Roasted Grape Pork Chops with Twice Baked Potatoes Recipe (2024)

+ This Roasted Grape Pork Chops with Twice Baked Potatoes post brought to you by the folks at Pompeian +

Several years ago, when my sweetheart and I were first married, I decided to try and learn how to cook a really great meal for him. I did a bunch of research and found a menu from one of my favorite Food Network Chefs, Tyler Florence. It was a bit ambitious for my early culinary skills, but I decided that I wanted to give it a go. It was a fun Fontina and Prosciutto Pork Chops with Grilled Polenta Squares and Roasted Grapes.

I followed the recipe to a “T” and I learned two things…

1. Those 30 minute cooking shows don’t equal 30 minutes in the kitchen for the real home cook. UGH!

2. With an amazing recipe, following each step precisely you can look like a total ROCK STAR in the kitchen!

It was one of my kitchen “ah ha” moments. I could cook, I just needed some direction. The meal was aaaamazing! We felt like we were eating at a restaurant. From that point forward, my approach to cooking was totally transformed. I took the time to learn, not just execute. I tasted things along the way, really TASTING what I was doing. I explored as much as possible so that I developed a palette that was educated and refined. I fell in love with the art of cooking!

My husband just celebrated a birthday and when I asked what he wanted for his birthday dinner, he basically said surprise me! I decided to recreate elements of that special meal from so many years ago. Of course… This time I put my own spin on the menu!

We had Pork Chops with Roasted Grapes along with Twice Baked Potatoes, my husband’s favorite!!

I made both of these dishes with some of my new favorite cooking oils… Pompeian Avocado and Grape Seed Oil Sprays.

Pompeian Avocado & Grapeseed Oil Spray is an innovative, unique and eco-friendly cooking spray that utilizes a powerful pouch system without the use of propellants or other artificial additives, so not a single drop is wasted and the oil is never mixed with any chemicals.

The unique spray can and pouch system also help to protect the oil from sunlight and oxygen, keeping the product fresher for longer. Pompeian Grapeseed & Avocado Oil Spray has triple action use—drop, stream, or spray—to allow for flexibility and total portion control when cooking. And it’s FANTASTIC for high heat cooking! I’ve used it two different ways. To brown my chops before I put them in the oven and I used it to crisp my potato skins for my twice baked potatoes. Here’s how you make them…

Pork Chops with Roasted Grapes + Recipe

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Roasted Grape Pork Chops with Twice Baked Potatoes Recipe

Roasted Grape Pork Chops with Twice Baked Potatoes Recipe (4)

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You will never eat porks chops the same... This brine along with the sweet grapes makes for the best pork chops ever!

Author: Heather // WhipperBerry

Recipe type: Main Dish

Serves: 4-6


  • 4-6 thick cut pork chops
  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tablespoons whole all-spice
  • 1 tablespoon whole cloves
  • 1 tablespoon whole peppercorns
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1-2 cups of ice
  • Pompeian Avocado Spray
  • 1 large bunch of red grapes


  1. You need to start your pork chops the day before you plan to serve them. The secret to these amazing chops is the brining process. You'll need a large bowl, add all of your spices.Then your salt and brown sugar.
  2. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and the pour over your salt, sugar and spice mixture. Stir to help the salt and sugar dissolve.
  3. Once the salt and sugar have dissolved into the water, add a cup or two of ice to bring down the temperature of the brine. Then slide your pork chops into the brine mixture. Add more water if needed to make sure all of the meat is totally covered.
  4. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Once you are ready to cook, remove the pork chops from the brine and dry with paper towels.
  5. Prepare your oven safe pan (I like to use cast iron) with a generous spray of Pompeian's new Avocado Oil Spray. Also, Preheat your oven to 400˚.
  6. I take the dry pork chops and season with salt & pepper and add them to a hot pan over high heat and then turn down the temp to medium high. Brown one side of the pork chops and then turn after 2 minutes or so.
  7. Add your washed grapes to the pan.
  8. Spray with the Pompeian Grapeseed Oil and place in the 400˚ oven for 10 minutes or until your pork chops are fully cooked and sitting at 145˚.
  9. Remove from the oven and let rest for at least 10 minutes.

You need to start your pork chops the day before you plan to serve them. The secret to these amazing chops is the brining process. You’ll need a large bowl, add all of your spices.

Then your salt and brown sugar.

