e-District Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (2024)

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Since the National Rollout of eDistrict MMP has been launched, States / UTs have sought clarifications regarding the implementation of the project in their States / UTs. This section provides a compilation of such clarifications and their responses provided by DeitY. The FAQs have been categorized under the following groups:

  • Functions & Architecture
  • Services & Project Management
  • Financial & Funds


1. Can eDistrict leverage other eGovernance Components created by different eGovernance Projects under NeGP?

Yes. It is clearly stated in the eDistrict Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services at page 4, point 3 that:

“The objective is to optimally leverage the infrastructure created in the form of SDC, SWAN, SSDG, CSC and the other ICT infrastructure created by the State under various initiatives and harmonize it with the e-District MMP”.

2. What is the necessity to define Application Architecture in the implementation of eDistrict MMP?

During the pilot project, it was observed that the application development took considerable amount of time as the System Integrators were required to undertake AS IS, TO BE, FRS, SRS etc. Based on the learning acquired during the pilot, it is strongly suggested that the States should leverage the work done in the Pilot States.

It is also noted that several States have some line department applications already online/live, which are providing G2C services. It is necessary to leverage these applications by dovetailing and integrating them in the e-District architecture.

In context of the above scenario, it is necessary for each State to develop an appropriate Application Architecture that factors the developments already made, either in their own State or in the e-District Pilot States.

Please refer the eDistrict Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services, page 4.

3. What is the Functional Architecture of eDistrict MMP?

Reference may be made to Para 2.3 Page 14 of the eDistrict Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services:

A Functional Architecture is a logical representation of

(i) The business functionalities that an organization wants an IT-based system to deliver and of

(ii) The manner in which the various categories/ classes of users interact with the system.

In the context of the e-District Project, the following elements enable designing of an appropriate Functional Architecture.

a) Citizen Interfaces:

b) Department Interfaces:

c) Basic functional elements:

The e-District Business layer should, inter alia, provide for:

a) Workflow, for facilitating approvals at various levels while processing a citizen request.

b) Authentication of the citizen through Aadhaar.

c) PKI Support for facilitating the usage of digital signatures.

d) Payment Gateways, to make the payments directly by using credit/debit cards.

e) Mobile services for communicating the updates to the citizen.

f) Local Language Interfaces.

4. Is it mandatory for States / UTs in which Pilot eDistrict projects were implemented / being implemented, to follow the same functional architecture? Or can the State/UT revise the Architecture as per IFW ?

The state based on its prior experiences can opt to keep the same functional architecture or change it, drawing upon its past experience in implementing the pilot. Non pilot states /UTs can study the pilot projects and are free to opt the one which suits their requirements. The final decision on the strategy should be in line with the Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services and should be approved by the State Apex Committee.

5. How can the State/UT design its functional Architecture using the Cloud?

Please Refer to Para Page 20-21 of the eDistrict Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services.

6. Is there a payment gateway solution available at the central level, which can be utilised by the eDistrict MMP?

Yes, a payment gateway solution is available through DeitY. It also includes a mobile payment gateway.

DeitY has collaborated with NSDL Database Management Limited as the implementing agency for providing e-Payment and m-payment Services for all Government Departments in the States/UTs. For further details you may please contact:

Ms. Kavita Bhatia

Addl. Director

DeitY 011- 24364729


7. Is e Authentication necessary for the delivery of eDistrict services? And how it can be integrated with eDistrict Application?

Authentication is certainly necessary for delivery of e services. For further details please refer 2.4.4 D on page 23 of the eDistrict Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services.

8. What is MSDG and can MSDG platform solution be integrated with the eDistrict application?

A centralized platform named Mobile Service Delivery Gateway (MSDG) has been created by DeitY. MSDG has been developed around open standards and cloud-based solutions and is a key implementation strategy under the framework for Mobile Governance that was notified by DeitY in February 2012.

Mobile Seva aims to provide a one-stop solution to all the central and state Government departments and agencies across the nation for all their mobile service delivery needs. The objective of the initiative is to provide a centrally hosted cloud based mobile enablement (m-enablement) and mobile based delivery (m-delivery) infrastructure and platform that allows all Government departments and agencies to expeditiously offer their services through mobile devices without having to invest heavily in creating their own respective mobile platforms. Mobile Seva enables integration of mobile application with the common e-governance infrastructure for delivery of public services to the users. Availability of Government wide shared infrastructure and services enables rapid development and reduces costs for the integrating departments.

Mobile Seva aims to enable all integrating departments and agencies to provide their services on various mobile channels such as Short Message Services (SMS), Voice/ Integrated Voice Response System (IVRS) Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD), and through mobile applications (m-apps). It also includes a mobile payment gateway.

