had no idea how this was going to work, but she reached inside herself, and felt for the alien heat that swam inside her. The ocean of sem*n that Caulifla had shot inside her womb was still sitting there, tingling with untapped power. It was a risk, 18 knew. She had no idea what might happen if she took the power from Caulifla’s generously donated seed, but she did know that if she didn’t she wouldn’t be around to regret it.

Focussing inwards, 18 felt for the heat that radiated within her womb and let it flow through her body. A golden sheen spread outwards from her core, covering her vastly inflated womb and scenery dominating tit* in a soft golden glow. 18 could feel the weight in her stomach lessening, her body draining the cum stored within and channelling it all through her body. Strength unlike anything she had ever felt flowed through her, every atom of her body buzzing as if charged with the power of a thousand suns. The river of cum that flowed around her body parted as if repelled by her very being, splashing up against the valley sides as an alien roar ripped itself from 18’s throat.

No! No way! That’s impossible! ” Caulifla screamed in astonishment as she watched the massive wobbling globes of flesh ignite like a newly born star. She felt the surge of power travel back up through her own stream, reverberating around her body as slowly her once overwhelming cum stream was pushed backwards.

“Where the hell is all this power even coming from!?” Caulifla bellowed, but she got no answer. All she could do was push ever harder against the oncoming tide of white hot energy. Her body began to tremble, the reverberations battering her from inside and out. She clenched every muscle she could, pouring every last ounce of power out through her co*ck and into the blinding inferno that threatened to swallow her whole.

“No! I wont lose! I need… I HAVE to prove myself! I can’t lose… Not again…”

Behind her, Caulifla’s balls pulsed, and contracted. They pulsed again and again, with each pulse they got smaller and smaller; while deep in the valley below, with a source of infinite energy fueling them, 18’s breasts stayed as gigantic as ever before.

Images flashed before Caulifla’s eyes from within the solid white brilliance. She saw Planet Sadala, her home. She saw her gang, her friends and even Cabba. And she saw Kale. The woman she was doing this all for, the woman who looked up to her more than anything in the world, who even chose to fuse with her. Part of Kale had never left her since that day, since the day they had fused Caulifla had been left with a gift that Kale didn’t even know about, but Caulifla knew she must have been dealing with all her life. Fighting to control the impulses and urges.

And here she was, in another universe, having been completely consumed by every single impulse that had passed through her since arriving here. She’d even threatened to destroy the whole planet for not getting her way.

All that lust, anger and rage shot out of her with the last of her prodigious load, and all she was left with was an unending feeling of shame and regret as the star-bright spiralling beam of power consumed her body, and stole her consciousness away from her.

— — —

Feeling no more resistance against her massive energy beam, 18 pushed every last drop of power she could feel inside of her out of her body. Relief washed over her as the stress of battle passed, and she could feel her city-block-sized breasts finally start to retract as she forcibly expelled all of the power she had stored into a beam that burst into the cold reaches of space, chasing after Caulifla’s cum beam to travel through the stars.

She staggered backwards as her tit* shrunk from boulders, to cars, to melons until they finally disappeared, her chest flat for the first time since she’d awoken as an android. Her gaze was pulled away however by the black speck falling from the sky. She watched as it plummeted towards the ground in free fall, and once 18 realised that it clearly wasn’t a controlled fall, she pushed herself off the ground to intercept.

Caulifla’s limp body slammed into her waiting arms, and 18 slowly lowered them both to the devastated ruins of the mountain side. Rivers of sem*n flowed in the valleys below them as the miasma of musk flowed from the still scalding surface. 18 set the insensate Saiyan down on the rock and collapsed down into a sitting position, letting out a deep breath it felt like she’d been holding since Caulifla had first arrived on the planet.

She’d just saved the entire world.

Pride and satisfaction filled 18 at the thought. Considering she’d been designed to lay waste to this planet, it was satisfying to know that she was just as capable of saving it too, and without having to rely on Goku or any of the other Saiyans for help. The thought dragged her eyes over to the unconscious Caulifla, now returned to her base form and no longer equipped with genitals that were longer than she was tall. Even flaccid it was one hell of a beast, but it fit well with her lithe, muscular frame.

18 felt a small pang of need in the pit of her stomach, and dragged her eyes away from the Saiyan’s limp appendage. She pushed herself to stand, and walked slowly to the edge of the plateau.

“We’re gonna need to get the dragon to fix this one…” she muttered aloud, taking in the ruination beneath her. “No way Bulma’s gonna be able to cover this up.”

As 18 looked down at the destroyed scenery, she caught a glimpse of her own flattened chest. A strange feeling of regret began to tie knots in her stomach that she quickly quelled. 18 closed her eyes, and focused on her energy within.

In moments, her breasts began to swell again, growing from small little bug bites into pleasing handfuls and then into the gorgeous chest pillows she usually carried. The familiar weight felt comforting, and yet still that regret didn’t fade. She looked down again, and pushed her energy just a little bit further, and her boobs swelled outwards until they were easily each the size of her own head.

18’s expression shifted into one of confidence, “Now Krillin will have no choice but to take me shopping.”

She stooped down to pick up the naked and unconscious Saiyan before pushing off into the air, the cold mountain air and steaming hot musk brushing over her skin as she flew back towards Capsule Corp.

— — —

Hundreds of miles away, deep beneath the surface of the Earth, a dark laboratory was filled with stark, white light from a vast bank of computer monitors. Before them sat a woman in a high backed chair, her high-heeled feet resting spread on the desk in front of her as she panted, coming down from some serious exertion as she watched the conflict between the Android and the Saiyan come to an end.

“That’s it… that’s the power I need…” She panted. “With that power, not even Son Goku himself could stop my revenge…!”

The Power of Pride - Oppreciator (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.