Bring 2 cups of water to a boil and the pour over your salt, sugar and spice mixture. Stir to help the salt and sugar dissolve.

Once the salt and sugar have dissolved into the water, add a cup or two of ice to bring down the temperature of the brine.

Then slide your pork chops into the brine mixture. Add more water if needed to make sure all of the meat is totally covered.

Cover and refrigerate overnight. Once you are ready to cook, remove the pork chops from the brine and dry with paper towels.

Prepare your oven safe pan (I like to use cast iron) with a generous spray of Pompeian’s new Avocado Oil Spray. Also, Preheat your oven to 400˚.

Then I take the dry pork chops and season with salt & pepper and add them to a hot pan over high heat and then turn down the temp to medium high.

Brown one side of the pork chops and then turn after 2 minutes or so.

Add your washed grapes to the pan.

Spray with the Pompeian Grapeseed Oil and place in the 400˚ oven for 10 minutes or until your pork chops are fully cooked and sitting at 145˚. Remove from the oven and let rest for at least 10 minutes.

Twice Baked Potatoes + Recipe

1.0 from 1 reviews

Twice Baked Potatoes

Roasted Grape Pork Chops with Twice Baked Potatoes Recipe (15)

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These are my husbands all-time favorites. We have them every year for his birthday... YES, they are totally worth the extra time!

Author: Heather // WhipperBerry

Recipe type: Side Dish

Serves: 6


  • 3 large baking potatoes
  • Pompeian Avocado Oil Spray
  • 1 cup chive flavored cream cheese
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • ½ cup bacon bits
  • fresh chives
  • 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese
  • Salt & Pepper


  1. Wash and poke your potatoes with a knife and bake at 350˚ for 1 hour. Remove from oven and let cool for a bit. Cut potatoes in half, remove the flesh of the potato into a large bowl.
  2. Spray your potato skins with Pompeian Avocado Spray.
  3. Place in a 400˚ oven for 10 minutes to crisp the potato skins.
  4. In the mean time add your other ingredients the cream cheese, sour cream, bacon, cheese salt & pepper and fresh chives to the potatoes.
  5. Using a potato masher, mix well, but don't over mix.
  6. I prefer my twice baked potatoes to still have the look and feel of potato rather than a smooth mashed potato consistency.
  7. Spoon your potato mixture back into the crisp potato skins and place in a 350˚ oven for 20 minutes.
  8. Remove from oven and top with more shredded cheddar cheese and place back in the oven just until the cheese is melted. Remove and garnish with fresh chives.
  9. Serve along side the pork chops and roasted grapes. You'll be surprised... if you like apples with pork chops, you're going to LOVE roasted grapes with your favorite meat! Give it a go and let me know what you think!

Wash and poke your potatoes with a knife and bake at 350˚ for 1 hour. Remove from oven and let cool for a bit. Cut potatoes in half…

Remove the flesh of the potato into a large bowl.

Spray your potato skins with Pompeian Avocado Spray.

Place in a 400˚ oven for 10 minutes to crisp the potato skins. In the mean time add your other ingredients the cream cheese, sour cream, bacon, cheese salt & pepper and fresh chives to the potatoes.

Using a potato masher, mix well, but don’t over mix.

I prefer my twice baked potatoes to still have the look and feel of potato rather than a smooth mashed potato consistency.

Spoon your potato mixture back into the crisp potato skins and place in a 350˚ oven for 20 minutes.

Remove from oven and top with more shredded cheddar cheese and place back in the oven just until the cheese is melted. Remove and garnish with fresh chives.

Serve along side the pork chops and roasted grapes. You’ll be surprised… if you like apples with pork chops, you’re going to LOVE roasted grapes with your favorite meat! Give it a go and let me know what you think!

Disclaimer + This post is brought to you by Pompeian. I have received product and compensation for my time and recipe development. Please know, that I will only post about products that I truly love and use in my everyday life!


Roasted Grape Pork Chops with Twice Baked Potatoes Recipe (2024)


How do you make pork chops so not dry and tough? ›

Try a Marinade or Brine. A marinade or brine can introduce more moisture or lots of flavor into your meat before you cook it. A marinade is a sauce that introduces extra flavor to your pork, depending on the aromatics or herbs you choose to include. A brine pulls more moisture into the meat, which keeps your pork juicy ...