It is envisaged that initially a few services can be provided to the citizen on mobile apps. DeitY has already created Mobile Service Delivery Gateway to facilitate the use of Mobile Apps. However within e-District, it is envisaged that at the very minimum, the “status update” on the services should be sent to the citizens. The MSDG/SMS gateway should be leveraged for accomplishing this. (Please refer to Para 2.4.4 D on Page 23 e-District Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services)

9. Is it compulsory to integrate MSDG services in eDistrict MMP?

Please refer to Para 2.4.4 E Page no. 23.of integrated framework; it is desirable to use all 5 components in the proposed e-District architecture for enabling eservices delivery to the citizen.

10. Is it necessary to finalize the Portfolio of Services? And what is the procedure to finalize it?

Yes, it is necessary to finalize the portfolio of services. The State/ UT is free to prioritize and select its services, however the selected and prioritized services should be approved by the State Apex Committee. Please refer integrated framework document para 2.1 (2) page no 12.

11. Is it necessary for the state to have an Application Rollout strategy?

Yes it is necessary to decide on this before going further in the project. The state has to decide whether it is going to use any existing application developed by the same State; or adopt an application of another State. Accordingly, steps may be taken to customize the application. In case an existing application is being used, immediate steps should be taken on getting the software application STQC certified, if it has not already been done.

Please refer integrated framework document Para 2.1 page no. 12 & Para 3.1 (2) page no 24.

12. At what level is the Functional and Technical Architecture finalized? Can the State /UT change the functional and technical architecture? And at what stage?

Functional and Technical architecture should be finalized all before the release and preparation of SI RFP. Change in Functional and Technical Architecture would not be possible after release of SI RFP. Doing so would severely impact the bid process dynamics and project delivery timelines and is not advisable. Therefore the State/UT should carefully finalize this stage before the SI RFP is released.

Please refer integrated framework document Para 2.3, page no 14.


1. What is the broad Scope of work of NPMU State Resources?

Please refer to Annexure I of DeitY Letter No. of 3(16)/2011 EG II Dated 24/01/2012.

NPMU State Resource would be coordinating with the State Team at State Headquarters and their key responsibilities would include:

a) Provide Guidance on the e-District MMP Policy and Guidelines.

b) Monitor Release and Utilization of Funds.

c) Support implementation of the Project Monitoring Information System (PIMS) at the State including Training.

d) Coordinate Updating of PMIS by State team/SPMU

e) Review of SPMU deliverables on behalf of the State including Review of RFP for Selection of System Integrator (SI)

f) Providing continuous updating of the State for Project Tracking and Issue resolution

g) Coordination with DeitY.

2. What is the broad scope of work of SPMU Resources?

Please refer to Annexure I of DeitY Letter No. Of 3(16)/2011 EG II Dated 24/01/2012

SPMU would be deployed for each State separately and it would work in the State to carry out the following activities:

a) Business Process Re-engineering and assistance issuance of Government orders

b) RFP preparation and selection of the System Integrator (SI)

c) Project Management Activities

d) Assist in the Formation of DeGS

e) Engaging STQC for Audit

f) UAT and Go – live Report

g) Coordinate district level team for the following:

1. Program Management Support

2. Monitoring the O&M

3. Is it necessary to have eDistrict Project Managers in all the districts?

eDPMs are an integral part of eDistrict MMP in all Districts other than pilot districts. States / UTs who want to deploy eDistrict Project Managers in Pilot Districts may depute the same from the state funds.

4. What is the broad Scope of work of the eDistrict Project Managers?

Please refer e-District Manager Fellowship Program Hiring Guidelines, Section 3 Page 8 – 9.

The detailed job description of the eDistrict Manager is broadly be divided into 2 parts:

a) Project Implementation Phase

b) Operations phase

The nature of job of the e-District Manager would evolve from project implementation phase to Operations. The Job description for both the phases is as follows:

Project Implementation Phase:

The eDistrict Manager is responsible for successful implementation of the project in the district. To accomplish this, it is expected that the eDistrict Manager would undertake the following tasks:

i. Coordinate with State Project Management Unit (SPMU) for project reporting.

ii. Coordinate with System Integrator’s (SI) personnel deployed in the district.

iii. Facilitate acceptance of supply, installation and commissioning of hardware & peripherals deployed at all the designated offices in district level.

iv. Submission of weekly report to District Magistrate (DM) / District Collector (DC) on progress of eDistrict project or any officer designated for implementation of the eDistrict Project by the State at district level.

