Get Help With English Here (2024)

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This thread is for tropers who have trouble with English and would like some help with the crazy grammar of this crazy language.

Write down what you wish to edit on the wiki. If you have been suspended from editing, another troper might be kind enough to edit for you after your suggestions have been corrected.

The thread is for help and feedback on your own suggested edits.

If you want help correcting other people's edits (e.g., if you find a page which seems to have grammar problems but want a second opinion, or you don't feel able to fix it by yourself) then that's off-topic here, but we have a separate Grammar Police cleanup thread that can provide assistance.

Edited by Mrph1 on Nov 16th 2023 at 5:37:57 PM

EmperorGeode Totally not Evil! from A Galaxy far, far away Since: Oct, 2022 Relationship Status: On the prowl

Totally not Evil!

#30876: Aug 15th 2024 at 1:15:36 AM

Thanks Clare. I meant to write “distraction” and I just misspelled girlfriend.

KBoult Since: Jun, 2024

#30877: Aug 15th 2024 at 8:18:45 AM

I have some extra foreshadowing for Another Apple sleep experiment.For example: the lock on the lab's door is broken despite Twilight saying it is a magical lock and Applejack couldn't have had the strength to do it because she is described as looking like she hadn't ate in a long time.

  • Twilight wonders how Applejack escaped the prison hinting that somepony must have helped.
    • Neither Rarity nor Twilight (after waking up from being unconscious) or Rainbow Dash don't know about the fire at Sugarcube Corner hinting that the events aren't happening on the same night.

BlueSparkles Since: Dec, 2023

#30878: Aug 15th 2024 at 8:19:14 AM

Trolls Band Together

  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: After Floyd is revived and Branch moves his arms, the process to restore Floyd's life essences pauses until Branch hugs him and the rest of their brothers join in. It shows that a Troll can have their life essences restore if another shares the same blood, as Branch, John Dory, Spruce, Clay and Floyd are brothers who have the same DNA. However, it doesn't completely restore Floyd's hair, as some parts of it were still white.

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30879: Aug 15th 2024 at 9:43:13 AM

Page 1235 @miraculous


...and killed Ernst's wife and Sable's mother by shooting her In the Back and Trefkov later captures Ernst and painfully attaches him to a machine to drain his knowledge. Trefkov ends up massacring Sable's crew and later captures her uncle Fritz, <- comma who he tortures for months till his mind breaks. Forming the Genesis Coalition as an offshoot from Hydra, Trefkov has Franz Lubischt kidnapped and painfully experiments on innocents to create super soldiers and later tries to mount an invasion of multiple Eastern European countries, <- comma including Latveria, <- comma to create a Fourth Reich. In his grandest scheme, Trefkov initiates a mass casualty event in Bosnia to destroy Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. regardless of any casualties.

Mortay is a cold Serial Killer who tricks martial artists into matches (leaving out the fact that they are death matches) and kills them at the end. Mortay chooses Burke's friend Max as his next target and even threatens to murder Max's baby daughter if Max doesn't fight him. Mortay is also the mastermind of the Ghost Van: <- no space a mobile van which he uses to target child and teenage prostitutes, <- comma whom he murders for Snuff Films. Mortay either guns them down himself or kidnaps them to be killed in such a horrible way that even Burke can't describe it.

^ "targets" and "target" are redundant.

^ {{Snuff Film}}s -> Snuff Films

Slade is in charge of all the dirty business of Task Force X, <- comma such as capturing the thieves of the stolen Task Force X tech by pulling off various schemes to achieve it like: setting up a fake arms deal with Livewire to entrap her, posing as an ambulance worker to take away Intergang and using his skills to capture Heatwave. Slade proves a devious fighter in service to Task Force X, using Hit And Run tactics and his surroundings to even take on Superman and any others who stand in his way. Slade also sets up a trap to kill General Sam Lane (under orders from Amanda Waller) <- no comma by feeding him false information to lure him out into the open. In the end, Slade ultimately survives the defeat of Amanda Waller and pitches in his favor with Lex Luthor now heralding the rise of Lex Luthor.

^ "pitches in his favor with Lex Luthor now heralding the rise of Lex Luthor" is not correct English, but I can't tell what you meant to write.

Edited by Arivne on Aug 15th 2024 at 9:45:30 AM

miraculous Goku Black (Apprentice)

Goku Black

#30880: Aug 15th 2024 at 10:03:14 AM

I'll make it changes side to Lex Luther.