What are the two cooking methods best recommended for pork chop? ›

High-heat frying sears them to a golden brown; and a moderately hot oven (400 degrees F) bakes the pork chops gently enough to keep them from drying out. This "sear-roasting" method is a great way to cook pork chops in the oven: Fry one side to golden brown, then flip, and place the chops directly in the oven.

How to get crispy fat on pork chops? ›

To render that fat, heat your heaviest (preferably cast iron) skillet over medium-high heat and hold the chop upright, with the fatty edge against the bottom of the pan. Cook until you have a nice slick of fat in the pan and the fatty edge has started to crisp and brown, about 2 minutes.

How many minutes does pork chop take? ›

When you're frying thin pork chops over medium-high to high heat, 2 to 3 minutes per side is just right for browning and cooking them all the way through. For thicker chops, brown on both sides then check the internal temperature with a digital thermometer. It will take 5 to 6 minutes per side to completely cook them.

What is the secret to tender pork chops? ›

First, we sear one side of the chops until browned, flip them, turn the heat to low, and cover the skillet with a lid. The second side will slowly turn golden brown, and since we added the lid, the heat from the pan will gently cook the middle. By gently cooking the chops this way, they stay juicy and become tender.

Will pork chops get more tender the longer you cook them? ›

Since pork chops lack the fat of the cuts used for true pulled pork, chops cooked longer than two hours tend to taste a little chewy and dry despite the fact that they are fork-tender. To make up for it, spoon all that delicious cooking liquid over the chops to give them some extra moisture.

Is it best to cook pork chops slow or fast? ›

Baking pork chops at 350 degrees F will result in more gently cooked and tender pork chops, but it will take more time. This temperature is ideal for thicker chops (between 1 and 2 inches) as well as pan-seared chops, since the lower, slower baking ensures that the pork cooks all the way through.

How to get a good crust on pork chops? ›

Giving the pork a little time to warm up will ensure a nice crust on the outside, with a tender center. (Well, if you follow the next few pieces of advice, that is...) For chops, we like to get our pan screaming hot...then take it down to medium. That first blast of heat helps get a good golden crust.

Should pork chops be at room temperature before baking? ›

If you throw a pork chop on the stove or grill when they are ice-cold, they will easily overcook. The answer: Take your pork chops out of the fridge about 30 minutes before you plan to cook them. During this time, you can season or marinate them and prepare your side dishes. DO rest your pork chops after cooking.

Is it better to bake pork chops covered or uncovered? ›

Some baked pork chop recipes do require that the pan is covered with either foil or a lid. It creates steam and ensures that the meat is tender and juicy. Those recipes typically require a long cook time and may add vegetables to the pan, and some uncover the chops to finish browning them at a higher temperature.

Is 30 minutes long enough to bake pork chops? ›

This will prevent thin pork chops from drying out in the oven. Bake at 375 degrees for about 25 to 30 minutes for 1/2 inch thick, or 20 minutes for 1/4 inch thick. Cut into one to check for doneness.

How do you tell if a pork chop is done without a thermometer? ›

One way to determine your porks' doneness is by the color of the juices that come out of it when you poke a hole in it with a knife or fork. If the juices run clear or are very faintly pink, the pork is done cooking. If they're mostly or entirely pink or red, it's best to continue cooking.

How do you stop pork chops being tough? ›

If you want a juicy chop, you have to quickly sear it on the stove and then transfer it to the oven. Searing creates a crust that will seal in the juices and keep your chops tender while cooking. Finishing in the oven will ensure the chop is cooked through without the risk of overcooking.

How do you keep pork chops from being dry? ›

Brine the pork to maintain moisture by soaking it in a mixture of salt and water, baking soda, vinegar or even milk. You can also pour hot water over the loin to shrink the rind, which can enable better absorption of brine, milk, oil or marinade.

How do you make pork soft and tender? ›

How do you make pork soft and tender? Soak your pork in a salt-based brine before cooking it using your desired method. Pork chops need to soak between 12–24 hours, an entire pork tenderloin needs to soak for 6–12 hours, and an entire pork loin requires 2–4 days of soaking.

How do I make my pork chops tender again? ›

The very best way to reheat leftover pork chops is low and slow with a little extra moisture — you can use either broth or water with great results. While you can reheat pork tenderloin in a pan or use a cast iron to reheat lamb chops, pork chops really do reheat best in the oven.

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.