v. Organising eDistrict review meetings including preparation of agenda, operational support and help in drafting Minute of Meetings.

vi. Submit reports and update status in PMIS.

vii. Facilitate data digitisation, networking, site preparation and training / workshop activities in the district.

viii. Regular review of all the services delivered under eDistrict project and help in resolution of operational issues, if any.

ix. Study the eDistrict project implementation in other districts, which are doing better, for adoption of better practices.

x. Synchronisation with other e-Governance projects in the District.

xi. Managing relationship with educational Institute for study and improvement in project.

xii. Preparation of risk registers for highlighting the risks to project.

xiii. Awareness in the district about the eDistrict project.

xiv. Facilitate the impact assessment study in the district

xv. Training to other stakeholders, as and when required.

xvi. Any other project related activities for eDistrict MMP.

Operations Phase:

i. Monitor and report the number of transactions happening in the districts under various service categories

ii. Monitor the service levels of the services being provided.

iii. Escalate to the DM / DC / or any officer designated for implementation of the eDistrict Project by the State at district level for cases for which services have been delayed.

iv. Be the first point of escalations for any failure in the performance of the service.

v. Carry-out root-cause analysis for any service level failures.

vi. Ensure the technical infrastructure is working as per the service levels of the SI.

vii. Co-ordinate with SI helpdesk for resolution of any technical failure.

viii. Training to other stakeholders, as and when required.

ix. Any other eDistrict related activity for managing the eDistrict operations.

x. Attendance of eDistrict Manager will be monitored through Project Management Information System (PMIS) tool which is being deployed by NPMU.

5. What is the role of Divisional Commissioners, District Collector / Magistrate in the eDistrict MMPs?

Divisional Commissioners in states where Divisional Commissioner system exists will provide leadership and ownership for implementation of the Scheme at the Divisional level.

District Collector / Magistrate through DeGS shall ensure Planning, Coordination, Monitoring, Evaluation and Guidance for successful implementation of the e District Scheme at the district level.

Please refer National Rollout Guidelines Para 5.3.3 Page 13 and 14.

6. What are the functions of DeGS at the district level?

The function of DeGS at the district level is as follows:

a) The DeGS would implement the project and ensure close linkages and coordination amongst the -various stakeholders in the Project at field level. Provide commitment and support to bring-in the process changes.

b) Provide overall guidance to the Project partners at District level.

c) Work closely with the System Integrator/Implementing Agency to undertake the field work, comprehend the requirements, document the observations, prepare roadmap and redesign the processes.

d) Build capacity of the staff at various levels of the district administration. DeGS and System Integrator would also work closely with the technical solution provider for developing and customizing the software, implement the technical solution

e) Manage, supervise and implement backend computerization of partner Departments/Agencies.

f) The DeGS as owner of the Project at district level will be responsible for proper record keeping of all the assets including software / artefacts created under the Scheme at the District level.

g) Release funds to the Implementing agencies on successful completion / installation of hardware, training, data digitization.

h) Support the Common Services Centres (CSCs), throughout the District for providing G2C services as per the Service Level Agreements between Departments/ SDA for CSCs and the Service Centre Agency (SCA). It would identify and recommend the Citizen Services which can be provided in consultation and co-ordination with the concerned departments on priority and assist SCA in roll out of G2C services through CSCs.

i) Collect user charges as fixed by the State Government and keep audited accounts of the same.

j) Take all publicity measures and campaigning through media like TV, radio, newspaper, conferences, seminars, public meetings, banners and posters etc for creating awareness about transformation through e-Governance for the benefit of the rural masses.

k) Explore revenue streams for the sustenance of the District eGovernance Society and assist SDA in formulating policies accordingly.

l) The DeGS shall also ensure close tie-ups with all the stakeholders in the project, to provide commitment and support, help to bring-in the process changes and overall guidance to the project. The stakeholders would include district level departmental officers e.g. SSP/SP, Chief Development Officer, CEO (ZP), District Panchayati Raj Officer, District Social Welfare Officer, Chief Medical Officer, District Education Officer / Basic Shiksha Adhikari, Sub Divisional Officer / Magistrate, Tehsildar / Patwari, Block Development Officer etc.

For further details, please refer National Rollout Guidelines Para 5.3.4 page no 14.

7. How will the DeGS be funded post eDistrict Implementation Phase?

Please refer National Rollout Guidelines Para 13.1(a) at page no 37.