Anyway thanks Arivne

"That's right mortal. By channeling my divine rage into power, I have forged a new instrument in which to destroy you."

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30881: Aug 15th 2024 at 10:04:50 AM

Page 1235 @Malady


This is one very long sentence, so your best bet is to split it up into smaller sentences and get rid of some of the deadwood.

As revealed in Boyfriends and Other Minor Annoyances and Banquets and Other Social Disasters, Baragoccia was conquered a hundred years ago and is ruled by outsiders called the Palachkit. <- period who came from outside the Hundred Kingdoms that Baragoccia was a part of) for a hundred years by the time of the story, and The Palachkit have their own language <- no comma (that's not the Common Tongue) called "East Palach". <- period presumably because other directions have their own variants.

^ "directions" is not correct English, but I don't know what you meant to write. Countries? Regions? Races? Unless it's necessary, you can jut delete the whole clause.

It would look like this:

As revealed in Boyfriends and Other Minor Annoyances and Banquets and Other Social Disasters, Baragoccia was conquered a hundred years ago and is ruled by outsiders called the Palachkit. The Palachkit have their own language (that's not the Common Tongue) called "East Palach".

Edited by Arivne on Aug 15th 2024 at 10:09:13 AM

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30882: Aug 15th 2024 at 10:17:16 AM

Page 1235 @Agent Jet

I'm sorry, but I can't understand what you wrote. I can't even make a guess as to what you mean, so I can't correct it.

Edited by Arivne on Aug 15th 2024 at 11:04:30 AM

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30883: Aug 15th 2024 at 10:25:09 AM

Page 1235 @The Immortal Angel Newton


Chasing Dead is a Wii U a zombie survival first-person shooter, with a good premise, exploring an apocalyptic alternate Earth, ruined with shoddy execution. Presentation is a mess, full of low quality unstable graphics, poor optimization where textures can warp or disappear, and dreadful voice acting, <- comma with lines missing or repeated without any edits. The basics are missing: <- colon mismatched guns like AK-47s acting like M-4s, or flamethrowers acting like laser weapons, missing animation where reloading doesn't show clip changes, and clipping that can drop you from the game's boundaries. Infuriating game design with inaccurate hit detection that even a perfect shot could miss, AI that can get stuck on walls, unpredictable spawns that can stunlock you, unwieldy vehicle sections with the same clipping issues and the game's main flaw, an unstable frame rate of 5-20 fps making the game unplayable. Though it has potential, the poor execution ruins the experience, reviewers calling out its poor state with Nintendo Life lambasting the unfair AI, going to detailing the frustrating journey of the first two levels, and Game Rant blasting it, calling it a disappointment, <- comma lamenting the horrible instability that killed a potential true horror experience for the Wii U.

Edited by Arivne on Aug 15th 2024 at 10:25:48 AM

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30884: Aug 15th 2024 at 10:28:09 AM

Page 1235 @Bullman

One group loves it...together before, <- no period and that...should have stayed apart, <- comma as...

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30885: Aug 15th 2024 at 10:35:55 AM

Get Help With English Here (12) @K Boult


...looking like she hadn't eaten in a long time.

  • ...the prison, <- comma hinting that somepony must have helped.
    • Neither Rarity, <- comma nor Twilight (after waking up from being unconscious) nor Rainbow Dash don't know about the fire at Sugarcube Corner, <- comma hinting that the events aren't happening on the same night.

^ This violates Example Indentation in Trope Lists because it's a single example at the second level of example indentation.

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30886: Aug 15th 2024 at 10:39:10 AM

Get Help With English Here (14) @Blue Sparkles

However, it doesn't completely restore Floyd's hair, as some parts of it are still white.

^ Changed verbs to present tense as per How to Write an Example - Write in Historical Present Tense.

Bullman "The Juice is Loose." Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: Longing for my OTP

"The Juice is Loose."

#30887: Aug 15th 2024 at 10:54:55 AM

Thanks Arivne.

Fan-Preferred Couple cleanup thread

Tylerbear12 What you see is what you get, just a guy. from The Green Hills. Since: Apr, 2015 Relationship Status: Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free

What you see is what you get, just a guy.