8. What is the use of seed money given to DeGS? How is it to be utilized?

Please refer to the seed money guidelines issued by DeiTY, available at: KB

9. Certain funds have been generated by the eDistrict application and have been collected by the DeGS, what is to be done with the extra funds collected?

The extra funds belong to the DeGS and can be used to the enhancement and implementation of existing and new eGovernance project in the district. Depending upon the revenue sharing model adopted by the State/UT, the revenue portion belonging to the State/UT/Central and other involved entities may be deposited/ transferred as per prevalent rules notified by the State/UT.

For further details please refer National Rollout Guidelines para 13, page no 37.

10. Is it necessary to undertake BPR for services covered under eDistrict MMP?

Yes it is necessary to undertake BPR, this is also part of the SPMU deliverable and scope of work. Please refer to National Rollout Guidelines for eDistrict MMP Para 4.3 Page 9 – 10.

11. Is it mandatory to issue Government orders for the enablement of eDistrict Services via CSC /Mobile/Web/Government extension counters?


12. What is a “Transaction” in reference to eDistrict application?

Please refer DeiTY’s letter no 3(39)/2011-EG-11 (R) dated 28th September 2012, for engagement of State Program Management Unit for providing Program Management Services for Scheme for National Rollout of e-District MMP, which defines transaction as:

“Transaction would be defined as a complete service being delivered to the Citizen which may include submission of an application by the citizen, back end processing and service delivery. Across the Counter service delivery will also be counted as a transaction.”


1. Can the approved outlay be increased, as the circ*mstances and geography of my State/UT is different than the prevalent norms in other states /UTs ?

The funds as approved by the Empowered Committee on the submitted DPR remains the same without any changes.

2. Can the State /UT reallocate funds under one head to another within the eDistrict MMP?

Yes it can. It can be done as per the eDistrict Implementation Guidelines-2012 (Please refer to section 1.1 on page 5) which states:

“DeitY has approved the DPR under various heads (like Hardware, Software, Data entry, Site preparation etc.) within the overall framework of e-District Scheme. It is noticed that various State Governments/UTs have unique scenarios where the expenditure may not be as per the amounts or items sanctioned under these heads. In such a scenario, the IT Department of the State may place the proposal for approval/ decision of the State Apex Committee under the Chief Secretary, for re-allocation of Grants-in-Aids components amongst the various heads, provided the overall amount sanctioned in the administrative approval is not exceeded. A report shall be submitted to DeitY specifying the re appropriations approved by the Apex Committee”.

3. What is the process to get details of the funds released for eDistrict MMP of my State/UT?

A letter must be submitted from the State Designated Agency of the State/UT or the State IT Department indicating the specific fund details required addressed to the Programme Office, eDistrict MMP at DeiTY. However the information can also be obtained from the Sanction Order (SO) of the GIA component issued by DeiTY which is marked to the SDA / IT Secretary of the concerned State/UT. For the ACA Component a SO is issued by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and copy is marked to the Resident Commissioner of the State. In case of UTs the SO is issued by MHA.

4. What are the details of the funds available under different heads on the approved outlay of eDistrict MMP?

The details are available in the Guidelines for national Rollout of eDistrict MMP from section 7.1 onwards on Page 24 to 28. Given below is an extract from the National Rollout Guidelines showing indicative State/UT and district level cost summary and relevant details:

Indicative Costs at District level (Rs. Lakhs):
S No.ItemTotal
2Data Digitization50
4LAN Networking and Horizontal Connectivity25
5Site Preparation30
6Seed Money to eGov Society10
7Project Manager for 3 years @3.60 Lakhs per year10.80
8Technical Support for 3 years @ 2.4 Lakhs per year7.20
9Awareness and Communication0.10
10Contingency @3%of all District-level costs7.08
Grand Total243.00
Indicative Cost at State Level – Pilot States:
S No.ComponentUnit Cost Lakhs)Unit PeriodTotal Cost (Lakhs) for3 years
1Systems at SDC175OneTime175
2Systems Support24PerYear72
3Software for Pilot15OneTime15
4Third Party/STQC Testing35OneTime35
5Application Support18PerYear54
6Awareness and Communication CxxxxCCommCommunication20OneTime20
Total Expenditure for Pilot States386
Indicative Cost at State Level - Non Pilot States:
SNComponentUnit CostUnit CostTotal Cost (Lakhs) for
(Rs. Lakhs)Period3 years
1DPR Preparation -10One Time10
2Systems at SDC175One Time175
3Systems Support24Per Year72
4Application Software for non Pilot55One Time55
5Third Party/ STQC Testing35One Time35
6Application Support18Per Year54
7Awareness and Communication CCommunication for Citizen awareness on launch of e-Services20One Time20
8Assessment15One Time15
Total Expenditure for Non Pilot States436
Type and Quantity of Hardware at each District (non-Pilot):
Item NameNo of Item
Digital Web cam46
Network Printers Cum FAX20
Laser printers29
Other printer14
UPS (1 KVA)144
42 U Rack1
9U Rack39
12 Port Switch41
Leased Line Modem (pair)1