#30888: Aug 15th 2024 at 2:14:04 PM


  • Broken Base: The football gag is either an iconic Running Gag that shows how hapless Charlie is or an overdone joke that stopped being funny long ago and is just mean to Charlie Brown. Even Schulz ended up lamenting how he never let him kick the ball in the strips.
  • Foe Yay Shipping: Despite Charlie and Lucy's...less than pleasant relationship in canon, there are some fans who ship them, primarily due to fans enjoying their dynamic and them being the leading guy/girl in the franchise. It helps that the animated specials do occasionally lean into it at times.
  • Fanfic Fuel: Given the elusive and deliberately interpretive nature of the Little Red Haired Girl/Heather, it's no surprising that she provides a ton of fuel for fanfiction, many of which expand on her characterization and her relationship with the rest of the cast.
  • Fanon: One common fan interpretation of the Little Red Haired Girl/Heather is that she not only reciprocates Charlie's feelings for him, but haplessly pines for him just as much as he does for her.

Edited by Tylerbear12 on Aug 16th 2024 at 12:50:41 PM

AgentJet Since: May, 2024

#30889: Aug 15th 2024 at 4:20:52 PM

Now, How about this? are this description are more understandable? thank you.

The revelation that the Batcomputer is knowing everything about the Batwheels is a case of fridge horror. For instance, In "When You're A Jet", The surprise that it seems to know Batwing's intentions when she seeks the motherboard; is chilling.

And I have one, for trope of 'The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You' in Kung Fu Panda.

The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: after Shifu has been notified by Oogway about his vision: Oogway informs Tai Lung's return. then, Shifu starts briefly imagine about Tai Lung has been escaped - Tai Lung directly clawing at and then approaching the camera.

Ayumi-chan Failure Console (she/her) from Calvard (Apprentice) Relationship Status: Serial head-patter

Failure Console (she/her)

#30890: Aug 15th 2024 at 11:17:39 PM

Characters.Tokyo Xanadu Morimiya City

  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: While Shiori's plan to make Kou live in a "lie" has some effect on him by making him work many jobs, it also made him gain new perspectives and meet new people (among them, the members of XRC). This ends up biting her back when they decide to defeat her and later on, bring back the real Shiori.

Random Avatar Month Day 17: Reedio

KBoult Since: Jun, 2024

#30891: Aug 16th 2024 at 4:29:47 AM

I'll correct the extra foreshadowing and correct and add more by correcting that Mr Cake doesn't glare at Pinkie but angrily shirks her away as he mourns his wife's death and Pound fights and bites her while she's trying to save him from the fire not after.

Neither Rarity,Twilight(after regaining consciousness) nor Rainbow mention the fire at Sugarcube Corner, hinting that it is not the same evening.

Another clue that Apple Bloom is alive is in the audio reading image, you can see a flash of red and yellow when lightning strikes at the mention of her name, hinting that Apple Bloom is nearby.

In the beginning of chapter one,Twilight is described as having tired eyes and Pinkie, not only is mentioned to have been baking non-stop for three days, and in the audio reading image, she appears tired looking with bags under eyes and her mane a mess.

brb1006 (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#30892: Aug 16th 2024 at 4:45:57 AM

For Unico: Awakening Nightmare Fuel

  • Marusu getting tortured by Venus in order to get further information on the mysterious powers from Unico. When the sphinx child resists, the goddess uses her powers as a form of whip until Marusu reluctantly answers her question in a series of riddles. After she becomes exhausted over using her third eye, Venus tells her "She's not done with her yet" as we get a P.O.V. Shot of Marusu getting blasted by Venus' powers. Sphinx's daughter is even shown with visible burn marks on her back.
  • After Unico transforms Chloe into a human girl for a second time where she meets Byron. She slowly starts becoming comfortable over being human instead of a cat. Unlike the original, the way Chloe begs him to extend her time as a human is portrayed in a somewhat creepy and mildly unhinged. At one point, we get a close up shot of Chloe's eyes with Unico's reaction being being unsettled over it. After he extends it, Unico decides to look at his own reflection in a lake with Unico's reflection becoming distorted.
  • After Venus becomes enraged over Unico transformed into an adult unicorn. We get a brief scene of Marusu who appears to have passed out over getting tormenting by Venus.

For Unico: Awakening

  • Arc Symbol: Mirrors and shattered glass are a recurring theme in the reboot series. The 2022 promotional image by Gurihiru shows Unico surrounded by mirrors and shattered glass showing his friends, enemies, and both his past and present actions. Venus herself is constantly surrounded by glass due to her obsessiveness with beauty. A Splash Panel during Volume 1's climax, shows Unico's friends, allies, and family inside shattered mirrors and glass while becoming extra powerful in his adult form.
  • Arc Word:
    • "There is a way" is repeated twice in Volume 1. During the prologue, West Wind notices leafs that spell out this word when she's wishing there was a way to end Unico's endless cycle of forgetting his friends and others. After Chloe and Granny are sleeping, we see him somberly staring at the sky while saying to himself "There is a way" while standing outside Granny's house. He's deeply reflecting on his struggles to make the lives of both Granny and Chloe less miserable and uses this line in a different context.
    • "Cats have responsibilities" is uttered by Chloe three times. First when she explains to Jinkins the importance a being a Watch Dog, second when she first witnesses Unico being chase by robbers, and last when Chloe rescues Toast after Byron turns into a monster.
  • Clap Your Hands If You Believe: While Unico maintains his ability to transform into a more powerful adult unicorn. Even as a powerful adult unicorn, he still has a difficult time after Byron transforms into a gigantic monster. His powers and strength increases after he hears words of encouragement and love from his friends and allies. This includes characters who didn't gain a proper introduction such as Unico's father, Corn, Chico, and Garappachi and Okuzu who are set to appear in future volumes.

Edited by brb1006 on Aug 16th 2024 at 7:59:17 AM

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30893: Aug 16th 2024 at 8:29:45 AM

Get Help With English Here (22) @Tylerbear 12

Even Schulz ended up lamenting how he never let him kick the ball in the strips.

...since she wasn't meant to be much of <missing text>

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30894: Aug 16th 2024 at 8:43:50 AM

Get Help With English Here (24) @Agent Jet


That's much better English.

The revelation that the Batcomputer knows everything about the Batwheels is a case of Fridge Horror. For instance, In "When You're A Jet", the surprise that it seems to know Batwing's intentions when she seeks the motherboard <- no semi-colon is chilling.

^ This is a Zero-Context Example because it doesn't say how the Batcomputer knowing everything about the Batwheels is Fridge Horror. It says that the surprise that it seems to know Batwing's intentions is "chilling", but not how or why it's chilling.

After Shifu has been notified by Oogway about his vision, <- comma Oogway informs <missing text> about Tai Lung's return. Then Shifu starts briefly imagining about Tai Lung having escaped - Tai Lung directly clawing at and then approaching the camera.

^ Oogway informs who about Tai Lung's return? If it's Shifu, you need to combine the two statements together:

"Oogway notifies Shifu about his vision of Tai Lung's return."

Edited by Arivne on Aug 16th 2024 at 8:44:36 AM

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30895: Aug 16th 2024 at 8:48:15 AM

Get Help With English Here (26) @Ayumi-chan


While Shiori's plan to make Kou live in a "lie" has some effect on him by making him work many jobs, it also makes him gain new perspectives and meet new people (among them <- no comma the members of XRC). This ends up biting her back when they decide to defeat her and, <- comma later on, bring back the real Shiori.

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30896: Aug 16th 2024 at 8:54:40 AM

Get Help With English Here (28) @K Boult


Neither Rarity,Twilight(after regaining consciousness)...

^ You deleted a couple of necessary spaces above.

Another clue that Apple Bloom is alive is in the audio reading image. <- period You can... see a flash of red and yellow when lightning strikes at the mention of her name, hinting that she is nearby.

In the beginning of chapter one, Twilight <- space is described as having tired eyes and Pinkie <- no comma not only is mentioned to have been baking non-stop for three days, but in the audio reading image, she appears tired-looking, <- comma with bags under her eyes and her mane a mess.

Edited by Arivne on Aug 16th 2024 at 8:56:22 AM

Arivne Since: Jan, 2001

#30897: Aug 16th 2024 at 9:13:09 AM

Get Help With English Here (30) @brb1006


Marusu getting tortured by Venus in order to get further information from Unico on the mysterious powers.

After Unico transforms Chloe into a human girl for a second time when she meets Byron. She slowly starts becoming comfortable with being human instead of a cat. Unlike the original, the way Chloe begs him to extend her time as a human is portrayed as somewhat creepy and mildly unhinged. At one point, we get a close up shot of Chloe's eyes with Unico's reaction of being unsettled over it. After he extends her time as a human, Unico decides to look at his own reflection in a lake, <- comma with his reflection becoming distorted.