5. What is the scope of the Apex Committee in financial matters related to eDistrict MMP?

As per the eDistrict Implementation Guidelines-2012 (Please refer to section 1.1 on page 5) which states:

“DeitY has approved the DPR under various heads (like Hardware, Software, Data entry, Site preparation etc.) within the overall framework of e-District Scheme. It is noticed that various State Governments/UTs have unique scenarios where the expenditure may not be as per the amounts or items sanctioned under these heads. In such a scenario, the IT Department of the State may place the proposal for approval/ decision of the State Apex Committee under the Chief Secretary, for re-allocation of Grants-in-Aids components amongst the various heads, provided the overall amount sanctioned in the administrative approval is not exceeded. A report shall be submitted to DeitY specifying the re appropriations approved by the Apex Committee”.

6. What are the various heads under which the funds are to be spent?

The heads under which funds are to be spent are indicated in the States/UTs approved DPR. However the State/UT is given flexibility of reallocation under different heads, after taking due approvals from the State Apex committee. Please Refer National Rollout Guidelines Section Para 7 Pages 24 – 26.

7. Are funds released to eDistrict MMP linked to any other eGovernance projects?

As per Department of Expenditure OM dated 14.11.12, funds cannot be released to the State Designated Agency which has UC Due for rendition for previous fund releases (any eGov project) up to 31 st March, of previous financial year.

Funds would be released only if the SDA does not have any pending UCs please refer to OM issued by DoE, Ministry of Finance (Copy enclosed).

8. How are Utilization Certificates linked to implementation of eDistrict MMP?

Please refer to the response to Q7 under this section.

9. What are the cut off dates and the time period in which UCs are to be cleared by the States/ UTs for subsequent release of funds for eDistrict implementation?

31 st March of the year proceeding the current year is the cut-off date. Funds released to the e-District SDA under any DeitY scheme before this date must be utilized and UCs must submitted to DeitY to enable further release of funds.

10. What is the procedure for requesting the release of surrendered funds for the eDistrict MMP?

A letter from the State requesting the release of the surrendered funds including all relevant details - sanction order, date of release, date of surrendering funds, reason for non-utilisation, reason for further grants, may be sent to the Program Officer, eDistrict MMP for consideration.

11. What is the process of release of ACA Funds?

Please refer Para 3.5.3 Page 23 of the Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services for the e-District MMP.

12. Where and when do I need to send the UCs for eDistrict MMP?

UCs can be sent to the designated Program Officer of each project. It may be further noted that sanction order wise separate UC in GFR 2005 format needs to be submitted in original (GFR 2005 form 19A - copy enclosed).

13. There are substantial funds gained under interest component, do these funds need to be surrendered or can it be utilised in the implementation of the project?

Interest component needs to be clearly indicated while submitting the UCs. The interest accrued could be utilized towards the project implementation subject to the condition that sum of all previous fund released for the project and interest accrued together remain within the overall outlay of the project. Accrued Interest, thus utilized would be subsumed in project’s future releases. It may however be noted that the surplus accrued interest if any, over the project outlay must be surrendered back to the DeitY.

14. State / UT needs to surrender funds back to DeitY, what is the procedure to do so and the type of financial instrument used?

The State/UT should write to the Program Officer of that particular project with the statement of Accounts. The surrendered funds must be returned through a Demand Draft/Cheque in favour of “Pay & Account Officer, Department of Electronics & Information Technology” Or “PAO , DeiTY”. Please refer OM of DoE, Ministry of Finance.

15. On the process of floating various RFPs related to eDistrict MMP, the L1 Value discovered exceeded the actual amount sanctioned in the DPR, how do the State /UT solve the extra funding requirement needed for the eDistrict MMP?

As per the e-District MMP scheme, the overall outlay of the project should not be changed. Any extra requirement such as the difference in L1 price discovery and sanctioned amount may be funded by State/UT via its own financial resources. Please refer Para 3.5.2 Pages 27 – 28 Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services for the e-District MMP.

16. Can the State Designated Agency act as DeGS?


Please refer to guidelines on roles & responsibilities and constitution of DeGS & SDA.

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e-District Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.