After Venus becomes enraged over Unico being transformed into an adult unicorn, <- comma we get a brief scene of Marusu, <- comma who appears to have passed out over getting tormented by Venus.

Venus herself is constantly surrounded by glass due to her obsession with beauty. A Splash Panel during Volume 1's climax <- no comma shows Unico's friends, allies, and family inside shattered mirrors and glass while he becomes extra powerful in his adult form.

"There is a way" is repeated twice in Volume 1. During the prologue, West Wind notices leaves that spell out these words when she's wishing there was a way to end Unico's endless cycle of forgetting his friends and others. While Chloe and Granny...

First when she explains to Jinkins the importance of being a Watch Dog, second when she first witnesses Unico being chased by robbers...

His powers and strength increase after he hears words of encouragement and love from his friends and allies. This includes characters who didn't gain a proper introduction, <- comma such as Unico's father, Corn, and Chico, and Garappachi and Okuzu, <- comma who are set to appear in future volumes.

NicMasterTrope (Troper in training)

#30898: Aug 16th 2024 at 9:37:39 AM

Signature Series Arc - Fairy Tail:

  • Tower of Heaven Arc, which is considered a high point of the series in terms of action and drama by fleshing out Erza's backstory and character and providing one of the series most memorable moments, such as the first, permnanent onscreen death or Natsu's fight against Jellal.
  • Sirius Island Arc is also widely celebrated as the point where manga has truly started Growing the Beard by entering into the clear Myth Arc territory and introducing series' Big Bad Ensemble in Zeref and Acnologia, as well as the series' Breakout Character Mavis, not to mention starting from this arc supporting characters would be given more time to shine and the sheer amount of emotion and action that took place in.
  • Tartaros...

KBoult Since: Jun, 2024

#30899: Aug 16th 2024 at 12:04:11 PM

I have tear jerker moments in Another Apple sleep experiment.

Apple Bloom explaining how Granny Smith passed away from grief of taking care of her when she was paralysed in her back hooves and a heat stroke suffering Big Mac and from what happened in the Acres.

  • Also, her tearfully talking about how Applejack got hurt saving her from a prison guard while trying to help her escape and hasn't woken up since.
    • And lastly, Apple Bloom snuggling Applejack on the bed after killing Twilight, tearfully begging her to wake up and apologizing for not listening to her about letting go of her grudge on Twilight and her friends abandoning Applejack to rot in a prison cell.

G-Editor I'm Back! Since: Mar, 2015 Relationship Status: Above such petty unnecessities

I'm Back!

#30900: Aug 16th 2024 at 2:07:29 PM

Got some more trope entries to check for spelling and grammar errors

Batman: Caped Crusader

  • Low Fantasy: While this show has some supernatural and fantastical elements (such as The Gentlemen Ghost, a Borrowin' Samedi making an appearance, Nocturna’s vampiric powers, etc), it’s still takes place in a more grounded setting compared to most DC works, with both the main heroes and villains being normal humans, with the primary genre being Film Noir due to the 1940s setting.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Downplayed regarding Thorne since has always been a notorious mobster and never treated as a joke, but Thorne had loved ones and standards that made him seemed less bad and dangerous compared to the other more immediate villains Batman had to face, while Harvey Dent simply dismisses Thorne’s threats if the former didn’t do what Thorne wanted. Then, Thorne orders Dent’s disfiguration resulting in Dent’s fall from grace and laters orders his death, and by the end of Season 1 Thorne is the one bad guy who gets everything he wanted.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Both Batman and Harvey Dent underestimate Thorne’s capabilities and reach has he in Gotham, where they dismiss the threat Throne posses. This backfires on both Batman and Dent, where Thorne has the latter disfigured and killed and eventually succeeds in getting everything he wants, which causes Batman to no longer underestimate Thorne, instead making stopping Thorne his top priority.

Disventure Camp

  • Back Stabbing The Alpha Bitch: Ally double crosses Riya once it’s made clear to Ally that Riya was only using her, where Ally eliminates Riya’s sole ally, Grett, when she couldn’t eliminate Riya, due to Riya winning immunity, thus leaving Riya with no allies left in the game.

My sandbox of EPs and other stuff


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Get Help With English Here (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.